Reviews from

in the past

replayed to celebrate ghost trick on switch. chapter 9 is basically a puzzle game’s equivalent of a dark souls boss

This game is really something special. It's a cute, unique, and engaging little puzzle game that is also really touching and full of character.

I can't believe it's taken me this long to play this. I was expecting just an above average story but nah this is a Good Game. Shit got me like Danny Devito i get it now gif, you know?

Ok, from the top. I played this on my trusty old DS, which has a screen resolution of about 4x3, and not only that but this is a 3D game, on a console that quite frankly, struggled pretty hard with passable-looking models. So you would expect the game to look like shit but nah, man, it's great. Super stylish, from the portraits to the transitions, but the animation in particular is so expressive and carefully crafted, I'm genuinely mind-blown at how well it manages to convey each character's personality despite you not even being able to see their faces. Music's great too, for the record.

I'm not a puzzle game guy but I know a good idea when I see it, and Ghost Trick is quite genius. All of the mechanics make perfect lore sense and play into the storyline, which right after playing Layton and the Unwound Future (good game but it ties its puzzles into its story as subtly as a lego block ties into an unaware child's heel) was quite the whiplash, but even beyond that it just works. The core loop of "figure out how person died, rewind time over and over to save them" works super well and is built upon in many nice ways throughout the game, with the exception of a really annoying stealth level in the middle of it.

The story is good and I can't talk about it without spoilers but every character has their own really believable and engaging arc which all ties together extremely nicely, the world's supernatural mechanics are very consistent and cleverly used, there's a super cool twist that I was kinda spoiled on but was still super good also there's a dog and he's really cute go play it 👍

missile is the best dog in all of gaming

this game is so good it doesn’t feel real

it doesn't matter how many times i've replayed this game, it still manages to surprise me <3

meu DEUS do céu que jogo bom. ele se sobressaiu em literalmente todos os aspectos que eu pude imaginar, os personagens são ótimos, o sistema de puzzle é extremamente criativo e te da uma liberdade enorme de brincar com as fases até descobrir a resposta correta, a trilha sonora é muito envolvente, as animações são ótimas pra época e a história é simplesmente incrível e super cativante.

não joguei os outros jogos do shu takumi ainda mas se forem tão bons quanto esse aqui com certeza vale a pena

Radd's plan is too gigabrained for me. The geniuses of Tetsuya Nomura, Yoko Taro, and Ryukishi combined couldn't plan this far ahead.

Poucos jogos me grudaram na história e no que tavam tentando apresentar como Ghost Trick. É uma ideia fenomenal de gameplay, muito bem executada e divertida, com uma história muito maluca e intrigante e com um visual impressionante pra um jogo de 10 anos atrás no DS (e nossa como eu queria ver uma versão HD disso além da que tá perdida no iOS).

Ele tem muito a vibe que hoje tá na mão de tantos desenvolvedores indies: uma ideia inteligente, com muito carinho na sua execução e um jogo memorável. Não é um jogo que vai virar uma franquia milionária, que vai vender merchandising (por mais que eu quisesse), é só uma boa história que só videogames poderiam contar.

Em época de estarem falando de time loop como mecânica, é impressionante ver isso sendo feito maravilhosamente bem a uma década atrás. Jogue Ghost Trick!

fantastic and phenomenal, the story is super well written with a great premise and plot mixed a lot of twists that surprise you but arent just for shock value, they're foreshadowed beforehand and the type to make you go "Holy shit", the gameplay is extremely fun with each chapter having a lot of challenge but at the same time being rewarding, the artstyle is eye candy and super charming, makes me feel very nostalgic as well, it's a shame it's not talked about enough

One day I'll go up the stairs like Cabanela

the most razor sharp writing you will ever find in a game. puzzles are really interesting and the mechanics are solid but fuck video games this writing is god damn crystalline perfection.

Ghost Trick is a sprawling narrative that finds a way to interconnect its many storylines in a unique and meaningful way. It did a great job of setting up its world and narrative while still keeping the experience enjoyable, and, when it was time to execute its twists, it did not hold back at all. It has a great mix of events that I was able to predict with events that came out of nowhere and blew me away. The ending is impactful, complex, and digestible with great ending scenes to cement the experience for me.

