Looks absolutely stunning and plays great, with a massively improved translation over the Wii version to boot. I really need to hop on the DLC this version added

Bamco please put this on PC for a reasonable price god. More people need to play Gundam Vs, it's great and the latest home console entry is rock solid

lowkey my favorite Gundam Vs, it's mega snappy and fast with a fantastic roster and ~aesthetic~ low poly vibe

really great camera game that captures the mood of the 2020s perfectly
Main campaign drags just a little bit imo, the DLC is fucking perfect tho

what if Pong by way of fighting game? Incredibly simple and simply incredible. The arcade mode can give you a taste, but like Pong you really need other people playing to get the most out of it

The first week when it dropped on game pass was loads of fun; it's Windjammers, one of the best arcade head to head games ever made, but with people actually playing! Unfortunately that dried up really quick, and without that there just isn't much to it

base gameplay is loads of fun, multiplayer would probably be sick if it ever had any sort of community. The campaign is basically just a series of bot matches with a skungy story and voice acting, it can be easily cleared in an afternoon and gives a small taste of what could have been

this does a remarkably amazing job translating Ninja Gaiden's controls to a DS touchscreen. If you like NG and have a DS lying around definitely worth playing

straight up forgot about this
it feels like a tech demo for a version of Gungrave GORE that never existed
I'll give them a bonus point for getting the anime dub cast back for the like five voice lines tho GORE couldn't be assed to do that

a couple bits of confusing level design, but overall it holds up super well and has a satisfying sandbox gameplay loop that no other games have really tried to replicate. MCC version comes highly recommended now that it's been totally fixed up

a pretty strong contender for one of my favorite games in the series
while it would be extremely reductive and pretty stupid to call it a "Soulslike" or "Armored Souls" or whatever, it does take a lot of lessons from the past fifteen years of FromSoft's game design and retroactively applies them to their original golden goose. Unsurprisingly this has proven to be rather divisive in the AC fandom, especially amongst the PvP crowd, but imo it makes for one of the best single player campaigns the series has seen. There are some issues to be had in regards to weapon balancing and a more subdued and cinematic soundtrack that, while far from bad, isn't quite as memorable as Hoshino's prior work, but this is hopefully just the start for a new era of AC
gimme the Silent Line/For Answer followup

turn on the "gangsta guns" cheat the second you get it to make the sick grind rail sections even sicker

fun, but kinda weak on the story and level design

the lack of a universal strafe and normal "third-person shooter" controls honestly makes for some really fun planning and situational weapon use