182 Reviews liked by waterbakey

This game has a dedicated key to fart and burp.

I just liked to grab the tank and blow up cop cars for hours.

(8-year-old's review, typed by his dad)

Baba yetsu yetsu tamoogi
Googoo gaga baba-ba-baba

That's my impression of the theme. I have a world where I can, like, mess with the stuff. And I went to the Egypt city thing on City Mode and made it Barbarian, made it only have the bad stuff, and made its population extremely high. And put it in a Fallout zone in an island in the middle of the ocean!

(6-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

Hmm. In my game, it was like, there was some cities and towns. I named my cities Kittyland, Kitty Village, and Kitty London. My most favorite thing that's kitties was the lions and bears, and they just left! I have no idea why they left. Meow.

SONIC the HEDGEHOG. One of the GREATEST and MOST ATTRACTIVE characters ever thought up. He can run at sound speed, take out enemies in a FLASH, and BEST OF ALL, he's BLUE colored and knows how to handle the FEMALES. SPEAKING of females, the Sonic universe might be classified as HOT CHICK HEAVEN, cause there's such a mess of very BEAUTIFUL and TOUGH women, that it'll make you love the franchise EVEN MORE. And since VALENTINES DAY is around the corner, I've been inspired to make a TOP TEN list of the most BEAUTIFUL female Sonic characters. Grab yourself a SNACK and a glass of ORANGE JUICE, and TRY not to reach through the screen because HERE WE GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Peak autismcore gaming, build a gorgeous little miniature and watch all the little ant people walk around and ride the rides. This game is fantastic. In the modern day the way I recommend playing it is by picking up RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 and the OpenRCT2 sourceport, as well as a user-created campaign pack that recreates the original game's scenarios. Almost no change to the actual content and mechanics of the game, but lots of improvements made on the technical side of things to keep it running smoothly on modern systems.

a serviceable soulslike with fun, fast-paced combat, a handful of interesting ideas, and a cool aesthetic. with that said, it tries to do a bit too much, overcomplicating and padding out what could have been a short and sweet experience, and it falls short in key areas, like level design. it also has some jankiness in regards to hitboxes and the consistency of certain moves, which can make losing infuriating at times.

Sex 2


Sex was so good they had to make a sequel.

I think this is the pinnacle of turn base strategy games. Everything after this felt lackluster in some way or another.

This game is unique in almost every single way. It allows you to equip your soldiers in any way you want, take up to 40 soldiers to missions (or only 1), you can destroy all the buildings you find, set grenades to detonate far in the future.

This is balanced for the early-mid game. If you take too many soldiers you will spend a lot of money equipping them, the more you have the easier is for one to lose moral, drop everything (even primed grenades) and flee, maybe killing other, more important, soldiers.

Late game is a different story, both you and the aliens are overpowered. They can mind control your soldiers if they have a low psy ability. You can fire missiles that moves in a pattern defined by you, if those hit an enemy you will kill it and probably every enemy around it.

Overall, the best strategy experience I had in any game.

In my freshman year of college, one of my roommates installed this on all of our laptops. His favorite thing in the world was to have five of us (who had never played this game before) all be on a team against him. He wiped the floor with us every time.

It was less than a month before every one of us outright refused to play with him anymore

fun enough story, lots of cool lore, intriguing characters and a truly great combat system. with that said, the pacing of the second half drags, leading to most of its best aspects wearing a bit thin by the end. also, while I did find the story to be a fun enough time, it definitely has a lot of shortcomings in terms of character growth and motivations, which was disappointing. regardless, it is the most fun I have had with this type of rpg in a very long time.

1 like = 1 sperm to fertilize scott pilgrum

I've seriously been playing it every single day for the last 3 years. I think something's wrong with me.

bethesda games used to be broken and badly written in fun ways. my favourite fact about this game is that they organised the script in alphabetical order when they gave it to the voice actors, so the reason everything sounds so disjointed is that two lines in the same conversation might have been recorded hours apart from each other. thats the type of absolutely insane decision-making which went into making this game, and for that alone i have to support it.

gaunter o'dimm is one of the 3 best villains of all time and he is not number 2 or 3.