Emulated or Other PC Games

Non-Steam computer games that aren't games a service or something similar, including games I played on an emulator only. Thanks Vimm.

holds up surprisingly well considering it came out a year after i was born and i played it on a damn keyboard. kojima stays winning.
tried it, stopped, haven't gone back. the tellius games intrigue me, so maybe someday.
an extremely imperfect game. maybe the most mixed bag ever. its highs are some of the highest highs in my video game career, perhaps even higher than some of the highs of its sequel, whom i love dearly. however, while its lows are not the lowest in my video game career, man do they suck. several key parts of this game, that you must interact with constantly, have aged like milk, while other parts have aged like a wine that would make a sommelier weep tears of joy. so it's hard to rate. this game, more than maybe any other i've played, would benefit from a remake. or at the very LEAST a port. atlus, please. please.
emerald randomizer babyyyyyyyy gen 3 is kinda sick with it ngl. have never finished this game myself despite watching many others do so. i likely never will, but i won't leave it out of the question.
hard to rate as it ends on a cliffhanger. cool game that i have vivid memory of demolishing in a single night on halloween after seeing toby fox basically just post an exe file on twitter. the experience was definitely enhanced by that weirdly casual and direct release method, which is something i never see people talk about with this game. i eagerly look forward to all future chapters toby wants to make.
eliwood lyn and hector are charming and fun characters and its gba fire emblem what else could you need? i've also started like 12 million playthroughs i will never finish because they are saved on the central catholic computer lab's computers, probably under my user that no longer exists. somehow VBA didn't require admin permissions to install, and i could get roms too. the more you know.
played this game entirely on my phone during high school. collected one of every class and grinded in the tower of valni. it was fun.
maybe i'll finish it someday. it's gba fire emblem and it's roy. it's good, i just didn't finish it.
this was a huge chunk of my childhood. my brother and i played the ever living fuck out of this game. huge nostalgia bomb. in reality, it's probably a pretty good but not great game. we had fun tho, so worth.
probably good but i am annoyed with random encounters because they suck. i want to run the persona gauntlet so ill play it sometime hopefully.
this game was a slice of my childhood. i have fond memories of it, but i also remember being frustrated at its limitations even as a young child. this leads me to believe that the game kind of sucks.


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