solid. developers should give up trying to replicate this.

the only main pokémon game i’ve ever beaten. once you’ve played one of these you’ve played them all. people have been tricked for decades to keep buying baby’s first RPG.

narrative games peaked here

funnnnnn but during the last few hours i just wanted it to end.

decent co-op shooter. making custom masks was the best part.

fun gameplay. open world is great. story is okay but kind of gets lost in the sauce for a moment.

when it works it works. main story pretty fucking lame though. not as clever as it thinks it is. video game story writing what do you expect?

solid for the time but it aged like shit.

solid gameplay. base management and stealth is next level. story is trash.

it’s trash but i have a soft spot for it. mostly a miss but it has two of the greatest boss fights of all time, the beauties are all trash. when the fan service lands though… :banderas:

second favorite metal gear solid. great story but it has some slow moments and boring boss fights, and some legendary ones too. 🫡