Completed the game on Hardcore, stopped doing challenges when I reached the max tier upgrade on the weapons I enjoyed.

Played the original title till half way but never really finished but from what I've played this remake stayed true to the original with the gameplay from the previous remakes. The game looks and feels amazing, however I didn't really enjoy the current dodge mechanic. There are a few attacks from enemies that you can't really dodge and you just need to run but it becomes such a frustrating experience especially in the Krauser boss fight which gave me some headaches to pass and sometimes the dodge feels like doesn't trigger in time especially when the enemies spam you with attacks back to back. There were a few moments as well that I died after cutscenes which was so frustrating as well, since it sometimes teleports you to a location and there were times that other NPCs would be there and you would just get stunned and killed instantly. The audio can be pretty bad at times as well not being able to tell where the enemies are coming from but besides this cons, I enjoyed the game.

Completed the game on "Give me a Challenge" leaving some side stuff to do.

One of the best titles I've ever played, every aspect of this game in my opinion is amazing. I've only played the God of War from 2005 so I can't really say how the story is different from the previous titles.

The combat in this game feels very smooth and fun, a different approach from the 2005 this one being a brawler and the old one being more Hack n' Slash. A thing however that I didn't like that much is the lack of gear of interesting gear at least to what I came across. Beautiful storytelling with spectacular sceneries and cinematography, some scenes are straight out of a movie and the same goes for the music in this game that fits the scenes and the story so much.

Recommend this game to everyone to play.

Completed the game on Spectacular after completing
the pre-sequel "Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered". I will be comparing the 2 in this review.

Hands down this if my favourite Spider-Man game, enjoyed it more in comparison with the remaster. It uses the same assets as the previous game but now with a winter/Christmas themed New York. I found this game an upgrade from the previous one, I loved miles swinging and combat animations. Combat felt more hard than the previous game dying a lot more in this one than in the previous title which I personally preferred. This game however is pretty small only having ~7h of main story and the remaster having ~16h (or ~21h with DLC) but I found this one a lot more polished and with a lot less repetitive missions and side jobs as I completed this one at 100%. I enjoyed the story of miles being more emotional and more detailed in my opinion in comparison with the remaster and not with a rush feeling that I personally had in some scenes as an example, the last boss fight I found it pretty hard dying a lot of times in the process and way more detailed meanwhile in the remaster the boss fights felt the opposite, quick and easy.

Completed the game on Spectacular and completed it with breeze only leaving the side jobs to do.

This game is beautiful from the city to the animations, swinging feels amazing and probably the best out of all the series I've at least played. Combat is fun and feels smooth with great gadgets that work really well, however difficulty is not really that challenging but there's the Ultimate difficulty but you only play it after you complete the game. The story and dialogue are well written, the boss fights could have been a little more creative and less repetitive however they are still very well made. The game however is filled with repetitive, copy paste side stuff for you to do but you don't really need to do unless you want to get new suits or upgrades for gadgets, I did the first series of jobs that appeared in the beginning but then got bored and stopped doing them.

This game teached me a very valuable life lesson! Always check if your tires are in good condition or else you might die in an vehicle explosion!

Side Note: DLC sucks, bunch of copy paste content.

One of my favourite games of all time. Let's start with the level design that doesn't force you to play in a certain way and gives you a lot of freedom of approach and also rewarding you for trying new ways of doing the levels, which you don't really find in modern games that missions are straightforward and play the same, only most games having the stealth or loud approach. The movement and gameplay is so fun and for it's time it is top notch, stealth is so fun due to the weapons dedicated to it and the augments as well as it is fun going loud and crazy. The music design on this game is one of my favourites being so catch and filled with energy but at the same time describe the level that you are playing so well. The story of the game is very political but really well written and interesting along with some great side tasks that are really enjoyable and some with multiple "endings" depending on what you choose to do. I recommend everyone to play this game but you will probably enjoy the Revision mod more it's fan made remaster without changing the story or gameplay only touching visuals and graphics (also adds clutter)!

