Reviews from

in the past

God this game is just dope as hell. A hero marginalized by authorities for being a threat to nazis? Cool swinging mechanics with a learning curve? A set of enemies that actually demand swift movement and mindful use of your tools? Despite all scuffed things about it, I keep returning to this reboot every few years for another replay. No other game has quite got bare fundamentals of an acrobatic action game so right, and I like it even better every time around.

Please Capcom give Spencer another chance. Make him non-stop quip like in a Marvel movie or give him a little bionic son to make journalists like it this time around. I'll take my monkey's paw to bring good swinging back in video games.

most people reviewing have never played the game

This game is one of those where its greater than the sum of its parts. The game has a ton of issues and a general lack of polish, but it's so fun to me that I don't care. It keeps to the spirit of the franchise. It's an odd game with a really stupid story with engaging mechanics that keep the replay high. It has amazing music. There's some setpieces in this game that are surprisingly great. It achieves an over the top action movie feel without removing control from the player. I love the pacing of it, it really just keeps moving as one continuous experience. A lot of people complain about the narrative, but it rarely rears its head, so I can't say it's a huge issue for me. I'd recommend getting this on PC through a sale if you like action games.

i don't know why people don't like this game. only complaints are the glitches and that spencer is annoying

one star for the arm one star for the mcu writing and one for being able to punch forklifts at enemies

A better spider-man game for when spider man games were bad.

an utterly repulsive and mostly just kind of sad game. mike patton is the single redeeming quality of this game, and don't tell me it's the swinging. the swinging sucks just as much as the combat and the story and the visuals etc etc etc
BC09 will always be seen as some misunderstood hidden gem instead of rightfully being derided as a culmination of every bad 7th gen trend and this frustrates me greatly

You can actually jump, what a huge improvement on the NES game


This game is sick. Wish there was a follow up.

Honestly a weird and janky game. It's not the biggest sin of video games and it isn't anything great (or as far as swinging goes, not even close to Spiderman 2) but it is a video game. The guns suck and the only good fight I'd say is the nazi guy and maaaaaybe the final boss. Story's awful, wants to be serious and whacky at the same time in a way that doesn't work with that faded and brown late 2000s aesthtic.

Lo jugue la dificultad más salada, me gusto pero ese juego es medio flojo y no tiene muchas cosas habilidades y es medio repetitivo

society was not ready for this game

A rad as fuck game about how Nazis were assimilated into our institutions after WW2 that game critics were too bad at to enjoy.

Despite having some interesting ideas hidden in the garbage, this game also made me incredibly miserable. Like, Kane And Lynch 2 was more fun than this. I suffer.

I have a bionic arm, it's so cool. It's also my wife and she hates me, help.

Bionic Commando is an interesting concept that has held up well for the most part over the years. The graphics look good, the camera is well positioned, and the shooting aspects play really well. However the swinging mechanic doesn't work great. When your one whole thing that allows you to stand out is the worst polished aspect of your game that doesn't bode well for the overall product.

I played through this game in its entirety twice and I never felt like I mastered the swinging. It wasn't so frustrating that it made me quit the game. I played through it to platinum. Rather it felt more disappointing. The game felt well balanced and it was challenging rather than rage inducing and just straight up frustrsting. It's a unique game that will stick with me and I believe its a solid 7/10 despite it having one of the most cringy edgelord try hard main characters of all time.

I've always been curious about this game, but never had a chance to play it until recently. It was better than I expected.

Swinging around levels like Spiderman and throwing props at enemies never got old. The game was well paced and flowed from level to level. I didn't get bored or tired of playing.

The inclusion of weapons felt a bit redundant when you have a bionic arm at your disposal. Some levels didn't feel like they were built with swinging in mind. I often found myself crashing into geometry, which broke up the flow a bit. I also wish that the bionic arm's cable was longer so that you could grab onto surfaces from further away.

I'd recommend this to anyone looking for a simple action game that can be completed in a couple of sessions.

Obviously extremely rushed and flawed game, but the character controller and basic combat is perfect. Fun to speedrun. Get the save file that lets you play with the retro skin

Bionic Commando is among worst type of media where it isn't good nor bad enough to be interesting or be thrilled at what's coming next, It's a functional, mediocre product that relies at a gimmick that wears off in first 4 minutes.

The trademark swinging mechanic could've been actually fun in a level design that isn't inherently restrictive and poorly layered out, consisting of circling around same few buildings (that you're not allowed to just climb over) in small areas, straight hallway sewers or underground trains.

if you're not trying to swing around and kick enemies or launch them at each other with a throw, then you're just playing a poorly made third person shooter with 2 weapons limit and perhaps you're better off that way if you plan to invest time just to move things along faster, this gameplay loop repeats in every level until final hour and the only sense of progress you feel are some of the upgrades that are given as part of plot progression.

Many optional upgrades can also be earned through challenges presented at pause menu, I can positively ensure you that outside ammunition capacity increase, There's no noticeable difference at all considering that the gameplay loop isn't really flexible for more innovative moveset, same goes for collectibles that demands you strict platforming that can get you accidently killed and potentially restart in a far away checkpoints and you're not even given the luxury of keeping set collectible in case you're killed, so it's case of doing perfect run until next checkpoint for concept arts you could just google.

The plot is nonsensical in a frustrating way than mildly entertaining with unlikable cast of characters and plot twist that's poorly foreshadowed, there's around 9 cutscene at best in a 4 hour game with most of the dialogue occurring during gameplay or optional data files that keeps pilling up and eats from your playtime, so it's just feels like a homework to make a stupid plot make bit more sense.

Grin and Capcom might have released a functional product, But it's still void of any of their usual quality titles even for their main series spin-offs line up.

secretly based as hell and has some really fun combat mixed in with plaforming

Gave this another try due to back log boredom's just rubbish, isn't it? Even the prime eraly-200s edge of Mike Patton can't save it.

DEAD WIFE ARM GAME YOOOOO. Seriously though, if we're gonna talk abt the story first, that shit sucked. It was barely there and then in the last 15 minutes boom your arm is your wife. Like ok? This thing is 3 hours long, so i'm not attached to Spencer. I don't care. The gameplay is FINE, swinging feels FINE, the level structure makes it limited but it's FINE, and the combat...actually kinda blows but whatever. Can absolutely see why it was panned.

It was janky as hell but it was fun to play for a while.

the swinging is decent mindless fun but there's basically nothing else here, it's a very very 2009 game in every way.

Mmmph. That's kinda how I feel about this game. I recommend it only if you really like the genre. Give it the ol' two hour try and see if you really like it but otherwise its kinda buggy in all the worst spots, causing four BS deaths in my hour of play. The story is quite bad, but its teetering on so bad its good. For reference, both the main characters at the start have the gruffest voice possible, and the wilhelm scream is used in the opening cutscene. It's this weird blend of trying to take itself seriously but also dashing all of that randomly.

The moment to moment gameplay is ok, and uses some weird choices that I think could have done it some good, like no reloading and minimal ADS required. But when you put it all together it's just not quite worth it, and the main swinging gimmick is done way better elsewhere. Try CRUMBLE if you like that sort of thing, its a great game.