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in the past

Started experiencing substance-abuse psychosis after eating too much wall chicken at Dracula's rave.

For those who do not know, Casltevania Chronicles is a repackaging of the Sharp X68000 remake of the original Castlevania, along with a new arranged mode that features a remixed soundtrack by Sōta Fujimori, and reworked sprites for Simon Belmont based on Ayami Kojima's artwork. Don't worry, he's still a total himbo. That's what these games have always been about: Dracula is a man of culture who wants to uphold the old age of intellectualism, whereas the Belmonts are a roving gang of himbos who represent the encroaching post-intellectual world, which poses both a literal and existential threat to Dracula. Don't question my media literacy, I know what I'm talking about!

Castlevania's hunky anti-intellectualism aside, this is a pretty solid remake of the first game, and I'd almost go so far as to say it's preferable to the original if I weren't so nostalgic for it. "Original Mode," which is a mostly unadulterated port of the X68000 version, is a lot of fun on its own, though a bit unforgiving in its difficulty. "Arranged Mode" is more balanced by comparison, and it's soundtrack helps make it my preferred mode between the two. Both offer up some fun subversions on Castlevania's level design, featuring new secrets and some alterations to levels that will keep you on your toes. If you want to get a sense of what I'm talking about, there's a very early case in level one. Just go for the first wall chicken after the starting hallway and you'll see what I mean.

Otherwise, much of my praise of the NES Castlevania remains relevant here. Platforming is rigid but great, and learning the rhythm of each level and improving upon past playthroughs is incredibly rewarding. It's also just fun, generally speaking, strutting on up to that nerd Dracula and kicking his ass. Dunk him in a toilet, give him a wedgie, then watch his fuckin' house collapse on him with the smug satisfaction of knowing your children, and your children's children, will continue to bully him until the end of time. That's what is really at the heart of these games. I took a film criticism course in college, we had to review The Bourne Legacy and, like, Inception. I think I know a thing or two about analyzing media.

Edit: Certo, aparentemente tem uma versão mais fácil do jogo, que é o modo Arrange. Eu fui direto no modo Original, que todos falam que é infernal, PQ É LITERALMENTE A PRIMEIRA OPÇÃO DE JOGO QUE TEM NO MENU. Isso explica pq a minha experiência de jogo com o Chronicles foi uma merda....
Então considerem essa review como uma review do modo Original, pls.


ANTES DE TUDO: Se essa review fosse apenas da parte artística do jogo, então eu daria 5 estrelas pra ele sem nem pensar duas vezes!
Mas, infelizmente, existe algo além da parte artística. Um tal negócio chamado "Gameplay", e é nessa tal Gameplay que mora o problema que joga todas as outras 4 estrelas que eu queria dar pra esse jogo no lixo.

Pra ficar melhor de entender, comecemos pelo fato que Castlevania Chronicles é um remake do primeiro Castlevania de NES. O primeiro Castlevania, claro, sofria com uma porrada de limitações devido ao sistema do NES, o que inevitavelmente aumentava a dificuldade base do jogo, pois o jogador deveria aprender e se acostumar a contornar essas limitações durante a sua gameplay. E é aí que entra o ponto chave do Castlevania Chronicles - ele foi feito para PS1, um sistema imensamente mais potente que o NES e que, mesmo que ainda possuísse várias limitações, essas dificilmente seriam alcançadas em um jogo 2D pixelado no estilo clássico de um Castlevania.
Mas aí entra a decisão de merda q foi feita pro jogo: Em vez de utilizar esse sistema bem mais potente e menos limitado para fazer um remake fodido com uma dificuldade divertida e justa, pq não usamos isso pra deixar o jogo ridiculamente mais difícil e irritante, com uma dificuldade trapaceira a nível arcade?
E bem, meus amigos, essa foi a bosta q fizeram que condenou esse jogo...

