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Step down from MMZ3 but about on par with 2. I miss Recoil Rod but the Zero Knuckle had some merit to it. Mostly being using it on enemies with axes so you could get that weapon variant and enjoy its power and range. The levels in this game don't stand out in my mind like MMZ3's did, but I do recall the bosses being stiff challenges. Without focusing too much on the story, the final fight and resolution was a good sendoff for the series.

A melhor parte de MegaMan Zero 4 com certeza é a história, um final épico e uma digna conclusão não apenas para a saga Zero quanto pra MegaMan no geral. (Eu sei que tem o ZX, mas eu n joguei ele ainda, então shhhh)
A trilha sonora de Zero4 é espetacular, novamente, é quase tão boa quanto a de MegaMan Zero 3.
É aí que nós somos levados a um ponto específico do jogo... o level design.
Ok... ok... sem enrolação, esse é o pior level design de MegaMan Zero.
MegaMan Zero 2 já tinha me revoltado bastante com algumas fases chatas e frustrantes, mas puta merda, não teve uma fase de MMZ4 que eu não sentia vontade de socar meu monitor.
Talvez eu esteja exagerando, mas mesmo as que não são tão ruins, só não são memoráveis, esse jogo não tem o mesmo charme e o carisma de MegaMan Zero 3, não é marcante.
Eu digo o mesmo sobre os bosses do jogo, ou são ruins, ou só não memoráveis.
O Boss final é o único que se destaca, com bastante padrões para decorar, morrendo, morrendo e morrendo.
Pode ser um pouco chato, mas é exatamente do jeito que eu gosto hehe.
E também tem os sistemas do jogo, por exemplo, o sistema de Parts, ou o de Cyber-Elfs foi completamente modificado, não está ruim, mas o do Zero 3 era melhor. (Tirando o sistema de Parts, o sistema de Parts é realmente terrível.)
O sistema de parts é tão ridículo que eu não coletei uma sequer durante o jogo inteiro.
É justamente isso que eu sinto com MegaMan Zero 4, "no Zero 3 era melhor".
Esse jogo não tem uma indentidade própria, não tem marca, não tem nada.
Ele é só medíocre na maioria dos aspectos, sempre perdendo pro Zero 3, seu antecessor.
Em suma, vale apena porque é MegaMan Zero, então você na certa vai se divertir, mas provavelmente passará raiva em certas fases, ainda mais se não tiver paciência pra ficar pegando upgrades e essas coisas, nem mesmo eu peguei.

Hi Mellon: The Game

The conclusion to the saga that started with Mega Man (1987), and a damn good one at that.

Gets better on a second playthrough.

This and x5 are games I love that I can shittalk to the moon and back

This game is great and a good ending to the series, though I think a lot of Zero 4 is somewhat frustrating design wise, but I think the story carries the experience for me, especially after marathoning the rest of the series

This review contains spoilers

Great music, emotional ending. It's strange that the guardians are absent, and there's a lot of focus on the Human/Reploid relationship that doesn't get the time or development it deserves? Perhaps it's supposed to reflect the Zero/Ciel relationship... Still, a great game!

Foi uma decisão ousada fazer o último jogo da série o mais diferente da franquia, mas depois de três jogos bem parecidos, uma mudança na fórmula de Mega Man Zero foi um pouco de ar fresco, apesar de nem todas as mudanças que este jogo trouxe serem positivas.

A única arma alternativa deste jogo é a Zero Knuckle, que permite que você roube armas dos outros inimigos que encontra nas fases. É uma ideia boa, e permite uma variedade muito maior em como enfrentar chefes e inimigos mas... nenhuma das armas do jogo conseguem ser boas o suficiente para eu considerar usá-las no lugar do Z saber e do Buster, então eu praticamente só usei a Knuckle para cumprir Puzzles.

Os chips elementais estão ausentes pela primeira vez, porém os chefes ainda conservam suas fraquezas e resistências, o que é um incentivo maior a utilizar as Ex skills elementais que você adquire conseguindo altos ranks nas missões que, assim como MMZ3, eu fiz o possível para ter todas. Outra nova possibilidade é o sistema de clima, onde você pode jogar cada fase em uma versão fácil ou difícil, porém perdendo a chance de conseguir a ex skill do chefe da fase caso escolha a primeira opção.

O sistema de Cyber Elf foi inteiro retrabalhado: Agora você apenas tem uma elf principal, e conforme ela vai subindo de nível, você vai escolhendo habilidades novas. Por causa disso, o sistema de elf é muito menos personalizável e muito menos interessante que em seu anterior.

