believe it or not i got this for the gameplay. i literally do not care about any of these franchises or characters i just played the demo and thought it was cool

they really gotta put this somewhere else man its so underrated!! also i'm pretty sure this was the first zelda game i played lol

i kinda did not like this one very much! i dont give a shit about these lame ass kids kiryu! i want you to punch things more!

got this for chrimbo after asking for the OG adventures and was very mad. it was alright, but i still think OG is better

i played this game when i was recovering from wisdom teeth removal surgery. good times plus i learned about italian history. pretty neat

used to play this a lot in the 3ds days man oh man


this game was fun. mostly i used it as a controller for smash wii u

awesome awesome awesome awesome games

it gave me a headache when i played it when i was little


many a days were spent playing in the mcdonalds room at grandma's house

cool game, but i wish you didnt have to play the game like five time to get all of the lore because thinking about having to replay the first half over and over again is exhausting

pretty fun, but i wish it was better and had more content like the older games. i really hate the gradual update system, it completely ruins what i liked about new leaf; it had a nice sense of progression where acnh just forced you to wait

first real zeldy game i ever played, and i love it for that :)

really liked the battle system in this game, probably the most out of the newer fire emblem games. only thing i didn't like about the gameplay is that you arent allowed to grind which is stupid. the story was also pretty dumb but i don't really play these games for the plot lmao