São inimigos rápidos, com alguns aparecendo o tempo todo sem parar (por vezes do nada e bem em cima de vc), são bosses bem mais rápidos que o seu personagem e que usam muito isso pra vantagem deles, é um sistema de dano que vc toma que vai escalando muito rápido (a ponto de morrer pra bosses com só 2-3 hits), é um knockback FODIDO que vc toma a cada porrada, é um limite de tempo curto pras fases que vão te matar se vc n rushar da maneira mais precisa por todo o inferno que são as fases e matar o boss a tempo, etc, etc

Cara, n tem como, a experiência de jogo que eu tive com esse Castlevania foi uma das maiores merdas pelas quais já passei, o que me deixou profundamente triste, pq se arrumassem essa dificuldade retardada, ele seria um puta jogo do caralho, mas.......

It's better than the original with mostly great new additions. Although the game is much harder than the OG, Dracula felt easier and I didn't like his redesign. Worth playing to see the new content.

this game is criminally fun when considering it pulls some serious dick moves on the player which go against good game design in every way

Probably one of the weirdest Castlevanias out there, which also makes it one of the most ineresting to play.
It's as much of a classicvania as a classicvania can be: linear, hard, and simple, just kill everything in your way, and be careful. I beat the arranged mode, since Simon femboy and the tech/electronic soundtrack (Simon's Theme and The Tower of Dolls 👌) were what drove me to play this, but I experimented a bit with the classic mode.
There's not much else to say, it is a very solid and competent remake of the first mission of our boy Simon, great both at its graphics and gameplay, I just almost had a rage quit on the medusa boss fight lol.

Sei lá, eu comecei curtindo mas vai ficando cada vez pior, acho melhor que o Super Castlevania IV, mas ainda não chega nem perto do original na minha opinião.

A trilha sonora ao menos, é fantástica. Quando eles vão na loucura nos arranjos com jams incríveis, é de arrepiar, mas se eu ouvir a música da Clock Tower mais uma vez eu vou simplesmente enlouquecer, pois além dela ser horrível, tem um dos bosses mais injustos da franquia.

Não é um jogo ruim, só tem as bullshits de sempre que os Classicvanias costumam ter, e perto do fim eu já estava de saco cheio, o jogo não tem nenhum trecho ou boss lá muito memorável e deve cair no esquecimento bem rápido. Como último adendo, eu joguei a versão ''arrange'' que dizem ser melhor balanceada, e de fato é, tirando as últimas duas fases.

Eu prefiro..... Eu prefiro o redesign do Simon...

Castlevania Chronicles is more or less a slightly enhanced port of the little-known Akumajou Dracula for the X68000. X68000 Akumajou Dracula was designed to be a more faithful remake of Castlevania 1 than Super Castlevania IV was, complete with heavily altered and redesigned yet familiar level layouts, setpieces, and areas. Where it fell flat for most lay in its absurd difficulty, of which the developers themselves stated was made the way it was to appease "hardcore gamers". It's no doubt an interesting entry, lacking an initial console release and being a Japanese computer exclusive on a platform typically reserved for arcade ports, being made with the intent of subverting that trope....

But if I'm gonna play Castlevania 1 again, I think I'd just prefer to play Castlevania 1, honestly. Not this.

See, I played the "Arrange mode" added to Castlevania Chronicles - a mode exclusive to this port that tried to remedy the difficulty of the original release. Keyword tried. It is undoubtedly much, much easier, and better off for that, but the fact that the original release was made difficult for the sake of being difficult still shows through the cracks. This is made most noticeable in the later stages, with the total abundance of things being thrown at you at once (the Death boss fight is especially egregious of this). While Castlevania 1's enemy placement and movements felt very deliberate, designed to get you to really wait and think, this remake's enemy placement feels more like "oh, yeah here's a bunch of enemies or stage hazards that you either won't see coming or are extremely unlikely to get past unfazed without prior knowledge of level layouts". Giving Simon more air control, directional whipping and greatly reduced knockback is basically just applying a big bandage over the frankly inherently flawed level design.

