babys first dark souls:
another crabs treasure is another standout release in the indie games market. i feel i have been following the development of this game since forever ago, and to see it in full is a sight to behold.
it obviously takes points from the souls games and adds some of that banjo-kazooie spice to it, but what makes this stand out more on its own is that it is its own thing. in a more recent game to come out, Lies of P, i feel that the stylization was too similar to dark souls but still felt different enough to be its own thing.
but also coming off the heels of playing elden ring recently, another crabs treasure was different enough to make me lean forward and come at this game with a different mindset, and that mindset being to not take it too seriously, and have fun !
i really enjoy the assist settings, i have always had a hard time with the soulsborne games and their lack of handholding, which is fine !! but another crabs treasure is as the title of this review is, "babys first dark souls"

definitely an okay mario kart experience for mobile. i don't think nintendo could have done it any better, but my rating would have definitely been different towards the beginning of this games life because it leaned very heavy into the gacha mechanic but it has gotten significantly better.

one of the best halo stories and experiences. hands down.

this makes you FEEL like spider-man, except all the tragic stuff.

hoooooly shit, you guys have to play fortnite.
Fortnite is the only battle royale experience that keeps me coming back to it season after season with a(n) okay story but with the story actually being told throughout the season rather than with cinematics at the beginning and end of each season. fortnite weirdly enough feels lived in, with all the npc's and slight environmental story telling and the occasional end season or mid season events. epic games has also found a way to incorporate random crossovers with various franchises beyond gaming and they make it make sense (sort of).

microsoft wanted to get in on some of that pokemon go clout. failed miserably

from what i have played, it's weird that its almost the same as triple deluxe from what i remembered but also different enough to where it's better for sure