Os body chips agora não são mais itens escondidos nas fases: Você precisa construí-los utilizando chips que consegue ao vencer inimigos. Apesar de este jogo ter uma imensa quantidade de combinações possíveis e receitas de chips, ele também retorna com o grinding massante para conseguir as peças que você quer, algo que nunca foi divertido de se ter presente na série MMZ.

MMZ4 é um amontoado de ideias e mecânicas novas, algumas que funcionam bem, outras não, porém em um jogo com um level design ainda consistente, como é característico da série, e portanto, dificilmente seria uma má experiência.

The closing chapter of the series, I played this one right after MMZ3, and it didn't disappoint. The way the levels were divided up in this game was way more balanced than MMZ3 in my opinion. The power knuckle was very fun to use, there is a great amount of weapons you can steal from enemies which allows you to experiment a lot. And also getting overpowered never was as easy as it was in this game. So yeah if you wanna have it easy in this game, you will have it easy, but if you wanna play it hard... It becomes REALLY hard... Like hard mode junk armor no subtanks is quite literally insane. The 8 bosses in this game felt like the least abusable in the entire series as well and being allowed to fight them in any order felt great as well.
This was straight up my favorite MMZ experience so far but maybe overtime MMZ3 will grow on me more. It's up to time.

I don't like the Zero Knuckle compared to the other game's weapons.

Enjoyed this one from start to finish. Bosses have fantastic designs. Love the return to full stage selection. Crafting and changes to the elf are whatever. Also miss the rod and the boomerang but otherwise a great finale.

The final game in the series, Zero 4 continues to innovate on its formula and attempts to try new things with all of its systems. While the new Chip system is a bit frustrating, the appeal of mixing robot parts to make things is still alluring to me. Z4's Cyber Elf system is probably my favorite in the whole series, and the new Zero Knuckle could make for a defining feature for a game if it wasnt overshadowed by the incredibly fun Z-Saber and Buster. This was my favorite game in the Zero series and highly recommend.

finalmente o fim da Saga, e que Saga boa, Zero 4 acabou sendo o meu favorito da serie Zero, os bosses, as fases, o final, tudo me chamou atenção do início ao fim, foi uma experiência muito boa jogar a serie Zero pela primeira vez.

I do not remember a ton of the finer details about this game, and would like to replay it sometime to refresh myself. However, upon hearing more discussion, it seems this is the impression that most people walk away from the game with. While a member of a solid series of action-platformers, it doesn't set itself apart very well, its music is held back sorely by the GBA soundchip. The story was enjoyable, and felt like a satisfying close, but everything else (even the new Zero Knuckle) left me with a ho-hum feeling. I would love to give this another shot someday when I'm not playing it after every Mega Man X then every Mega Man Zero game in a row.

A jogabilidade continua a mesma, ou seja, muito satisfatória; a pixel-art continua belíssima, e a trilha sonora deste jogo é a minha favorita da saga Zero. A Recoil Rod de Zero 3 foi substituída pela Zero Knuckle, uma luva que pode roubar armas de inimigos e lançá-las contra outro inimigo, e eu achei a arma menos interessante da série. As Ex-Skills agora não precisam mais de Rank A ou S nas fases. O jogo introduz um sistema de clima, onde dependendo do clima da fase, o Boss fica favorecido ou desfavorecido. Ao derrotar o boss no clima que o favorece, você consegue a Ex-Skill dele. O sistema de Cyber-Elfs foi novamente alterado, e agora você tem apenas 1 cyber-elf que possui os 3 tipos de Cyber-Elf, e você pode fazer upgrade nele para ganhar novos efeitos. A maneira como este jogo fecha o arco de todos os personagens foi muito satisfatória para mim, e o final dele é muito emocionante, principalmente para quem jogou os 3 jogos anteriores e viu a evolução do Zero ao longo da saga. Para mim, foi um ótimo desfecho da saga.

I want to like this more, but this game just has a lot that I don't like. So many levels are either boring, unmemorable, or uninteresting that I find this to be a chore to play sometimes. I'm not a fan of the new Zero Knuckle as most enemy weapons are pretty bad. I like the new ex skill system, but that's like the only positive change. The elf system is worse than 3's, only limiting you to a couple elf effects, some of which are largely the same, and the crafting system is awful. Unlike games with a proper crafting system, this game doesn't tell you the recipes of over 80% of the parts in this game. It's bad design and forces the use of a guide. I got every part in this game, and the grinding was honestly not that bad; it was kind of relaxing at times, but I also learned that a majority of the parts in this game are useless. Quick Charge, Double Jump, Rolling, and the Junk set are all you really need. If you're playing this game, look up how to get those, and you'll be fine.

