Reviews from

in the past

Something about it loses a lot of the magic of human revolution. Maybe it's the single player microtransactions

Prague is really good. RIP this series.

One of the most visually cool-looking games I have played yet with a mesmerizing soundtrack. Nails the cyberpunk ambience SO WELL. The story felt short (yet fun) and the ending was abrupt. Otherwise, it's great.

The game ends with some interesting questions that would no doubt be answered in the never-to-be sequel. How cruel...
There's extra "stories", but maybe another time. Bonus "after story" content doesn't vibe with me for some reason, and none seem to alude to those burning questions.

Mankind divided is a great followup to human revolution. The stealth and gameplay are still really great and it received some modern upgrades both to gameplay and graphics. It was fun but even with all the side content, the game was unfortunately really short. My first playthrough was non-lethal only and it was still really short.

It was still a fun and rewarding experience.

Really improved on the flaws of the previous one, still not close to the OG but what can be?

This game most definitely has issues, that’s just a fact with it. While some of it was out of their control, other parts were most definitely a case of ambitions not exactly working the way they wanted it to.

To put it plainly, the themes of the game are very heavy handed. While this wasn’t something that bothered me too much, it did make me realize how much intrigue there could’ve been if the game wasn’t focused on the tired question of “Is persecution of a specific group or race of people a bad thing?”

Other than that, what did annoy me was probably out of Eidos’ control. That being the marketing tactics Square Enix employed here come purely cause Human Revolution sold well. Forcing tons of apps and pre order BS, a multiplayer mode, and even micro transactions that were added so late into the game that they couldn’t even incentivize players to use them rather than playing normally (and thank god for that)

Let’s all be glad this company that chooses EnEfTees over this series no longer owns it.

Really, my only other big complaint is how rushed the ending feels. It’s all build up to a final chapter that you’d expect to play through, but you’re suddenly pulled away from the controller and told “Nope, you gotta wait for the third prequel game!”

But, other than that, I have to admit…this game is probably better in every way than Human Revolution! And I already really liked that game!

For one, the exploration was so much more rewarding! While you had options in HR, it often just consisted of hacking or finding very obvious vents to get to where you needed to go.

MD actually gives you way more options, and I had to legit think and experiment about how to go about certain objectives. Especially cause they don’t point directly towards where you need to go like HR did for its side quests.

They also improved the cover system a bit, allowing for more precise aiming out of cover and more ways to move from cover to cover and catch your enemies off guard.

While you’re doing this, you’ll probably also be taking in the sights cause my god this game looks so good! It holds up insanely well, and I just love the artstyle they went with here. Prague is just a beautiful backdrop and works well to contrast with the darker elements at play within that beauty.

And the side quests are actually excellent, and I went out of my way to do every single one I could find. That’s only something I’d do for games I just enjoy playing, like Future Redeemed just recently!

Overall though…despite the issues it has, this game was a blast for me and I am definitely returning to it to try different stuff. Still recommended by me for anyone interested in these games, along with all the others in the series (except Invisible War cause I haven’t played it yet)

I like the gameplay
I should make a list of sequels that shit the bed in the story but still have good or better gameplay

This review contains spoilers

Ends on a cliffhanger without a satisfying narrative conclusion.
Everything else about the game is fantastic and sometimes I wonder if it's better than the original game even.
Daresay, the Palisade Bank level is even better than VersaLife.
Unskippable tutorial in dubai sucks tho ngl

disappointing, deus ex was about going to and exploring new areas, and all i did was just roam around prague and do side missions. human revolution was better in every right but this was rushed, and also just one boss fight in this game just sucks

Would be cool if there was another game.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (2016): Creo que la historia, aún estando bien, no está a la altura del excelente universo que han creado, que es sin duda el punto fuerte del juego, junto a las posibilidades mecánicas que da para afrontarlo lo convierten en una delicia (8,70)

Улучшенная Хьюман Революшен, но оборванная на середине.

Полная рецензия: История Адама Дженсена прервалась именно здесь и жаль.

Сиквел одной из моих любимых игр в истории в целом получился таким же ярким и интересным, подняв графическую составляющую, улучшив кое-какие геймплейные аспекты и продолжив истории 1 части. Невероятные локации, особенно сильно запомнился именно Город Големов, удивительная локация, которой, правда, можно было бы уделить и чуть больше времени. Сама Прага и ее мини опен-ворлд тоже мне понравился, районы городы кажутся живыми и каждый раз возвращаюсь куда-то ты замечал как менялось окружение и люди в городе вместе с ним. Стелс все так же остался на высоте, лишь слегка став приятнее, но кое-какие устаревшие механики Эйдос все таки еще не исправили, а жаль.

Что уж точно стало лучше, так это стрельба, тут она уже дотягивает до уровня калвздутия 2009 года и это на самом деле очень круто, потому что иногда мне прям хотелось пострелякать и игра позволяла нормально разгуляться. Отдельное мое почтение хочется сказать сайдквестам, которые просто шедевральны - это наверно главный плюс игры. И история убийцы, и приколы с Двали, и расследование Шарифа - все очень интересно и интригующе, а в какие-то моменты тебе реально кажется что ты отыгрываешь ситуацию, в которой только от тебя зависит судьба тех или иных персонажей.