The story is great all by itself, but this game has the intangibles out of the wazoo. Firstly, the art style is beautiful, and I absolutely love it. The pixel art is stunning and the cutscenes are extremely well done which is all the better when you realize the gameplay is hugely linked to breaking down the events in those cutscenes. Not to mention the character portraits which are great in their own right. The puzzles are fun and engaging and fit the identity of the game extremely well. The soundtrack is extremely Ace Attorney-esque but just saying that is not giving it enough credit. The songs and character themes especially go so hard in this game which adds even more identity and flare to an already great lineup of characters.

It is an absolutely stellar experience from a game that I was not entirely sure what to expect.

own a physical copy of this on the DS and have since at or close to launch but only just now getting to this more than a decade later. clownery.

this was as great as i expected it to be, not that i expected anything less from a Takumi game. wonderful sprite work, music, and dialogue/narratives but more than anything i was most impressed with the animations. every single character and each of their movements have so much charm. characters like Bailey have small presences in the grand scheme of the game at large but i'll remember them forever.

i think in 2024 i'm going to make a project out of targeting specific portions of my backlog, mostly games that i have owned for extended periods of time without playing or finishing yet. i feel like i've missed out on so much.

I am 99% sure that this is where the term "peak fiction" came from because nothing can be done to improve this

One of the absolute best and most underrated games I've ever played. The gameplay is so insanely unique that I don't think there is really anything like it. Every puzzle completely uses the mechanics to their fullest and puts the player in the best situation to comfortably find the solution, and it never feels poorly designed or frustrating. Everything is very well thought out and fully intuitive which makes it a very rewarding experience.
The story is also immensely well executed. It's basically hard to say anything about this game without spoiling but it somehow piles mystery on top of mystery and manages to give everything a satisfying answer and has a straight up perfect conclusion. The writing is very clever and funny while also packing emotional weight when it needs to. Shu Takumi's writing style shines as much as it did with the Ace Attorney games and the amount of personality he puts in is unparalleled by most games.
The art style and animation are super unique and creative as well, every character has so many little details and quirks that give them a ton of personality. The music, just as in Ace Attorney, is extremely good as well. Something about Masakazu Sugimori's style is just very charming and always evokes DS nostalgia for me.

I cannot recommend this game enough, as I said it is hard to say much without spoiling but it is an immensely gratifying gaming experience that there is really nothing like still. It's also extremely accessible and can be enjoyed by probably anyone, especially people who love the Ace Attorney series.

I'm not asking anymore play it NOW

A masterpiece of a puzzle game from the legendary madlad that brought you the original Ace Attorney trilogy, and one that I really do wish people talked about more. Honestly, I won't say much about it here because you really should go into this game as blind as possible, it's a wild fucking ride. Ghost Trick is an extremely creative and fun puzzle game with a banger soundtrack, eye-catching visuals, and an engaging story with fun writing.

Play it, or so help me, I will turn you into a ghost myself.

This game gave us Bailey's Panic Dance TM. It's a mastapiece.

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every single problem in this game was caused by a cop being stupid

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still a better cat story than stray

Shilled it to literally anyone and they all liked it. (You came here because of my plan didn't you?)

Veredito: criativo e bem escrito.

A investigação criminal nos jogos nunca mais foi a mesma depois de Ace Attorney, o jogo de advogado criado por Shu Takumi. Ghost Trick é o que acontece quando o Shu faz um mistério policial sem tribunais e com fantasmas.

A ideia é clara: tu morreu mas não lembra de nada, e decide investigar a própria morte. Obviamente, descobre que o caô é bem maior que poderia imaginar, envolvendo governos de outros países, assassinatos nunca solucionados pela polícia e, claro, seus poderes de assombração, que são como você joga. Acenda e apague luzes, remexa em estátuas, faça as coisas se moverem sozinhas. Tudo para resolver puzzles, salvar vidas e desvendar os mistérios que envolvem sua estranha morte.

O único defeito é que no 1° ato os diálogos ficam recapitulando tudo a cada 5 minutos, o que deixa o ritmo meio irritante, embora fosse comum no Nintendo DS. Mas frente ao conjunto da obra, com seu roteiro incrível e puzzles extremamente criativos, reclamar disso parece até bobo.


wow. just. wow.
this game is just incredible in every way, but what surprised me the most were the characters' animations and how they protrayed their personalities and were essential for the story.

ghost trick is both a lesson in storytelling and a wonderful, humorous and incredibly fun game to play. it easily became my new favorite game.

