Reviews from

in the past

De longe o melhor jogo de luta de anime.
Os golpes e mecânicas de cada personagem refletem muito bem suas versões animadas, e a arte então... sem comentários.
Dá pra deixar o jogo ainda melhor com alguns Reshades e Mods, que transformam personagens do jogo em outros personagens que não estão disponíveis no jogo base.
Jogar com o Goku Instinto Superior, a música do torneio do poder tocando e os efeitos sonoros saídos direto do anime lhe dão uma sensação surreal de imersão na porradaria da franquia.
Tempo de jogo: 65 horas


Esse jogo é a definição de querer passar nervoso. Investi 45 horas (dividindo entre PS5 e PC) e posso dizer que este é o melhor jogo de Dragon Ball, porém seu maior inimigo é a Bandai.

Entenda que 95% das decisões deste jogo são feitas de forma impecável: graficamente, trilha sonora, direção de arte, jogabilidade, e tudo mais muito bem feito. Mas a Bandai, com seu balanceamento e otimização, arruinou irreversivelmente este jogo.

Para explicar, tenho que começar pelo sistema de DLC deste jogo, um dos mais predatórios de todos os jogos. Nem a Capcom com Street Fighter 4 foi tão gananciosa quanto a Bandai com este jogo. Se você procurar em qualquer loja digital, Ultra Street Fighter 4 ou Street Fighter 5 têm todas as DLC por algo entre 20 a 50 reais. A Bandai faz este jogo com todas as DLC custarem entre 250 a 350 reais, isso depois de o suporte do jogo ter sido encerrado e as DLC terem sido lançadas. Este jogo, não contente em ser predatório com as DLC, teve uma versão otimizada para todas as plataformas onde casualmente as DLC desaparecem, e se você não entender bem a loja da PSN ou Microsoft, boa sorte em comprar tudo de novo, pois eles escondem as opções para enganar o público.

Agora, sobre a otimização, que para mim é o ponto baixo deste jogo, ele roda com os FPS que o jogo quiser. No online, é muito comum o jogo ter que apressar animações porque não está aguentando manter os 30 FPS. O mais impressionante é que na versão do Series S, este jogo trava o tempo todo. O melhor de tudo é que na versão para PC, nada disso ocorre, então se você jogar no PS5 ou Xbox Series e mudar para o PC, vai parecer que está jogando outro jogo.

E agora o PIOR ponto de todos, que é o balanceamento. O balanceamento deste jogo pode ser resumido em: as DLC são mais fortes e se não gastar dinheiro, você vai sofrer. TODAS as fusões DLC do jogo estão em um patamar tão acima que, pegando Vegetto Blue e apertando um combo básico 6 vezes quadrado, consigo derrotar qualquer ser humano que treinou muito neste jogo. Vegetto Blue, Gogeta Blue, Vegeta Base, Kefla, Broly Super e outros personagens DLC não jogam no mesmo nível dos personagens que não são DLC. Obviamente, existem exceções como Gohan Místico ou Bardock, mas aí são 2 personagens versus 6 DLC absurdas. O balanceamento deste jogo faz todas as coisas boas dele serem exterminadas com o tempo. Toda partida online você encontrará os seguintes times:

Vegetto Blue, Gogeta Blue, Broly
Gogeta Blue, Goku MUI, Kefla
Vegetto Blue, Gogeta Blue, Goku MUI

E eu não estou brincando, é só entrar no online e este jogo se resume a quem comprou todas as DLC e sabe apertar mais botões. Eu subi consideravelmente de rank e, honestamente, mesmo ganhando a maioria, sinto que perdi. Perdi tempo, paciência e sanidade por um jogo mal otimizado, mal balanceado e com um sistema de DLC mais prejudicial que conheci em décadas.

The Spongebob of fighting games.

Dragon Ball Fighterz is an encapsulation of what anime fighting games should be, not arena-based or solely made to generate monetary gain, but crafted with an avid passion that permeates throughout the game.

This game is simply awesome, for Dragon Ball fans, being able to pinpoint the accuracies in all of the moves and brilliantly constructed dramatic finishes is extremely rewarding as they mirror the manga perfectly, showcasing the developers’ degree of care in manafacturing this game. Furthermore, the roster, although not as big as previous Dragon Ball games, is ridden with picks for any playstyle, each character being unique and a joy to thoroughly learn their moveset and the manner of which they apply themselves to differing situations. However, this game doesn’t need you to be a Dragon Ball fan at all, the gameplay feels enjoyable and simple to learn, not requiring complex inputs thus maximising user friendliness and ensuring everyone can play.

