had problems with audio constantly dropping out 3 hours in. will come back to later

got a bit much for me at some points but still think it's really amazing

after playing through this game again, obtaining all puzzle pieces and playing the two extra levels, i can say that this game (outside of flatline) is a perfect game. absolute masterpiece.

ignore the story. everything else about this game is perfect.

was extremely addictive for a while but there's a point where you have to really look at what you're putting yourself through and say "i've had enough"

a good little skateboarding game with a good soundtrack that i kind of got tired of after i beat all of the main levels. i have no desire to go back and 100% beat the game.

non-stop fun with no areas or points in the game that felt like bs. new favorite

relaxing and beautiful game. i can see myself coming to replay this game over and over again just to get that warm feeling.

decent game with a crap load of content. enjoyable but i kind of got sick of it after 10 hours.

this game is extremely flawed. the story starts strong and ends strong, with everything in between ranging from average to non-enjoyable story telling. the gameplay has a lot of new features but still holds onto unnecessary crap from the first game, like the sniper sequence and clickers being massive pains in the ass. on top of that, the game adds two shit boss fights that were just miserable to fight. despite all of that, this game made made me feel so many powerful emotions that no other game has ever done to me before. it's the only game that has made me cry twice. i can't help but feel attached to this game.

a really good resident evil experience but there are some sequences and parts during the game that are a bit tiring and frustrating

this game needs to join dante's mother and die in a hole

this game has left such an impact on me. i love almost everything about this game. the only reason it isn't perfect in my mind is that the clickers are some of the worst enemies in video games ever.

this dlc removes everything i liked about the base game. it removed the looting, cut down the combat to two proper gunfights against humans and infected and replace the impeccable story of the base game with a series of boring, shitty and cringey lines of dialogue and character interactions. the only things ilike about this dlc is that the two main gunfights have humans and infected together in the same area which makes it fun to draw the infected to the humans and pick off whoever is left and the fact that this dlc is so short means that it doesn't drag on and makes it easy to go for all achievements.