It's short but sweet, with wholesome moments and easygoing gameplay. Perfect for a relaxing few hours of play.

I shelved this game multiple times due to my obsession with completing every side mission and earning five stars everywhere, which made me lose interest after a few hours. This time I played only the main missions and the story hooked me, all the weird, unusual characters I was bonding with time, great memorable music, and beautiful graphics. The online aspect of this game is genius and so simple at the same time. With a great story and excellent mechanics, this game truly shines when you focus on the main narrative and forget about 100%ing everything.

Fun little game to show possibilities of dualsense

Okay, so this game started great, the first day in Seattle was everything I dreamed of, sandboxy exploring old shops and houses watching out for zombies, I felt like I was in DayZ or other multiplayer survival zombie game which I loved back in the days. Later on, it shifted back to a typical third-person action-adventure game and it was a good action-adventure game just like everything from Naughty Dogs. I don't want to get into spoilers but I was surprised with the second part and epilogue sections of the game, at first I thought I didn't care about other perspectives, but after I finished the game I think it was a great story about revenge wheel and how it destroys everything and everyone

So the concept of this game is great, you take care of the local graveyard. Pixelart looks stunning and the gameplay loop seems promising. But only after a few hours, you realize how grindy and tedious this game is. Of course, grind can be fun for some time, you can relax and click something to progress the story, but here it's like 95% grinding the same things and maybe 5% doing something new or fun. I tried to play even with cheat engine to speed some things up, but still, I was mostly frustrated by this game.

Probably it's nostalgia but it was my favorite online shooter. For me it was something between call of duty and arma 2, casual game with big maps, tons of customization and vehicles.

Cozy game with satisfying game loop

Game that redefined FPS, must play for people interested in history of gaming. Still holds surprisingly well after 25 years.

The most generic fantasy RPG done absurdly badly.

One of the best puzzle games of all time, great story, memorable soundtrack and unique artistic design.