Sinto que deu uma queda meio forte do Zero 3 pra esse, tentaram dar umas diferenciadas nesse jogo pra não ficar mais do que foi os 3 anteriores e não sinto que fizeram tão bem, principalmente as Gimics de cada fase e a mudança do Sistema de Elfos (Nunca pensei que ia falar isso...).
A parte principal dos Elfos que é aumentar a vida, defesa e proteger de coisas especificas até que gostei, por mais que precise de novo de Farm pra porra é mais pratico doq ficar caçando a fase toda por algo e ainda ter que gastar os Crystals pra usar, aqui você já tem tudo só precisa farmar, mas cortaram muitos efeitos de Elfos para virarem Equipamentos que nem no Zero 3... mas que ao invés de ganhar no decorrer do jogo ou explorando tem que Craftar.... acaba que o jogo consegue ter um Farm que só não é pior que o Zero 1...

What a great way to cap off the Zero series! Once again, Inti Creates provides a solid and challenging action platformer with good-ass music and what I consider to be a top-tier story. I’m not going to spoil anything here, but the plot of this series is concluded in just… a really good way. That said, I gotta put this just a little lower than Zero 3 because there were a few small moments that weren’t fun. Also, stealing enemies’ weapons with the Zero Knuckle was neat, but I kinda stopped using it because those weapons never felt particularly useful. I could probably write more, but I’m really tired right now so my brain’s a bit fried. But yeah, Zero 4’s a very good game in every respect!

This one wasn’t as good as the last game, and the bosses were like twice as hard as usual, but wow, what an ending. Fuck that final boss by the way that was atrocious.

Not mechanically as good as 2 or 3 but has my favorite finale in any video game, if that's anything.

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finally zero fucking dies thank god

Shoutout to Mega Man Zero for being the one series in the franchise to have an actual conclusion.

The game takes a few steps back in terms of gameplay. I liked the concept of the Zero knuckle, and stealing the weapons of your enemies is actually pretty fun. However, the crafting system tied into this sucks. I had no interest in searching for recipes so I looked up everything online. Also, can I just point out how fucked up it is to remove chips from the game?

Let's talk about weather. This is basically just a glorified difficulty selector, but there really is no point in choosing the easier weather. I liked this system because it allowed bad players like me to finally access the powerful EX skills, but I understand the criticism from hardcore Zero fans who liked being rewarded for their S-ranks.

Level design is jank in some spots but that's to be expected at this point. What I did not expect was Craft, who turned out to be the hardest boss in the entire Zero series for me. You try fighting him without any subtanks, chips, or elves.

All and all, Zero 4 is not as good as Zero 3, but it's still a fitting end to Zero's character.

An fantastic end to an amazing series.

My favorite Mega Man Zero game. The toned-down difficulty really does wonders, the levels are more distinct and enjoyable to go through instead of being annoying exercises in frustration, most boss fights don't devolve into Don Frye vs Yoshihiro Takayama and have fun patterns to weave through with the cherry on top being the pseudo blue mage mechanic, Zero Knuckle, that's very fun to experiment with. I'm not the biggest Mega Man fan to say the least as I've always found the large majority of those games to be annoying and plain unfun to play, but, save for some frustrating portions in typical Mega Man fashion, Mega Man Zero 4 is a game I enjoy playing and replaying.

It's worse than Zero 3, but man, i love this game.

And it's ending... Do yourself a favor and play all the mmz series (even if i didn't like the first one)

The only thing that really bugs me here is what they did to the chip system. If you want to get them you have to both use a guide and grind, which is so weird for a Mega Man game, for one of the sub-tanks there's something like that too. I also like the elf system of Zero 3 better, but here is good too, level design is very good and the bosses are by far the best from the series, and it also has the best final boss song from the franchise

I put this on equal footing to MMZ3 because the zero knuckle is just so cool, as opposed to the impact rod which I never bothered using except to get items. I don't care if the zero knuckle is weak or situational. What's yours is now mine

Yet another amazing story in the zero subseries. Many enemies are reused and the weather effects are most of the time outright annoying. The Z knuckle also felt really useless in many situations compared to the recoil and chain rod. In general tho this is my favourite lineup of bossfights in a zero game and most oif them are great. I liked the simplification of the cyber elf systems and menus however having too choose between different powerups is straight up stupid.

the levels were certainly there
the bosses were certainly there bar the final boss
the elf system is uh.... okay... i guess..?
the biggest downgrade is whatever the fuck they were smoking with the item recipes it is so grindy and so obtuse how the fuck would anyone figure out how to get the parts and even then there are only like 3 good parts
but holy shit the ending and the final boss hit so hard that it feels like its from a different game god