it may be misery porn that insists upon itself but its MY misery porn that insists upon itself

I know that some hardcore fans are going to hate me for this but the anime is 100% a better version of the vn

you can handcuff random civilians and throw pepper spray at them making it the most accurate cop simulator up to this date

there's an anime called akikan about a dude who buys a soda can that turns into a cute girl and imo watching that is better than playing this

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the most memorable thing about this game is that it features ghost rape

I find funny how this was mostly sold as a horror game when its mainly a sick shooter
doesn't mean that I didn't shit my pants when certain parts happened though

its free, has cute girls and doesn't overstay its welcome because its like one hour long

Really wants to be an HBO prestige series but often comes across as an extra edgy netflix drama

Of all the games with a "play as the bad guy" premise The Witch and the Hundred Knight is the one that I feel that actually doesn't shy away from that. While here you don't control Metallia, the witch herself, you do obey to her every whim and that often means causing genuine harm to others.
When I first played this I was fully expecting Metallia to be a Satania like character, someone who tries to be evil but its actually a goofy dumbass, however I was pretty surprised when I saw that she's actually a nasty piece of work. Doing her bidding actually means actively making the world a worse place, while getting zero thanks for it.
Sadly that's pretty much where anything interesting about the game ends. Everything else is repetitive gameplay with an overly complex combo system that you don't really need to experiment with that much since the moment you find something that works you'll stick with it for a long time, until the game throws another type of enemy down the line and repeat the process.
I only recommend this if you're into overly complex combat systems, don't mind repetitive gameplay on bland dungeons, want to play the baddie and have a fetish for being dommed by evil witches.


siri from now on I want you to turn every song into a nightcore remix

For me the most impressive thing about this game is how the managed to fit voice acting, multiple cutscenes and game modes in a single nintendo 64 cartridge

would you PLEASE sign my petition?

"this game is deep and stuff bro, it says something about the human contidion" I utter as I furiously masturbate to 2B sfm porn

made me cry like an anime fan on prom night

my mom used to stay up until late trying to beat this game