4* - the first character i played as in strive bc somebody told me to
cool song, no idea how to play as her tho

4* - big man with cool laser eye thing & alien thing
the more i think about it the more i realize idk shit about guilty gear lore

i didn't play the wii u version and i'm fine without it, smash run is cool
bring back sm4sh bayonetta

subspace is great too bad everything else sucks
has snake in it tho

fun to watch and probably tied, if not just my favorite smash bros
they made Samus good kinda

not the easiest to come back to but got damn those sfx are good

Used to shit on this game quite a bit and I'm not too sure why, but getting to try it out with PS+ made me change my mind pretty quick
The art and character designs are all cool, and there's some neat mechanics in here, too. So far I've been sticking to one character so I can't say much about how the rest of the cast feels, and I've also only played a couple (relatively non-laggy) online matches so that's another topic I can't speak much on.
I loved checking out the glossary and thought it was really nice seeing a whole section dedicated to regular fighting game terms. This game feels pretty beginner friendly, and I like it.

art & music are astounding, and the fighting is obviously super fun, too

bridget story make me cri, my fav

why did i give this 4* earlier, replaying this game again made me realize this just sucks lmfao
even the sonic stages are horrible like what do y'all see in this

i didn't know farewell had its own page on here lol
best chapter in the game, with the best music too
flat out perfect

kinda bad at it but this game is sick as hell anyway
i loved all the different weapons n bosses, and the story's sounding p cool too

i feel weird marking this here since the game isn't actually finished yet but oh well, hyped for act III

got lost for too long in the spider cave in chapter 7, don't feel like going back nd running around everywhere to upgrade the field skills some more
maybe i'll come back to it, as of right now i just wanna play xbc3 lol
getting into some actual details, I enjoyed most of what I played. The combat was decently fun and felt like an auditory seizure every time, but it's okay bc it funny
The voice acting felt incredibly awkward most of the time, but Zeke and Morag had some pretty cool moments. Definitely my favorite of the cast, along with their blades.
Last point, I didn't have too many problems with the whole 'gacha' mechanic. At least, until I started rolling like 30+ crystals and still not getting any good blades. Interesting game with some 'interesting' mechanics and funny accents.

3.5/5, might bump it up whenever I actually finish it. I had a very hard time taking this game seriously.


update from 3 days later because i'm a liar and went back to this game the very next day. I still stand by everything I said. Just to add a bit more good to this review, a lot of the environments were really cool (even if some of them were a bit confusing to navigate), and the music was also very good, obviously. 7/10 game, still definitely prefer the first game, and i'm looking forward to playing xbc3 eventually

don't know shit about tsukihime but this game is neat
the sprite/artwork and music are all fantastic, and it's just fun to play

i like aoko, she's got a funny outfit and some funny moves

This review was written before the game released

decent platform fighter, bumped down 1.5 stars because there's no animaniacs this game sucks