As a fighting game, this remains as a beacon in the community, acting as a bridge between new fighting game players and the entire fighting game community, allowing many to get involved and improve the game’s machinations and features, designed first and foremost to be an entertaining fighting game that can attract new players and seasoned veterans

Despite this game being brilliant and a massively entertaining game (especially with friends), it’s issues are prevalent in the online as the netcode, although being altered to a rollback system, is dysfunctional and the game seemingly rewards playstyles primarily focusing on not utilising skill. The game does feature a story although mainly filled with fights, having some endearing interactions between your favourite characters, but per fighting game standards, the story is just there.

Overall, if you are considering playing fighting games, please play this one first and adapt to it, find a team and fully explore them but if you just want a uniquely entertaining game to satisfy your desire for a Dragon Ball title, this game is ideal.

I hope ArcSys gets bought by Epic Games and the remaining devs have to work on anime Fortnite pvp box fight maps for the rest of time

THIS SHIT IS FUCKIGN AWEEEEEEEEEEESOOOOOOOOOOME OMG IT HAS SUCH A GOOD VISUAL STYLE and i love that you can double jump and block in the airrrr and like You Can Do That Shit In Other Games yeahhhhhhhhhhhh Duhhhh but oh my god this feels so much better to play to me than the Budokai games lolol i still like the budokai games but i think this feels much snappier and satisfying to try and make shit connect mmmm

I also have been watching dragon ball super finally instead of just passively nodding or furrowing my eyebrows at random details id just hear through word of mouth about the series, which has been really fun
playing characters in this game made me particularly excited to see the scenes with android 17 and hit and the rest

i think while the roster definitely is like... 1/3rd just goku and vegeta
its WEIIIIIIIIIIIIRD but is it weirder that I don't really mind it much? I come to expect huge rosters from the budokai tenkaichi games really and I think its a miracle that GT content exists at all in this game,
the biggest issue i got is more around the stage selection though! i feel like they covered most bases but IDK it doesnt really feel like the same franchise heritage and love is felt beyond what youd expect really.

I also like how this game just feels like it's trying to have more Fun with shit and doing its own things rather than feeling like it needs to be 1:1 railed into how things work in the show or manga currently ongoing, like the little interaction dialogueeeee... hell even the original new character is pretty cute and weird shes cool :> !! im not crazy bout her but I can totally feel the vision and thought put behind her and she easily slips into Dr Gero's fucked lil family.

So yeah its just a fun dragon ball 2d fighting game and it makes my ass itch sometimes because im not very good at it and some characters are absolute horseshit to fight against like one of the brolys and ss4 gogeta and ultra instinct goku but i also love destroying with all of those characters so- yeah its a pretty damn cool game

also hit's theme is so chill <3

Much like Team Fortress 2, I don't rate this game as what it is now, more so what it meant to me when it was at it's peak and the memories I've formed with it. I have always been a fan of fighting games yet I never had the time or patience to get good competitively until this one showed up.

Being a fan of Dragon Ball since I was 6 watching it on youtube back when copyright law wasn't as strict and people had to stitch the video in 3 parts because of the 10 minute limit on the site, I've always had a soft spot for this series and even the worst Dragon Ball Games have a ton of fan service worth checking out. And Fighterz isn't fan service, it's straight up fan fellatio.

From every moveset, every reference, every interaction, it's all packed and filled to the brim with charm that completely encapsulates the highlights of the show and what made it special, which is exactly what made me try to pick up my first fighting game as a competitive player. I didn't get very far (only up to Living Legend) but it was so much fun! Learning combo strings, going on tourneys, meeting people from the FGC, watching famous players and copying their BnBs, it was so much new terminology and training that legitimately made me feel like I was training and improving my fighting skills much like Goku and his pals.

Should you play it right now? Maybe not. The balancing got Mickey ever since they added UI Goku and Gogeta 4 plus the added patches after it were the nail in the coffin for this game's already waning skill ceiling, but I don't think it would ever diminish the fun I've had with it for 3 years straight.

This game blows Xenoverse 2 and Kakarot out of the water and it's a shame Bandai/Arcsys never felt interested in continuing the game, it could have easily been a mainstay series with tons of DLC still being released today, but for a 6 year old game, you could do much worse.


