fun game, the camera could be extremely finicky a lot of the time though
gamma probably had my favorite story out of all of them
8/10 game, made me really want to play generations again

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a Sweet game with some Extra Cool character designs, and a super nice, relaxing soundtrack to really give this game that Warm feeling
the cast is relatively small, which makes sense considering the game's story is like 4 hours long, it does slightly harm the game a bit, as I feel like I never got too attached to any of the characters before the game ended. Aqua was neat, though, and reading the short stories written by Freya each day was fun.
The twist at the end was also pretty cool, and definitely the last thing I expected them to pull lmao

The side modes are fun as well, I expected the endless challenge mode to be a bit of a drag but it was surprisingly enjoyable to try and add ingredients up to fit the request, just as long as you've gotten far enough in and have enough time to do so safely.

just did a nuzlocke run of this game, was fun catching pokemon and naming them after some people i'm in a server with

run didn't go well, i lost nearly my entire team to the third gym and then lost the only survivor to the bianca fight immediately after.
aside from that this game is cool as hell, so many pokemon that evolve at way too high level or just in weird ways tho
might come back to do a normal playthrough some time soon

cooler story than 999, way worse characters though. I only started liking some of them after I saw their endings, and even then that still leaves a few that I just didn't like, the worst somehow being the main protagonist. This is one of the only times I can remember being legitimately frustrated listening to a character talk.
some puzzles were neat, some puzzles felt a bit poorly explained, I hated the last one a lot. I'm not sure how much of this I can fit into my review considering I may just be stupid
aside from that, one thing that sorta feels like a nitpick but just happens way too much is the little scenes in between rooms where you have to watch a little dot move all the way across the map for them to get in an elevator, press the button, sit there and listen to the elevator move, and then watch them move to another room again, and finally stop just before their destination so they can watch the door to said destination open. I don't care how minor it sounds, it's unnecessary, and every time it feels way longer than it needs to.

cool and quick horror game that actually does a pretty good job of scares

cover art look like morbius
thank you for reading

it's not that bad
at least it's funny

has some of my favorite songs of the classic series, would be cooler if i could look at the stages without going blind

this one's nice
has casino night zone, special stages r a bitch tho

sonic review spree time
this one is okay
for the first like 11 years of my life i could never get past marble zone

more va-11 hall-a is good va-11 hall-a
fun to wander around and try out absolutely everything, seeing how short it is, and i liked the little secret in the files too

idk what i'm supposed to say about this
why did they make this 2 separate games lmao
i cant really complain about the price seeing how i got both of them for like $6

i guess it was pretty fun, escort missions are never my thing but the stealth was cool, and i don't hate snake's new voice
looking forward to the actual game now lmao