182 Reviews liked by waterbakey

I enjoyed this. VERY flawed game but honestly, as weird as it sounds to say this about a ubisoft game, this is underated. First off, this game is a TERRIBLE splinter cell game, however judging it based on what it is instead of it's name, this is very enjoyable. The stealth... exists in this game and I usally just played a mix of stealth and action. It's a power fantasy, and I was playing on the hardest difficulty which didn't allow me to go full action but full stealth isn't really an option. The game keeps on introducing half baked ideas which it'll throw out in the next level(or use it like one more time), but that's fine. The weapon progression is dogshit. there's barely any upgrades to your guns and even the upgrades there are feel useless. I loved the different levels, a lot of variety in location of the levels, and it being set in DC was so cool, funny how two of some of the best representations of DC in video games is by ubisoft. The gadgets were kinda cool, the story was surprisngly really good until the end. Don't want to spill into spoiler territory, but the game just straight up spoils a big twist at the end with a flash forward(which lasts a couple seconds) and then just reverses that twist when it does eventually happen, for no apparent reason. The writing was pretty strong, and I felt invested throughout, although the ending was pretty stupid.

This was like 6 hours, it's in and it's out and nothing more to it. I had a lot of fun with this and honestly recommend the game, even though it has a million flaws, both little and big

I was gonna play Kiwami, but after hearing the dub and seeing the off the balls intro, this is the only way the game is mean't played, I don't care if I'm wrong

I grew more chest hair fighting death than going through puberty

Fun puzzles. I thought they would get old fast but new ideas kept being added. I think some of the later ones were a bit weird and less fun in general like when they added combat - but still a good time. Part of me wanted the creators to fully flesh out more of the Lemmings concept from the first couple chapters.

Also, the default speed of the creatures is wayyyyy too slow. I had RT held basically the whole time just to make these little guys run faster.

As the game is made by Enhance, it has awesome vibes which is what lured me in from when I saw the trailer. Their unique style of colour and lights and particles and FUNKY music is just great I love that about their games.

I hate this yellow faced Mickey Mouse-eyed motherfucker so goddamn motherfucking much. He has caused so much grievances for my goddamn family with his smug shitty face that screams "I just took a huge massive steaming shit on your lawn and you can do nothing about it because I peed on the pile of shit and then stepped on it so then it'd stick even more and it's gonna storm in 5 minutes you fucking idiot shit licker". Good god, I just want to punch him so bad and the ghosts aren't any better either. All of them looking so fucking stupid and smug and Blinky, the red ghost "did" my mom while whistling "Doin Your Mom" by Fatty Spins. After that traumatic experience, the other weird shit-eating motherfucking ghost bitches then tried to mug me. I just wanna run them over with my lawn mower and as for Pac-Man, I wanna put my fist in his stupid fucking mouth instead of those weird white dots fuck this game fuck Pac-Man and fuck the ghosts and I want my money back.

My therapist says "it's just a game"; well I think it's war. I will see them in court.

(in all seriousness i think this game is super annoying and find pac-man super punchable)

Pretty cool, the microtransactions are unbearable tho

Someone made a three hour review on fucking Pac-Man. How much cocaine does one have to take to do such a thing.

Game is alright and iconic yadda yadda. There was an arcade near my friends house and he had this tiny little Asian mom the sweetest lady ever and when she put a quarter in that machine she went BEAST MODE AND DESTROYED EVERY OTHER HIGH SCORE THERE i actually shit myself a little

fun game i threw some stuff at a cat

NES Week: Day #7

So, we’ve finally made it. After enjoying some simple pinball, ‘climbing’ up some icey mountains, hitting a ball with a racket, finding gems as a red blob, being a motorcyclist, and fighting with some balloons, we have finally made it. We’ve made it to Super Mario bros.

I could’ve gone for duck hunt for the last game but I thought that wouldn’t be great enough and that the perfect game to play at last is Nintendo’s mascot himself! My history with this game is pretty short. I used to play quite a bit of it but never get past world 6. Turns out there was a way to getting to world 8 all the way from world 5 so…that was nice to know at last after I’d gone through quite a lot of pain but oh well.