Played with a friend of mine through CO-OP and personally really enjoyed the game. Not going to lie, the developers were definitely horny and on drugs when making this game, the fairies designs are crazy as well as some levels designs which personally I find it a good thing maybe all companies should start with a line of coke before making the game. The music and audio of the game is catchy and fun, loved it. The levels are fun the only problem I really found was the huge difficulty spike in the end of the game where it went from toddlers mode to really challenging, I would have liked to se the spike earlier in the game but overall recommend the game for anyone, it is very fun and enjoyable alone or in CO-OP!

Played this game with a friend in online CO-OP in Nightmare difficulty. The first minutes were pretty fun of the game even with the average American hero dialogue that was pretty cringy and cheesy but after mid game it got very repetitive the enemies variety is always the same and enemies have huge health and once you get used to them it is easy but you waste so much time in battle and it makes it so boring. The story was mediocre all around the gauntlet and the dialogue as said before didn't really help. The combat mechanic are pretty fun but after some time it doesn't really hold the game up. The game has quite the amount of bugs, me and my friend had to restart the game a few times cause of them and they started appearing midgame at the same time that the fights started to get repetitive. Decent game if it had a different story to it and more variety in gameplay, it would most definitely be a hit.

Played the game on Hard II but abandoned it since it was getting really boring. It's a very mediocre game has pretty big potential but it's just nothing above average it's one of those games that you feel indifferent after playing it.

AI of the enemies is pretty bad and the stealth is very goofy.

Gunplay feels awkward sometimes I feel like I hit headshots (the enemies head move like they've been hit but they still keep running at you (happens mostly with zombies tho)).

Crafting is lazy and not creative at all only used for gear, medicine and to upgrade melee but the only upgradable weapon is the bat AFAIK.

Storyline and characters are not the most interesting at all. The main character is pretty weirdo always having mood swings and always yelling for no reason and the story doesn't really reach any high creative standart.

Huge open world but no use for it besides the materials used on the crafting and scrap to repair the bike as well as the fuel. Could have interesting gear spread on the map like weapons and so on, maybe some features alike games like state of decay.

Bike driving feels slow and awkward but you eventually get used to it but not the best.

The graphics and models are good and probably one of the only things attractive in this game.

Overall, wouldn't really want to replay or really recommend anyone to do so.

First played this when I was a child and after all the years, I still enjoy it and replay it from time to time. I miss this era of videogames were they were created to mainly have fun and relax. Love everything from gameplay to the audio tracks of this game that I have deeply stored in my brain. Maybe the nostalgia is the main thing of me liking this game but I recommend anyone to check it out!

Classic, still remember being rushed to the hospital after my ears stopped working from all the screaming! Epic experience, everyone should experience! Just make sure your country has free healthcare.

Started playing this game in the first month of the launch and enjoyed it in it's early days hoping for a better future of the game. It has been nearly 3 years now and I can say that I want a refund for the time wasted in this game. There's no content besides the story which I personally don't really enjoy, it's not bad but doesn't fulfil my desire for the game. The developers are really greedy with the banners and the game overall and I find it amusing that even with P2W you still need to lock yourself in a room to endlessly farm artifacts and so on and you don't get nothing worth your while. The art team of this game is carrying it's existence because besides the world and characters art the game is boring and tedious, barely any enemies variation and no difficulty at all, the difficulty is high health and to counter that you need to farm the artifacts or get constellations (referring to the abysm). Don't really recommend anyone to play this since you will most likely get addicted and the at a certain time will realise that all the time wasted on it was a mistake.


That shit is fucking trash dawg get the fuck off the airwaves.

Played the PC Remaster and has to be one of the games I've ever played. I have no complains but the loot scarce on higher difficulties and ammo distribution. Started the playthrough on Survivor but the looting situation started getting tedious barely having any ammo or crafting materials having to resort to stealth/melee but after turning the resources to Moderate and the rest to Grounded, I started to have a blast but the ammo situation was still pretty annoying from my experience because it kept constantly giving me ammo for the weapons I liked the least but it was still enjoyable.

Besides that loved everything, lovely and brilliant story telling, loved the gunplay, how they feel and play as well as the enemy AI feels really good especially compared to most of the other shooters in the market. Stunning cutscenes and voice acting and amazing audio quality as well! Genuinely a great experience, recommend this game for anyone!