took everything wrong with the first game, fixed all of it up
took everything right with the first game, amplified it by a bunch, added a cool multiplayer mode
8.5/10, what a cool guy

i lov
everything about Xenoblade Chronicles™ 3
the combat is very fun and cool and the music i lov
characters are all enjoyable except for a couple of em and the environments are all pretty as hell

fun and charming little rhythm game that's super replayable considering it isn't even an hour long lmao
cheap cheap go kinda hard thou

can't say much since it's just a demo rn but it's promising i think
the art's cute and the vocaloids or whatever they are sound pretty nice
control scheme is just a bit finicky to work with

logging again since i'm starting to play it a bit more
not for the netcode (ps4 player ☹️) but for all the characters that aren't in strive

I can't tell you why but I just really don't like the menus in this game, especially the character select screen. Somethin about all of it just feels off. Still fun to play at least, which is probably more important for a fighting game.

i'll drop this game the moment they put elphelt in strive

my first time ever beating this game, me following an Out of Bounds speedrun tutorial
i'd imagine i could do a hell of a lot better, considering i know what to do now, and i'm not gonna be pausing in between to learn what to do next, but as of right now my PB is about 1h49m
Super sick speedrun, don't know much about the rest of the game though. The two bosses I fought were fun, and the music is groovy. Solid 8/10

maybe whenever i feel like it i'll go back n play it normally lol

Easily one of the most unsettling experiences I've ever had with a video game, if not the most unsettling. Every aspect of this game exemplifies that feeling of unease perfectly, from the art style, the music/ambience, the dialogue. I felt as if I had to keep my guard up for the 2.5 hours I spent completing this game and all of its endings, because I could never guess what would come after each choice.
My favorite endings were "Is anyone there?" for the writing, and "Everything is fine" for the scare factor. 8/10 game, loved every second, as short as it was.

girl if an item looks like it could be useful then you pick it up, you don't gotta know exactly where it goes beforehand 😭

another game I wanted to try because of the OST, not a bad game but wasn't great. I can't be too hard on it since it was only like 5 hours long, and the story was pretty neat at times.

just kinda found this in my house a few years ago, used a code to skip to the end.
idk what this show is, not a fan

came back after not playing it for like 10 months, can confirm still banger
got abt a 50 minute run after all that time w/ no practice, forgot how fun the speedrun is lol

i don't have a lot to say about this'n, it's a 40-50 minute long game for a dollar.
level design got noticeably worse around the last few levels, for a game that likes to advertise it's speed and flow, i definitely had to sit and wait around a number of times more than i'd have liked.
very okay game, 5/10

5* - i lov v much
everything from the song to the actual character is great, unfortunately not very good at her
shoutout to the yoyo characters of the world

5* - my main
life goals is to look exactly like this within the next 5 years

3.5* - idk what to say about baiken, wasn't interested in her back in rev2 and still not very interested. still cool tho

4.5* - funny gun man makes for lots of scrub quotes, i'm a fan
gun characters r cool