Initially I wasn't the biggest on this game. Characters were too similar. With the base roster, you can learn one combo that works with 95% of the cast that does enough damage to carry you a shockingly far way.
With some of season 1 and most of 2, that is different. The characters are much more unique and require at the very least different inputs. Some require different routes all together.
Not only that but block strings just... feel less prevalent? Maybe I'm just more used to them now but I don't feel like I'm waiting hours just blocking. It still is definitely too long but it's either much better than before or I got used to it.
It feels like more characters can ToD now, which is an interesting thing to me. In concept I hate ToDs, however, that's just what kind of game this is. It's a game where you have to do millions of things per second, mess up once and the opponent realizes, you might just lose a whole member of your party.
Learning more of how the combos work in this game is really fun! I encourage at least watching some tutorials on how to extent combos further than the light auto-combo.
Overall the game turned from one of my least favorite fighters of recent time to a really solid 3v3 combo fighter. Doesn't excuse the TERRIBLE online, but IF you can find a good connection it works well enough.
Solid fighting game for sure!

A great game killed by its load times.

This review comes from the perspective of a non-Dragon Ball fan. I bought this game on the Switch on a whim, because I was still in a VS. Capcom phase, and wanted something like it, and also the Ultimate Edition of this game (which normally costs over 100 bucks), cost around 13 bucks, and I thought that was a great deal.

The gameplay is really fun and fluid!
It takes inspiration from other tag-team fighters, but has much simplier controls, and can be falshy as all hell. I don't think that's a bad thing, as the game can still be pretty fun to play.

The Story Mode is alright. I will admit, because of my limited experience with the franchise, I stopped giving a shit about the character interactions after a bit, but the story itself is nothing to write home about, it's fine, it does the job, and is a good way to get people introduced to the game's mechanics.

The game's presentation is just simply marvelous! Characters look so good, and the effects are just extremely pleasing on the eyes. It really does feel like they brought the anime's energy to a videogame.

Problem is... this all comes at a cost.
When I first picked up this game, considering the similarities in gameplay to the VS. Capcom series, I was expecting to get more milleage out of Dragon Ball FighterZ and play it for a good while.
But the long-ass load times killed it for me.

Yes, I do admit that I did pick the Switch version, which is probably the worst when it comes to stuff like this but, especially in Story Mode, the amount long load screens I had to sit through to finish a chapter made me turn my brain off, and care even less for the Story and trying to fight everyone on the current map, or getting 100%.

Dragon Ball FighterZ has a lot of good stuff going for it, but if you're seriously thinking about playing it, please play it on something like the PS5, where load times can be minimized.

Why the fuck isn’t Puar playable??

Um dos meus jogos de luta favorito e pra mim o melhor baseado em anime. Dragon Ball é um dos meus animes favoritos e ver um FG tão incrível como esse é algo que me deixa maluco.

Esse jogo é um abraço na gente, foi feito com certeza por fãs. Literalmente TUDO do moveset dos personagens é tirado de algum lugar, seja uma cena icônica ou qualquer parte da história, os caras conhecem MUITO a franquia. Além da parte gráfica e sonora que simplesmente espetacular, parece que eu tô vendo um episódio DOS BONS do anime.

As músicas infelizmente não são muito carismaticas (gostaria que tivesse a ost do Kai, particularmente a minha favorita) mas tem algumas músicas bacanas no meio dele.

Não sei se pretendo fazer o modo história, mas minhas 57 horas no arcade e no online são o suficiente pra me fazer amar esse jogo.

One of the more recent fighters I’ve had fun with. A really nice roster, beautiful graphics and a lot of content. It’s funny to see everyone using the same characters online though (fusions, 21 (lab coat)).

looking back at the 2018 hype for this shit i think marvel 3 might be the most misunderstood fighting game of all time. in comparison to the literal screen tearing positional tug of war of marvel 3, where dashing to take your assist out of the screen is a fundamental offense strategy, movement in this game feels like a weird mix of kof hyper-hopping, melty blood's importance of constricting your opponent's aerial movement, and maybe like any given 2D fighter franchise weird entry where they added assists (i.e. kof 99/2000 or now MK1 I guess). i've been playing this game on and off for closer to 5 years now and been exercising mid 30s salarymen dedication to watching stray replays during lunch hours/work down time and the neutral
movement here has never looked slick tbh. the reliance on super jumping and holding 2/8 to control momentum and fall speed means that say, hopping over a beam to punish the recovery feels genuinely awkward on a pad. in a way that saying magneto holding up hitting a dash micro and pressing S doesn't. absconding to pockets of the safety on the screen feels way harder than it should for a game based off flying aliens. dead horse but i wish they took more from arcana heart than blazblue.

