Reviews from

in the past

The way these guys react to compliments as if you just offered them a million dollars speaks volumes about how toxic their relationship must be. Also I don't think I'll ever be able to get over the fact that Grace's torso is made of two stretched ovals.

Yeah its all funny haha fun and games until you meet people who talk to each other like this in real life. Facade more prescient than Kojima

The most interesting thing about Facade is when you decide to stop taking it seriously and just use it as a platform to goof off. Even then new games boot up at a glacier pace and you can only "restart" by quitting the game and opening it again.

Cool concept, I guess? But a little too limited for its own good. At least it gave us Vinesacue Joel screaming "BROTHERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR," though.

Props for being unique I guess, but this suffers from one major flaw: it doesn't feel very interactive. It doesn't feel like what the player says really affects what the other characters say, and which direction the story takes ends up feeling mostly random. The only time I felt like I was actually influencing events was when I did stupid stuff like stand at the door forever without coming in or relentlessly trolling Trip. i.e. the only time I felt like I was interacting with the game was when I was messing around with it, which I'm pretty sure wasn't what the creator had in mind.

with the rise of AI going on right now someone should really remake this game

I was trying to steal the guy's wife and I fixed their relationship. What?

what kinda fuckin name is tripp anyway 🍉🍉

OH so we're talking about ME now, are we?

Neat concept that I hyperfixated on horribly as a child. Definitely one of the games of all time.

circular fruit of lighter color and sweet-tasting

Sometimes this game is really funny, sometimes this game is psychological horror.

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"I let you stop me from being an artist. I was afraid, Trip, okay? I admit it. I didn't know if I could do it, be a real artist. And I've been using you as an excuse for why I didn't do it."

An interesting first ending to get (from a bunch of them but this is the first time I'm playing this title) and a game which, so far from what I've experienced, uses the limitations of its parser to charactherize the husband and wife as self centered individuals that fall deeper into the cause of their own marital problems as the night goes on. I wonder if the husband gets to tell an interesting background if I were to interfere in any other way.

Trip, get in the kitchen and make me a damn beer or I'll keep kissing you. If you're gonna kick me out I'm taking this huge cracked yoni egg home with me.

what has my life come to? what happened to hitman 3 and cold steel 2?

i dont know what came over me to play this but i decided to for some reason. i felt like i was gonna get murdered, the entire thing is a spooky yet funny trainwreck. the controls are awful, the visuals are janky, somehow i ended up kissing the girl and hugging the guy like 30 times before they kicked me out. theres not much else to say. certainly "an experience"

i'm not gonna shit on this game like "ERM THE 2005 AI DOESN'T WORK LIKE CHATGPT" i'm gonna shit on this game like "why am i watching a hallmark channel drama"


lol very good. genuinely disturbing to be just caught in the middle of these two's issues and revelations...funny to just walk off and ignore them... say random stuff.. side with one person over another. Hard to tell exactly how I'm derailing/moving the conversation - but that's also part of the charm. Would be nice if being kicked out wasn't so sudden and if you could reset the game faster.

esse jogo foi lançado um ano antes dos meus pais se divorciarem. só queria comentar

I think the funniest thing ever about this game is how half the dialogue interactions are senseless and absurd and idiotic but when you suggest a threesome you get the most cold, down to earth realistic response

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i was tryna fuck on the wife so bad when i was younger

When Trip answered the door I asked if he had heard the word of god and then he immediately closed the door and the game ended.

Fun game!

It's called Facade because it's the front part of the exterior of a building, but also because there's clearly something else going on behind it. Very Lynchian in nature but much more known for the impact that this game has had on Internet meme culture. I give it five bags of popcorn and probably a can of Seven Up for good measure.

John, see I've actually been paying close attention to what you've been saying.

You're saying... I should jam this wine glass into my orifices?

But for real, was that a Dragon Dildo Trip had on the shelf?? (I mean, it's gotta be his right?? Grace is not based enough to have gotten it for herself)