Thankfully, as per usual Castlevania tradition (I neglected to mention Bloodlines' limited continues sucking, but its passwords save your lives and continues used so you can use them as save points you can go back to), continues are unlimited and the game remains very conquerable. I didn't struggle too much, but the levels felt far less tightly and fairly designed than all the other Classicvanias.

I'd knock this down half a star if it weren't for the amazing FM soundtrack still being usable during gameplay. Sucks that it's only accessible via an easter-egg. While the arrange mode soundtrack is amazing, I don't think it works well in the context of the game. Great stuff to listen to elsewhere, though. Plus another half a star for creating my favourite Simon design. I just think he looks cooler here, and fits in better with the more baroque, gothic style Castlevania took following SoTN.

It feels better than Super Castlevania IV in its moment-to-moment gameplay, and, as always, the music and presentation are superb (on the X68000 version at least); but I just do not like the level design at all. It's not fun! The platforming is insipid and tedious throughout, and the game loves to swamp you with enemies that are extremely difficult to hit or require numerous hits to kill.

A shame, because there are so many nice atmospheric touches in this, and I would love to see what else they came up with in the later levels, but I just can't bring myself to slog through it.

Provavelmente a versão definitiva de jogar o primeiro Castlevania. Você pega seu chicote com o novo visual do Simon e senta o pau no vagabundo do Drácula ao som de música pedrada. Precisa pedir mais?

Estou a cada vez mais pensar que classicvania vai ser tudo assim até um deus vir e mudar essa merda, esse aqui tem seus momentos geniais MAS pelo menos tem muitas e muitas partes fodas, cara esse jogo é lindo demais, acho que um dos mais bonitos, os cenarios disso são a perfeição da perfeição.

Infelizmente eu tenho muita coisa a reclamar, principalmente com os bosses e algumas fases muito chatas, como a penultima e claro a ultima fase genial, tive que usar save state nas duas ultimas (na parte dos bosses) pra não ter que repetir toda aquele inferno de fase de novo.

Enfim, é isso, eu já to começando a me acostumar com todo classicvania ser uma bosta no level design a partir da metade do jogo.

Now I know why people like this series so much.
Spectacular Boss Fights and an even better soundtrack.

Um bom remake de Castlevania 1, que parece ter pego partes de Super Castlevania 4 para compor um jogo sólido e bonito. Joguei a versão Arranged.

Surprised by this one since I'd heard it was a bit middling. It's actually a ton of fun! Feels like it channeled a lot of the NES Castlevania energy, which I guess makes sense, since it's technically a remake. In actuality, it's a completely different experience after the first stage. So I guess it would be more of a reimagining? I don't know what the appropriate terminology here is but it's good shit regardless. Excellently crafted stages filled with unique enemies and combat encounters, satisfying sound effects with phenomenal arrangements of classic tracks, and a diverse set of ways to move through each of it's many challenges. It has the same problem as the older games do though, in that it's too fucking hard. You get a bit more leeway than some of these older titles, as the amount of dodging is lessened and there are more healing items scattered about, but it still doesn't change the fact that the game has some pretty ridiculous requirements for you. The clock tower stage ends with what is both the hardest room in the game, followed by the hardest boss in the game, and dying to the boss sends you back to the beginning of the hardest room in the game. This is dumb and also not fun and also annoying. Don't do this if you're reading this and also designing a video game right now. Some of this is remedied by difficulty options in the PlayStation version, but the easy mode feels like a hard mode in basically any other platformer. Regardless of the difficulty problem, I did power through with some help from my buddy, "pause and create a save state", but it didn't feel as abusive on the saving as I get sometimes. That's because repeating parts of this game was fun to do because, for the most part, it has pretty strong design. I might even like it better than the original Castlevania! 4/6

If they kept this Simon design we would have flying cars

my favorite version of the original Castlevania
the arranged soundtrack is unrivaled its worth a playthrough just to hear it