speaking of, as a fighting game designed for beginners i actually think this might be the most frustrating game to play for beginners/intermediates, on par if not worse than tekken 7 (tekken 7 having a higher playerbase and somewhat more reliable netcode offsets the knowledge gap i think. also a far worse matchmaking/lobby system. look i get it playing an arcsys game past 2004 and going "ooooo the lobbies suck not the lobbies 🤓🤓" is low hanging fruit, but like, its still true). i think the autocombos suck because the grounded versions do not lead to a knockdown like most other fighting games autocombos, i would not show this game to someone to demonstrate the get a hit -> knockdown -> run some oki flowchart of anime 2D fighters. superdash as a whole mechanic is more tilting for new players to counter than any superarmor/invincible reversal super/comeback system possible. granted inputs and learning any given character is easier, but if im at a function and somebody was like "matt bring one of dem fighters around" i'm still reaching for soulcalibur, tekken, or kyanta first u kno.

but having said all that, this game can be rlly cool on occasion. the attention to detail is rlly outstanding, and seeing any of the lvl 3 closeups or intros looks rlly good when u haven't seen it in a while. there's also some characters who diverge from the boring fundamentals here: zamasu, ginyu, krillin, nappa, gotenks, & baby are beacons of light, possessing the creativity and uniqueness of something more in line with p4a than p much what every other character is doing. they can actually like, run oki, besides guessing a tech direction and going for a meaty. crazy. in spite of how simple the building blocks are it's wonderful the type of synergy in blockstring/combos you can explore. i just wish this game had a more even experience & design, the xenoverse 2 level dedication to updating this shit without planned DLC down the line is rare, it's doing justice to a property that hasn't seen a W in like 7 years, it's in conversation with a pretty vaulted subgenre of 3v3 fighters, it's just too frustrating and awkward to deal with long periods of time...this was always gonna be true and technically has been true for a while but budokai tenkaichi 4 will truly be better

If you like playing as a constipated jock with awful animation and complicated plots, then boy do I have the game for you

If this Story Mode had a baby with Budokai 2's, no DBZ game would be able to touch it.

Pays incredible respect to the Dragon Ball franchise and still is one of the best fighting games out there with amazing visuals and fun gameplay.


After them new balance changes and new characters, for me it practically became a new game, and even for being a fighting game, these changes and updates become one of the brains of the fun. Yeah, the campaign mode is still pretty fucking repetitive and boring, but the rest has improved, so I think it's only fair to give this game a higher rating.

Excellent gameplay and fun story, the new character is very interesting but the story mode is a little bloated, and playing online outright sucks, I was constantly being disconnected while playing with friends and finding random opponents is unnecessarily complicated

Excelente juego y probablemente el juego mas competitivo de Dragon Ball hasta la fecha, Lastimosamente encuentro el META Juego con los largos BlockStrings bastante molesto además de cuestionables decisiones de balance.

Esse é um dos meus "jogos de luta" favorito no sentido multiplayer, sair na porrada com amigos ou desconhecidos e bem legal mesmo, e esse jogo é muito divertido nisso.

Agora o modo historia, tem um enredo que poderia tranquilamente ser uma saga de dragon ball z (não seria uma das melhores) e isso é maneiro mas a ideia de como tudo funciona a divisão de 3 arcos com "3 perspectivas" e como funciona o modo historia a maneira que você avança de uma batalha para outra, os clones (repetição maçante de batalhas) acaba deixando tudo tão ruim que vc nem vai prestar atenção no enredo (o que talvez seja uma pena, como eu disse é maneiro) vai querer terminar logo. enfim parece PREGUIÇOSO

Poderia dar Menos pelo modo historia mas também poderia dar mais pelo modo Multiplayer... então depois de tudo isso vou sabonetar em 3/5 pois esse jogo ainda me agrada


Imagine getting head in the hyperbolic time chamber

Did you know that Android 21 was originally going to be a cybernetically enhanced member of red ribbon dedicated to bringing the army back to it's full glory, but the initial design was rejected due to several countries at the time trying to limit Nazis or nazi-looking iconography in games? Google 'lady red Toriyama' for more information.

eu não joguei o modo história e vou logar assim mesmo, mas deixo aqui o meu elogio ao design da Androide 21 ❣️

ótimo jogo de luta, gráficos muito bonitos, gameplay 2.5d com mecânicas interessantes e divertidas e o elenco base é ok, conta com personagens clássicos da obra e alguns menos recorrentes porém que fazem uma adição boa (Goku Black, Hitto, Bills)...

Vale a pena só se pegar em uma promoção, principalmente se vier com os passes de personagem 👍

Beautiful-looking "3D anime" game whose meta you should stay far away from, and whose DLC you should buy with great trepidation. Not really my flavor of "turbo fighter," but I respect its aims. The multi-Goku rooster is easy to clown on. The story is ass lol

Joguei muito no início desse ano com meus brothers e prometi que ia loggar só quando conseguisse jogar com meu amigo Niel. Joguei com ele e esqueci de colocar aqui, faz meses já.

Enfim, o jogo é absurdo de bom.