I saw the multiplayer mode first and thought the single player would have been more like that and was immensley dissapointed.

This game is really fun when it isnt trying to be funny, but when it is, it can be a little painful. Other than that, this is a PERFECT turn your brain off game.

The "game" part of this game is very VERY minimal, and makes me wish this was a webseries instead.

Really a dissapointing RPG experience with how limited every character is only having 4 moves each, I really wish it was more mechanically complex.

This is my least favorite MH game if I'm being honest, between the unskippable cutscenes, long ass animations, the scoutflies and scouting in general, the handler looking like my ex-girlfriend, that AWFUL first map, it's just a mess that I can't believe I was able to get 95+ hours in.

I know this game has it's problems, I've seen the reviews, BUT!!!! I did not see any of that BEFORE, and DURING my gameplay, so I was un sawayed, un spoiled for everything, and completely blown away by the spectacle of everything that happened, this game made me FEEL things, it made me fuckin' POP OFF for characters, and it's one of the only games I wish I could play for the first time all over again

This game is great when you turn off that bitch yelling in your ear about putting shit in the wrong place every 5 seconds

I mean, this game was ALRIGHT, it just kind of felt like... a diet Jet Set Radio, the overall OST is a lot more chill, there's no hype man like DJ prof K, and a lot of the dialouge in this game has the cadence of a bit from Aqua Teen Hunger Force, as in, the characters are kinda TOO chill and casual about the events going on in this game.

Yeah, that's my problem with this game, it's TOO chill.

The pacing of the mechanics introduced overwhelmed me too much for my ADHD to handle... I mean please give me like, a day or two to get used to this new stamp and magnifying glass or whatever this game throws at you.

With how this game boasts a new graphical style, I was expecting the story to match that too, and the first 4 chapters are a fun enough romp, and not to mention the open world locations are absolutley AMAZING!!!

But then chapter 5 takes a bit of a nosedive with the story getting much MUCH more edgy, and the maps take a HUGE hit, there's only like, one more really open world map, and then a lot of it is just narrow hallways and a LOT of going back and forth to this one holy church place.

Not to mention that a lot of the exploration is blocked off by grindy gacha mechanics in a SINGLE PLAYER game, even required stuff too! I had to halt all of my progress in chapter 9 to go bug catching out in the feilds so that one of the girls has enough affinity to blow down a locked mechanical door!!!

Truly a peak gaming experience with 0 bugs on release.

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It's an alright subersion of the usual Visual novel experience, but I hate Monica, but It also feels like the writer doesn't want me to hate her? especially at the end?

Though then again, Her thinking that adding on to there "negative values" would make the others more undesireable, made them feel more human than she would ever be, so maybe that's her greatest blunder... it sure is quite the brain scratcher...

I got Secret of Mana and this game confused with each other, and when I booted this game up got in the first battle and saw that it was turn based, I was really dissapointed as i realized my grand blunder, and I'm sure this is a good game and all, but that dissapointment left a sour taste in my mouth ever since.

This game was dissapointing on a multitude of levels, firstly the two main characters lose all of there personality after the first hour and it goes all into there fat friend, who's personality is religated to "Oh I'm so fat, I love cooking! I'm fat! fat fat fat!" (this was an epic reference to the Smashbits Minecraft: Story mode parody)

There's a shit ton of weird Uncharted tier platforming and ledge grabbing that add really nothing to the game except more time on the timer, the combat is more or less shallow.

But the thing that REALLY steams my shit is that this game has the gall to include meta dialouge making fun of other RPGs and feels like it has to have a chip on it's shoulder for being proud of all the tropes it doesn't do, which is kinda annoying.

This game would be perfect if it weren't for the money grinding segments