Such a unique premise and loved how they handled the puzzles. The satisfaction of figuring out the Rube Goldberg machines was great. Story was a huge standout and consistent across the entire playthrough. It just looked amazing with the sprites and background areas mixing in wonderfully making every scene or animation a treat.

The music was fantastic along with being able to recognize some of what was used in Ace Attorney. It's very hard to play Ghost Trick without picking up on some of the similarities with AA even having one of the cast members bringing it up constantly. You owe it to yourself to play this if you enjoyed any of the AA games. Regardless it is still an incredible game for everyone.

A gem among gems among gems, tragically overlooked in its time and still criminally underappreciated, not by those who have played it but by those who don't even know it exists.

Ghost Trick is Shu Takumi's masterpiece, a thrilling mystery with exciting stakes layered atop an emotionally moving story populated by a charming, lovable cast of characters, and all of this is hidden inside a silly little puzzle game released with little fanfare for the Nintendo DS in 2010. This game has made me laugh, it has made me cry, it has made my jaw drop with every revelation. It has done this countless times over the years with each replay or friend I convince to play it, and every time I wish I could wipe my memory of the game and experience it again for the first time.

What really helps seal the deal is that Ghost Trick is an easy game to recommend because it is an easy game to play, without losing any merit for its accessibility. Anyone can play (and love) Ghost Trick. It's only about 12 hours long at most and can be described past a certain point as a series of plot twists, so if any of this has you intrigued then I implore you to do absolutely no research about this game and jump in blind. You'd be doing yourself a service.

As someone who just started playing Shu Takumi games, I gotta say the consistency and quirkiness of their writing is extremely charming to read through. They have such a natural talent of writing instantly likeable characters you can root for, even beyond just feeling basic sympathy for them after their unfortunate deaths. I often found myself rooting for characters I hardly cared for at the start of the game (like the justice minister lmao). Sissel has quickly risen up as one of my favorite vn protagonists; the cool shades, clean fit, and attitude made me instantly vibe with him (literally me)

Also, oh my god, the music and sound design of this game are fucking perfect. It's so goddamn satisfying to just hop around and fuck with various items as a ghost. Masakazu Sugimori never misses, bro.

As a puzzle game where you solve mysteries as a ghost, using the DS stylus to manipulate objects is such a creative idea; it helps that the execution and puzzles themselves are pretty excelent and satisfying to fuck around with. A minor spoiler, but my only criticism of the gameplay is that when you have two ghosts to manipulate and switch between them, it can make navigating objects a bit tedious, as instead of switching, you only get the option to talk to them. But again, that's only a minor nitpick.

I’m so glad I had the privilege of going into this blind. Not being spoiled on a 13-year-old DS game is insane bro, but I think it speaks volumes to how excellent the story on display is that the entire fanbase could collectively shut the fuck up and not ruin it for newcomers (JJK and CSM fans could learn from them).

I’m not good at writing profound stuff; thats what the reviews under me and video essays are for, but whenever I finish a Shu Takumi game, I end up feeling extremely hopeful. Like things are going to be alright, ya know? his games really hammer home the importance of loved ones, that you can always grow and be better, and I really appreciate that. It's corny, but dammit, I need a little corn in my life sometimes, and ghost trick provided that in spades. I was left feeling very warm when I finished it at 4 a.m.

Anyway, I have a good chunk of Shu Takumi games to go through and need to hop back on Ace Attorney. play Ghost Trick please☺️

One of the DS's finest. Story is fantastic and full of twists and turns that, while shocking, are cleverly foreshadowed and not just brought up out of nowhere, the characters are ridiculously lovable and have a ton of charm and depth to them, the art direction is incredible and instantly gives the game a unique sense of style, the OST is fantastic, and the gameplay is incredibly solid, giving you a series of Rube Goldberg puzzles to play through that also does an amazing job in intertwining gameplay and story together. Definitely give this game a shot if you haven't already.

Any game that has me pulling a all-nighter just to get to the next chapter to learn more about the story must be doing something right.