182 Reviews liked by waterbakey

Genuinely a game I think I'll be playing forever. Ever since hitman 1 way back in 2016 I have been hooked and have played every level in this over and over and over again, especially for 1 and 2 I know every map there like the back of my hand. Don't have much to add to the conversation for this game but I just love it so much, one of the best sandbox games of all time and I cannot wait for the james bond game. Also freelancer mode kicks ass it is so good

games that take permanent residence in the brain: your Outer Wilds; Obra Dinns; Spelunkys; Dark Souls & Bloodbornes

i can feel Animal Well meeting their new neighbours

This happened to my buddy Eric

I'm still not sure if getting every single achievement for this game is a source of pride or shame. I'd take a remaster of this gem over a fifth game any day.

Really cute and chill game that was a nice use of a couple hours. Learning about this girl’s life while judging her for how she packs boxes was just a really pleasant time.

quaint game, short and cute. Satisfying as well. But I feel the game is too feminine. I think a sequel where you play as a man, unpacking guns and disassembling them or just setting up your living room as a chair and a tv on a milk crate, anything but having to decorate my windowsill with shiny rocks or handle tmpons and brs.

This person is awful at packing. I've moved house more than enough times to know there is no justifiying some of the mixed boxes in this game.

I have to say, the sheer number of pixel art assets in this game, the quality of them, the support for rotations and pinning... they did such a great job with it. I can't even begin to imagine the amount of work that must have gone into this. Amazing attention to detail. Some of the best pixel art I have ever seen.

This game really is Exhibit A that having a good premise makes all the difference for an indie title. The core conceit here is novel and relatable, creating all kinds of interesting possibilities for emergent narratives. I was struck by how the journey through adulthood, as told through living spaces, created a natural narrative and level progression. The whole idea feels very pure, very Miyamoto-esque, in how it translates the mundane experiences of everyday life into gameplay.

My only problem with Unpacking is that the gameplay loop doesn't evolve from level to level. It scales linearly, giving you more rooms and more packages to open, but never really mixes things up or introduces any challenge besides handling a few misplaced items. Despite taking only three hours and change for me to complete, it still managed to get extremely tedious towards the end.

On the whole, though, a very enjoyable and different experience. Good for zoning out to while listening to a podcast. Three and a half stars.

What is the little white guy? Is it an egg or a potato? I don't understand the enemies either. anyways torture is cool in this

Played on GFWL with a kid from Japan. It somehow timed perfectly that I played with them after my school finished. He couldn't speak english well so no voice chat. Communication was only through like the four preset gestures but somehow worked perfectly. They would always spam the "thank you" gesture after we got through difficult fights. After we finished the campaign, a message popped up from them. It was just "thank you" in english. Made me tear up.

Perfect love letter to the PS2 era of gaming. Made me feel more for a stuffed elephant than any AAA game has for a human. The Nier 3 we deserve but Square Enix refuses to give us

When you're four years old, you're the biggest dumbass on the planet. You're a big stupid poo poo head. Any other idiot could walk up and pretend to pull a quarter out of your ear, and you'll be amazed and stop cleaning your ears out of fear of losing anymore quarters coming out of them.

When we came home with Sonic & Knuckles, I was astonished at this supposed new abra kapocus-hocus kadabra bullshit that has warped time and space to allow Knuckles to appear in Sonic 2. Woah, what are you doing Knucklehead, this is Sonic's game!! Not no more! The dumbass wheels in my dumbass kid brain started turning, then they started hitting the thick mud that made up the majority of my head and began digging up dumbass ideas that only a child with no concept of how things work would think of. I could make Knuckles appear in Sonic 2, clearly that means I could make Sonic characters appear in other games too! Alright Sonic, we're playing some goddamned football! Then what do you know, I get greeted with "NO WAY!" on the TV screen and become dumbfounded and insulted.

What do you mean you don't wanna play Joe Montana Football?!? What are you? An idiot?! I thought you were cool Sonic! I'm tired of my best friend stabbing me in the back. You think I'm playing? Sonic, I'm not playing. I'm gonna rip your head off. You're supposed to be my friend!

Flying Battery Zone solos the entire Mario franchise.

Having not played the original when I was a kid, I did everything possible to get as close to the child-like experience:

Step 1 - Remove all four of your wisdom teeth

Step 2 - Take painkillers before reverting to baby-state and sleep for 24 hours

Step 3 - After baby-state hibernation is complete, awaken as a young disgruntled adolescent who lays on the couch for days on end while playing Mario RPG and eating copious amounts of jello and pudding

Step 4 - Add in watching some Sopranos and some more painkillers and realize the connections between the New Jersey mob and the Super Mario RPG gang - Mario is obviously Tony leading the gang but still has some issues, Mallow is Christopher who comes along early and immediately you're like ah this fucking guy c'mon bro but then he comes in clutch a few times, Geno is Silvio the right hand man, Bowser is the combo of Paulie and Big Pussy with the fat guy enforcer aesthetic, and Peach is the smokin' hot therapist as evidenced by her first special move being called 'Therapy.' The Smithy gang are a combo of Tony's own family and his fears of losing his kingdom - put a pair of glasses on Exor's sword or Smithy and tell me that's not Uncle Junior in the flesh.

Step 5 - Write this dumbass review and boot up Paper Mario

This fucking game is the reason I haven't been playing anything else. One of the best MP games of all time, argue with the wall