Reviews from

in the past

Dragon Quest can often feel like a lengthy series, from grinding out experience and cash to solving every town’s problems again and again and again. DQ7 will test your endurance more than any other in the franchise, but I promise it’s so worth it.

The cast is one of the strongest I’ve experienced despite only two party members carrying plot relevant reasons to endure the journey. Gameplay progression systems from DQ6 return with far more balance and updated use, making them welcome additions this time around.

The story really relies on your thirst for adventure in the first 15-20 hours or so as you begin to feel out your companions and you all start to see the effects your actions enable. It’s built mostly on what would be considered small subplots for over half the game before you’re hit with point blank narrative relevance. Despite the lull of story beats, each subplot is more interesting than the last and the myriad of themes presented throughout each are a treat each time.

Unfortunately I can’t praise the game’s finer points without major spoilers, but in conclusion DQ7 is well worth the time for those with some patience and a hunger for the unknown

Goddamn this shit got so meandering.

I love dragon quest as a franchise, but this one kept just getting slower and slower and losing more and more of my interest narratively until Maribel, who is easily the worst character in the franchise yet, just killed the remainder of it when I was forced to include her back into my party.

A really cool gameplay concept and the statisfaction of collectible completion kept me going til the credits, only to find out the reward for doing that is meeting a god who doesn't particularly care that you unfucked his mess. If you like DQ, go for it if you're thirsty for more, if you want a better narrative, play 11, 8 or even 9 if you haven't.

This is my favorite Dragon Quest. I don't think you should let the long runtime scare you, the story is handled in many small vignettes that take 2-4 hours a piece. It's a great game to pick up and play in chunks over a long period of time.

It's a good Dragon Quest game, although I can understand why it is not usually the top favorite.

Great game that overstayed its welcome a tad...

aishe make my brain go brrrrrr

Great game but hard to play in 30 minute sessions. Will return.

If i hear the battle theme outside of this game my eyes will turn red and i will kill everyone within a 500 ft. Radius

This game is a long running tabletop campaign where every island is a session that the characters get to explore and solve before moving onto the next, a rare example of an RPG where the overarching plot reserves itself until much later into the playtime.

There are systems that I wish were more streamlined but it's a great series of fantasy Star Trek episodes to watch and resolve, a format that I wish there was more of.

Having trouble sleeping? Play dq7, you'll be snoring in no time. Soundtrack is good and comfy at least

Good, solid jrpg with excellent turn-based combat. The premise is interesting and refreshing for this type of game. However, it is far too long and the episodic nature of the game makes building meaningful relationships with the npcs challenging.

every bad thing that could be in an rpg

El juego comienza con una cantidad absurda de dialogo en que lo mas que puedes interactuar es mover al personaje para hablar y hablar de punto A a B.
La música es repetitiva, repiten los mismos modelos para distintos personajes, siendo tan pero tan monótono.
Depende bastante del farmeo para poder avanzar contra los enemigos, además que las armas y armaduras son ridículamente caras, que solo podrás ir comprando si te pones a farmear, lo cual es mas tiempo muerto. Ya de por si su jugabilidad es la de un rpg genérico y super mecánico.
La historia llega a un punto en que se siente tan repetitiva, siempre es la misma formula de entrar a una isla nueva donde debes resolver el conflicto que lo llevo a su extinción, donde en ocasiones meten historias ridículas como romances entre personajes, sumado a que repite mucho los modelados y la misma música en todos los mundos. Además para que la historia avance necesitas visitar partes tan especificas del mapa para que salga una animación y que la historia siga avanzando. Yo tuve que andar recorriendo los mapas una y otra vez visitando cada esquina hasta que por fin saliese la animación para que continuará la historia.

es largo con ganas y tiene contenido pa rato

Probably my favorite DQ game purely based off of its gameplay loop. I think if you’re ok with a game taking 100 hours to get through then you will have an incredible time.

SUUUPER long game - I played this game on and off for a few months but I always found myself invested in the story and remembering the events of the last time I played as I continued. I loved the characters and their personalities and the class system was really fun. As a first impression, this was a stellar start to the Dragon Quest series and I'd like to say that it is currently my favorite as well. ^^

The Persona 5 of Dragon Quest. No, seriously, I really mean literally. +100 hours for a first playthrough while I'm barely at 14h.

It's good from what I've played, maybe I should keep at it to judge it better.

whilst people complain about the length the story is such a cool take on traditional DQ that i can't be mad. also Sir MELVIN THE GOAT

Damn man I thought I loved DQ as a series after playing XI and III but this was so incredibly meandering and drawn out. I really try to avoid dropping games but this one lost me.

You may have to use a walkthrough 1 or 3 times in the game to know where to go or what to do for the main story, but other than that it's not an incredibly cryptic game like the older ones in the series. It's not as long of a game as people say it is, as I beat it with almost 70 hours into it, when others say it's a 100+ hour experience. Solid gameplay as usual, the class system is nice, but requires a ton of grinding out battles to level them up. Game is very easily broken balance wise. You do not need to get the most advanced classes to beat the game, for if you get them the last battles will have you yawning. I really like how with the inclusion of this 3DS version there are no more auto battles and so you choose if you want to battle or not. If you are in a dungeon most of the time you will have to fight the enemies on screen as hallways are too small to avoid them. It's very easy to grind battles with metal slimes if you keep moving the screen around, forcing the game to load new enemies.

played like, 70 or so hours of it a while after it came out and loved it. had a lot of mental health problems around the same time so i never beat it but i definitely want to come back to it eventually.

This review contains spoilers

This game was bad and too long and too boring, i dont understand why dragon quest fans insist on defending this, its genuinely the worst game in the franchise hands down
im less mad, my real review is that this game couldve been cut down to when keifer leaves and then cut right to recruiting aishe, then buccanham with the sea dragon, then maybe do some stuff with that after maybe 5 vignettes, then go right for the ending storyline, the game suffers massively from having boring npcs and essentially no relevant story content

It's gets a bit of a bad wrap for being the 'the long one'. But honestly I loved the short episodic nature of this adventure. Collecting the mcguffins, seeing these towns in the past, and going back to explore in the new present was always something I found really interesting. I have a lot of time for this game, not least because it was the game that got me back into hand held gaming.

Never played a game that has oozed the feeling of adventure quite like this one. One moment later on actually hit me like a ton of bricks, completely out of nowhere and I loved it. One of the best classic JRPGs. Oh and those excellent Toriyama designs are on point as ever. Loved the Sutherlands.

one of the worst games I've ever played. also it's a crime to have q soundtrack with like. only 5 unique tracks for an 80+ hour game

A 70+ hour experience with nothing to show for it. Absolutely boring.

Hasta ahora me parece buen juego, tiene sus momentos donde la dificultad es o muy baja o muy alta, pero puede que sea un skill issue de mi parte.
En cuanto a historia, me gusta que sea un poco más episódico, teniendo muy buenas islas como la primera o la del desierto, y otras mediocres tirando a malas como la de los robots.