Tudo o que quis logo após alguns minutos jogando era que acabasse o mais rápido possível, é muito anti-diversão mas se você acha que tem que ser assim, tudo bem, esse jogo é um prato cheio pra quem quer ter o dia destruído

Chega a ser engraçado os spots absurdos dos inimigos, é tudo bem planejado pra te pegar de jeito e que quase sempre é improvável de sair sem tomar um dano. De tantos inimigos, só a mulher barro e o ESQUILO prestam

Algo que bato palmas é para o trabalho de arte do jogo, é fenomenal! O novo design do Simon é super estiloso e o jogo fica visualmente mais agradável na versão arrange

A música não é ruim mas não é nem pouco memorável, isso em excessão da trilha que toca quando você morre(que ecoava na minha mente enquanto estive escrevendo)

Escolhi como meu primeiro Castle pra começar mais localizado na história (ideia tola), dói dizer que foi uma péssima experiência

amei esse jogo. é um jogo filho da puta, um jogo trapaceiro, um jogo bonito, um jogo lindo. o arrange mode traz umas mudanças ao jogo original q eu realmente amei. o simon bishonen será sempre canônico pra mim.

Esse é o terceiro remake de castlevania 1, pegou tudo de bom para criar um ótimo jogo. Se tu não gosta do quão velho castle 1 é, jogue chronicles, se achou o modo arranged, jogue o modo original, ele simplesmente consegue agradar qualquer tipo de jogador, des de casual aos hardcore.

Castlevania but disco!
This is a damn good remake of the first game and it's criminally underrated! The Soundtrack is really good and the art style is neat too (way better than the old game) . It's also a very beginner-friendly classic Castlevania game, it's a nice change of pace from the usual pain this franchise like to put us through. Though this game is very limited as in it's kinda just a pretty NES game with barely anything else so it kinda sucked at release I guess, I'm guessing it was a full 60$~! Even 30$ is too much for this.

It's good! play it!

A sort of remaster of Castlevania 1, which already had a remake in Castlevania 4. Yet this one feels......weaker than 4.

It's not awful, worthy of a brief curiosity, but not worth the price it's sold on the retro market. And I'd still recommend you play Castlevania 1 or 4 over this.

Grinding out a 1cc in the original mode of this game was downright painful at points. Chronicles original mode is widely considered to be the hardest Castlevania game due to the scarcity of healing, the high damage dealt by ALL enemies past the first few stages and some platforming setups that are at the level of precision that speedrunners obsess over in other games. Some sections like the falling gears in the clock tower cross the line over into bullshit design.

However finally getting that 1cc gave me a massive sense of elation that made the grind worth it, and I grew to appreciate the tightly-structured design and pacing of the levels, as well as the awesome soundtrack. Castlevania Chronicles is very fun and as a remake it surpasses the original NES Castlevania as long as you can stomach the difficulty that is very punishing even for classic Castlevania standards. The arrange mode is good too with great if somewhat less fitting remixed songs and a time attack stage select.

After playing the hell out of it Castlevania Chronicles is probably tied with Castlevania Bloodlines as my second favourite Castlevania game, with my favourite being Rondo of Blood.

Hard as balls but very satisfying to beat.
The clock tower almost drove me insane, but after beating it and reaching the final level that had an epic version of Simon's theme it felt incredible.

I'm not joking when i say that's one of the most satisfying moments i had while playing a game, all my motivation and hope returning to my body after recognizing the melody in the first few seconds was just... special.

whoa this kinda good

this is a pretty excellent Classicvania right here, well at least the Arrange Mode is, Classic Mode can be a bit more difficult than it should be. I kinda made the mistake of making my first playthrough Classic Mode and then playing Arrange Mode after. suffice to say, my first playthrough was very rough, but thankfully my second playthrough was not only a more enjoyable time due to being more familiar with the level design, but also due to enemies dealing less damage to you as well as removing knockback when you get hit. that said it still has its annoying moments, like enemy placements that are almost guaranteed to get you hit, unexpected things popping out of nowhere to deal damage to you, and the entirety of Clock Tower and the Tower of Dolls, I hate dolls I do not trust those soft and dumb looking menaces to society

