Arguably the best version of RE1 with stuff like a dedicated knife button and quick turn being great additions to ease into RE1's more adventure gamey roots. You do get noticeably worse looking backgrounds and FMVs than any other version, but it's not too bad on a DS screen

Probably the best of the Gears trilogy, tho some story beats don't really land and your teammates feel like they get in your way more often than they used to

fantastically designed and balanced game, one of the best on the NES... until the last two stages where it becomes a bit too reliant on keeping the right subweapon you can use to cheese it on hand and at which point I have zero qualms about savescumming to the end

makes great use of its 3D environment for fun and unique gameplay and has an amazing style and presentation
the only complaints I have are the ground movements physics being just a little too slippery for some of the more precise platforming later on and a few moments of wacky depth perception

really great remixed take on Bionic Commando with stellar visuals and music. much more forgiving than the NES game too, but the challenge starts to ramp up halfway through (I have no qualms save state scumming a couple rooms in Area 16 and Albatross)
lowkey maybe the best GameBoy and Bionic Commando game?

never got around to finishing the campaign but it's pretty comfy


best build engine game no contest

lowkey the best fighting game on the SNES and just a great fighter all around

total dogshit beat em up but it's got a couple bits of decent spritework

A perfect remake of a cult classic, takes the original and faithfully brings it up to the level of production value it's always deserved

pacing is kinda slow at the start cause it takes its time introducing every new mechanic, but I love the new characters and the writing is so good

Easily my favorite mainline Final Fantasy game.
Stunning visuals that make the most of the PS2 to deliver the most authentic representations of Akihiko Yoshida's art this side of Vagrant Story, an incredible soundtrack, an intricate story with phenomenal voice acting, and one of the best realtime RPG battle systems ever seen. There's so much customization with the gambit system that it's crazy to me it isn't the standard for AI-controlled party members in every RPG by now.
The world of the game is so expansive that it'd be such a waste to just run through the main story. It's full of interesting NPC dialogue that fleshes out the world, obscure hidden away secrets that feel like a treat to stumble across, and an entire chain of harder hunt fights where the meat of the high level play lies.
The Zodiac Age is arguably the best version of FFXII - the visuals and soundtrack have been extremely faithfully remastered and it sees a host of new gameplay options like expanding the IZJS job system with dual classing and a very welcome fast forward option to speed up dungeon crawling and mob fights. The only complaints I could have are a few eh fonts choices (not nearly as bad as some Square Enix remasters in that regard tho) and it'd be nice to have the option for vanilla, pre-job system FFXII (even if I think the game is overall much better with it than without).
I cannot recommend this game enough, it's the magnum opus of Square Enix's amazing PS2 era output.

My eyes glaze over when I get to all the weird RPG system stuff but the game kicks ass

I've never gotten more than like a third of the way through cause the repetition gets to be a bit much but it's like an... ok tactical shooter. Totally fine for a launch game that's good to kill time on breaks