In the game you play as Mario on his way to save princess toadstool from the evil king koopa (or peach and bowser). On the way you’ll come across goombas, koopa troopas and buzzy beetles. You’ll also find lakitus who just love to annoy you every chance you get. As a game, Super Mario bros. has aged pretty well. Not ridiculously well but definitely well enough for it to still be played today. And yes: it is pretty difficult near the end but not as difficult as some other Mario games on the NES (looking at you lost levels) but overall you’ll still be able to enjoy a timeless classic.

Classic, recognisable music, decent enemies, bullet bills come at the wrong time, your princess is in another castle!

I can't believe that they made a Chris Pratt origin story adaptation in video game form

yeah it's alright but I don't think this series is gonna go anywhere



Along with it being a genre-defining landmark of the first-person shooter genre, the birthplace of speedrunning, and a haven for a mod community that is thriving to this day, John Romero's Doom is also known for the slew of game consoles, calculators, thermostats, and pregnancy tests that it has been ported to both officially and unofficially, and while I did like how this gave me a ton of options to choose from when I decided to finally give the game a shot, it also made actually settling on one somewhat difficult due to how different some of these versions are. Initially, I played up to the 14th mission using the Doom 32X Resurrection hack of the Sega 32X port, but since that version wouldn't let me make any kinds of saves for some reason, I decide to cut out the middle man and play the original MS-DOS version after wrapping my head around how DOSBox worked (although not before accidentally downloading and playing through the shareware version). This was a very good decision on my part, as it meant that I got to play this awesome game the way that it was originally intended to be played, and I had an absolute blast while doing so.

Even with all of the innovations that have come to first-person shooters over the years, Doom is still as fun of a game as it's ever been in part due to its simplicity. Whether you're blasting the armies of Hell away with a shotgun, ripping them apart with a chainsaw, or decimating them with the iconic BFG 9000, the combat in Doom is consistently hectic, thrilling, and satisfying, and that applies to both the power fantasy moments of turning waves of demons into assortments of gory pastes and the more tense encounters where you're low on health and ammo and need to make every shot count. There were several times in my playthrough where I was so invested in the game's action that I was literally ducking and dodging my head in real life whenever an Imp's hell-fire or a Cacodemon's ball-lighting came my way, and I feel like that sums up just how fun this game is to play. Doomguy's blisteringly fast running speed not only made maneuvering around enemy attacks and even tricking them into fighting each other by luring them out feel responsive, but it also helped with the game's moments of exploration, as each level is filled to the brim with secrets that lead you to ammo dumps, powerups, and even hidden levels. Doom also features some immensely charming presentation, as the 2.5D blend of nightmarish 2D sprites and 3D environments ranging from futuristic military bases on the moons of Mars to the fleshy, rugged terrain of Hell were a great match for both Bobby Prince's blend of blood-pumping metal and ominous ambient music and the humorous text crawls that show up at the end of each chapter.

Before I got into Doom, one of my biggest worries about the game was that I would spend most of it just trying to look for where I was supposed to go next due to how often I've heard people make that exact criticism, but thankfully, that rarely ever happened. Because all of the halls and rooms in each level end up either looping back to a central hub or overlapping with each other, I pretty much never got lost (especially with how the corpses I'd leave in my wake ended up serving as markers for where I had already been), and I rarely even checked the in-game map because of how distinct every area felt. I will say that I wasn't that big of a fan of the more open levels that showed up later on, though, because while they were still good, the amount of empty space that they featured made them a lot less interesting to navigate than the rest of the game's levels. Despite this, Doom was still a fantastic first-person shooter that aged incredibly well, and not only am I excited to check out Doom II and Doom 64, but I also want to try out a few more of the earlier boomer shooters such as Wolfenstein 3D, Duke Nukem 3D, Quake, and Blood as well.

I think Mario 2 is one of the more fun Mario games, but it is definitely very different. I like some of the platforming challenges and the way players can choose their character, and how much this changes things. It does get stupid in terms of how some challenges become impossible to solve but it's a fun game otherwise.

Somehow the Zelda team was able to craft an experience superior to one of the most transcendent games ever made. Thi s game is better than BOTW in nearly every single measure, and then some. The dungeons, the side content, the story, the bosses, enemy variety. Every single thing that I liked about BOTW has been improved alongside additions of some staple Zelda motifs. What a game.