3/4 of this game's music styles are epic to listen to. yeah I said 3/4, going to be honest with you the default FM music for Original Mode is kinda STANKY for the most part. I don't know guys it doesn't sound right to me, and this is coming from a guy that loves his FM synthesizers. if it's your favorite version of the OST though, kudos to you, enjoy this game's music however you want to. if we're talking about the Roland GS music though, woo boy! such a huge improvement from the FM music, god every track from this version is great, it almost feels like CD quality at times, this is my go-to choice right here. I mostly quickly skimmed through the Roland LA music, but from what I've heard it seems like a balance between the FM and Roland GS music. it's alright. obviously Arrange Mode's music does not mess around either, the remixes are excellent. oddly enough, I feel like it isn't as consistent as the Roland GS music. while they were a few tracks that I truly loved, the rest of the remixes were just "neat" is all. I will say that Arranged Mode's Trashard in the Cave went SO much harder than it should have. man it doesn't even sound like it belongs in Castlevania, it sounds like a Street Fighter III track or something similar (this is good). now that I think about it, every version of Thrashard in the Cave is a banger, even the FM one. this game's OST is now apart of the top three along with Symphony of the Night and Akumajo Densetsu (in no particular order).

graphics are pretty nice to look at too. I was too focused on the game's music that I don't really have much to say about how the game looks sorry about that! I will say that I do prefer the original sprites for Simon more than the new ones he was given in Arrange Mode, as well as preferring his more classic styled design than the one Ayami Kojima. I love her art I think she's one of the best video game artists out there but I prefer my Simon Belmont to look like bootleg He-Man. her Simon's still pretty cool though, and the Dracula design she drew for him in this game is so epic, I might even like it more than the Symphony of the Night design. speaking of Dracula I like how both versions of his sprites look like you smash his jaw open when he gets to half health I think that's pretty funny and hardcore.

I had a really fun time with this one, I could see myself coming back to this game someday and polishing up my skills on Original Mode, I mean this is the first Castlevania I completed twice! it's tough to say whether I prefer this or Super Castlevania IV. there's more of a challenge in this one and the music is a lot more of what I prefer, but I really like how Simon played in SCIV and that game's Dracula fight was so much more memorable and climatic (the one in this game was kinda easy lol!), so I will say that SCIV has the slight edge, but this comes VERY close. I might be giving this game more credit than I should since I just got done with a mediocre Castlevania and a hot garbage one right before, but I don't care please give this game a shot it's pretty nice :^)

Dracula also hogs all the high scores in Time Attack are you really going to let him get away with that

Review is for the 'Arranged Mode' of the rerelease. The original version has ridiculous difficulty, and not the good kind. While this version features some overcorrection (the second boss is rendered trivial by the removal of knockback), it is overall far more enjoyable.

Immediately following a sort-of remake of the original Castlevania in Super Castlevania IV, the next entry is... another remake of the same game? Granted, this one is a bit closer to the original, though it expands the level design and mechanics considerably.

Chronicles is an odd one. The mechanics are limited compared to IV. It allows downwards and diagonal-down whip attacks in mid-air, otherwise operating as in the original. Mid-air control is back, easing some of the tricky maneuvering present in the borrowed level design. IV's reliance on the SNES' Mode 7 for many of its most interesting moments was unfortunately not possible here, leading to the game feeling like a step back.

Despite some unfavourable comparisons to other entries, Chronicles is still an enjoyable ride. The music remixes are hilarious and brilliant, it looks pretty good, and most stages are solidly designed. While I prefer the tightness of the original, Chronicles is a worthy game on its own terms. Definitely check it out if you like this style Castlevania.

the soundtrack makes me cum but everything else is okay

This was actually a great remake of castlevania this game deserves more attention than it gets.