This was my second attempt at getting into this game, but the pace is taking too long to pick up for my taste.

It feels like there‘s not much to do apart from doing part-time jobs (which mainly consist of just pressing the A button) to kill time.
While having three towns to do business with sounds nice in theory, they make the world seem weirdly patched together. I didn‘t find the characters very likeable either.

Definitely one of the weaker titles in the Bokujō Monogatari series.

It started with me being very confused.
Eventually it turned into not being able to stop playing and starting to love every bit of it.

I didn‘t expect it to be THIS good.

Also: cool robots.

TL;DR game good, rampage quests bad

Well, that was quite fun.
I didn‘t expect more than „more of the original“ and got pretty much exactly that.

And boy, it looks so gorgeous.

When I started playing, I was eager to 100% it, but now after completing the story, I‘m not sure if I‘ve got enough energy for that. Maybe someday...

Only finished The Missing Heir, will update once I‘ve played The Girl Who Stands Behind


Very exhausting to play, as the gameplay boils down to trial and error-ing all dialog options and switching back and forth between locations until the game finally decides to let you continue.

Examining your surroundings is pretty much useless, apart from the few times where you need to pick up a glittering object.

There are almost no puzzles to solve (maybe... one or two?) and the first half of the story felt like I was barely making progress.

Still, in the last three or four hours the story got me hooked somehow, even if it was predictable.

I really liked this game for the first half or so. It already got repetitive during the demo, but the customization and silly conversations were enough to entertain me.
Seriously, the Mii editor is AMAZING.

After some time I got exhausted and just rushed through as fast as I could. There‘s just not enough variety for a game that long. I would‘ve been more than satisfied if it had been just half as long.

Eeeh, it was… alright?

I really enjoyed the story and the characters grew on me, but the platforming sections and bosses were a pain and the game just felt unpolished.

I probably sound more negative than I actually feel about this game. It‘s not a GOOD game, but I had my fun with it. Well, most of the time at least.

I really, really liked this one when I first started playing. The game is fun, has a nice aesthetic and there quite a few songs that match my tastes.

Unfortunately unlocking new songs and characters in World Mode became a bit too tedious and I kinda lost interest after a while.

Still a great game that I will get back to from time to time!

Beat Saber was pretty much the only reason to get a VR headset for me and boy, did I not regret it.

I‘m not a fan of most of the songs included in the base game and I‘m not interested in the DLC songs. Also, the campaign is more like a… camPAIN.
The scoring system is super weird, but I don‘t care about getting good scores (yet).

What makes this game so good are the modding options and custom maps.

I‘m sure I‘ll pump hundreds of hours into this game. Probably even thousands, once I‘ve learned how to create my own maps.

Probably the most unique and charming game I‘ve played recently.

I really liked how the game is split into small quests where the longest ones take about 30 minutes to complete. For me it was more encouraging to keep playing than a huuuge 60 hour storyline.

The battles weren‘t challenging at all (harder difficulties are only unlocked after beating the game), but just following the stories of the lovely characters was good enough for me.

Also: The game looks gorgeous. I got excited everytime I unlocked a new area, just because I could stare at the beautiful environments. Some great wallpaper material.

Hours of boring dialogues until it drops its „ye olde lovey dovey visual novel uwu“ facade. The tiny font size in the Switch version made my eyes hurt after a few minutes, making it even more draining to play.

I admit I got a tiny bit spooped here and there but overall it was a meh-ish experience and I don‘t have any drive to complete the other endings.

Monster Hunter Stories is one of my favourite 3DS games, so naturally I was really excited when they announced the sequel. And, well, it did not disappoint.

tsukino best girl

Now I feel bad for eating grapes.