going into this completely blind was an absolute pain in the ass and that's why i loved it all so much.
the new character was a bit difficult to get used to but she's super cool once you do
i have a lot to say but i don't feel like writing it all out
long story short, this game don't miss, ever
the moonshine mob is definitely my new favorite boss in the game

how the hell did they fumble the first game so bad and follow it up with the best game in the series
everything about Investigations 2 feels like an answer to the problems of its prequel, the cases are all outstanding, the story is interesting and resolves in a nice way that doesn't drag on for 8 hours longer than necessary, and the characters revolving around each case are fantastic and enjoyable
all of this on top of easily my favorite soundtrack in the series, genuinely perfect ace attorney, and again, my new favorite in the series

i deleted my old review since i recently started 'replaying' the game (if you could call it that) in hopes that i could actually beat it this time, and then give an honest review
luckily, i am no longer awful at this game, and after exactly 99 deaths, my opinion has not changed this game is cool as hell lmao


finally uninstalled a couple days ago, i dont want to ever go back

ocarina of time except the bad dungeon is ok now and i dont have to aim precisely with a stick
definitely better

the final few bosses r cool as hell
Imprisoned was neat the first time, probably someone's fetish

the best 3d zelda
some (me) would say even the only good 3d zelda

the masks are cool, i just don't like the moon i am feeling very pressured and overwhelmed

it's easy to replay at least
got a p cool speedrun too

home to the best trading quest in gbc history

the oracle games are very ok, but the other one is funnier