Из минусов - это прерванный на полуслове сюжет и это очень плохо, ибо игра просто кончается ни с чем и еще обиднее, что до сих пор не понятно ждать ли когда нибудь продолжение. Так же это 3 акт в Праге, где город ставят на локдаун и кроме как инвизом и ползая как долбаеб этих душнил копов никак не пройти. Если честно очень сбивало всю динамику и лично для меня слегка убивало погружение в происходящее. А так же некоторые игровые локации выполнены как-то на отъебись и показались мне слишком короткими, особенно в сравнении с прошлой частью. Даже тот же стелс в некоторых местах стал слишком легким, ибо лвлдизайн для него настолько предугадывался, что все становился каким-то корридорным, но это наверно моя личная проблема.

Еще мне не понравилось, что почти что все новые абилки по сути дела юзлесс и нужны только для лютого экшена, которым я не занимался, а каких полезных аугментация для скрытного прохождения и не было, ну кроме разве что удаленного взлома, который действительно выручал в некоторых моментах В итоге мы все же имеем крепкую хорошую игру, которая использует все лучшие элементы прошлой части, где-то конечно же слегка спотыкается, но это не супер фатально, разве что сюжетной составляющей, но даже сюжет который подали здесь в-принципе был интересен и интриговал, но опять же, представьте если бы Дес Стрендинг вдруг оборвался после убийства Хиггса, вот тут тоже самое. Не хватило катарсиса и развязки, но я верю, что однажды мы получим ту самую 3 часть, где история Адам подойдет к концу и подведет нас к классике.

Much better, tighter, more mechanically interesting game than the first. Prague is a beautiful setting and rendered incredibly. Much more engaging as a roleplaying game with interesting decisions and choices to make.

It's 2021 and there's nothing about DX5 :(

It's cool when the game ends mid way through the game

The level design and gameplay of Mankind Divided is leaps and bounds ahead of Human Revolution, but it's the story that lets it down. Discounting the fact the game is essentially only half of the whole planned story, it's thoughtless use of BLM imagery and it's less coherent yet somehow more straight forward conspiracy tale pales in comparison to the plot and themes from just one game ago. It's still a titan of the immersive sim genre, but if Square Enix Europe had gotten their act together it could've been so much more.

Most aspects of this game are better than Human Revolution, but it felt kinda unfinished unfortunately. Also... Adam Jensen is still hilarious.

Gameplay is a nice improvement over Human Revolution but the main story held back too much for a sequel that hasn't happened.

This game is really good, In my opinion it's much better than Human Revolution in some aspects but not so much in others, my main problem is the main story, heres the thing: this game cares more about setting up a sequel than with it's own story which is why the ending is very underwhelming, it ends when you least expect it. The graphics are amazing and really beautiful, it's a lot better optimized now than when it was released, gameplay is a lot better than HR, environments are great and very detailed. Now, the Breach mode is horrible, enough said.
The DLC's are pretty good, especially "A Criminal Past", the only bad one is "Desperate Measures", it's a single mission that was clearly ripped from the main game to be used as a pre-oder bonus and it's not even a good mission. That said: I had so much fun playing this game!

I got to the dilapidated sports stadium on a 100% non-lethal run. Dragging a corpse out of the way killed them because of the physics, and I decided "you know what, they fell down the stairs, I'm calling that one acceptable because I did not directly murder them." Occupational hazards, you know?

When I left the stage and got back to the train station, the dialog chain that played insisted that I had killed everyone there, and was a butcher, and why did they have to die, and the main character said some tough guy shit. I closed the game, because if it isn't going to give a fuck, then why should I?

The mains story is less interesting than human revolution but everything else Is as massive improvement.

aside from the awful performance it's such a massive improvement over DXHR it's kinda mindblowing, the story is still kinda meh and the ending is nonexistant but the gameplay is a direct upgrade and you feel more in control of your actions and choices, fuck the microtransactions and bad DLC practice

Zerado pela quinta vez. Não é melhor que Human Revolution (esse no caso, um dos meus jogos favoritos) mas ainda sim é um excelente immersive sim. Entrega muita liberdade ao jogador, tem uma gameplay muito bem construída com adoráveis mecânicas stealth, discute temáticas importantes e mostra muito bem duas realidades diferentes do seu universo dividido, a fase do Golem tem um dos melhores level design da oitava geração. A incrível trilha sonora consegue captar muito bem o cenário e atmosfera cyberpunk. Uma pena a historia ser curta, quando a historia começa a engatar de verdade e te deixar extremamente interessado no que está acontecendo o jogo termina, provavelmente deixaram a melhor parte pra um terceiro jogo que corre o risco de não ter...

Couldn't get this to run on my PC.

I still think it was overhated back there in 2015. I think it’s right sequel to Human Revolution. Score by Michael McCann, Sonic Mayhem & Ed Harrison not reached level of HR but still very good.
Hope there’s gonna be third part & we get very good trilogy.

Was quite a bit underwhelmed by it at the time. Human Revolution is among my all time faves, and while this has very similar vibes, it just felt undercooked.

You can dick around in cyber-Prague forever and it's really cool but once you leave it the game just ends.