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I went into this completely blind not even knowing this mod existed until a friend of mine basically forced me to play it, and I wanna apologize for all the mean things I said to them because my god this is probably one of the best Doom mods I’ve ever play.

The places this Mod takes you is just otherworldly and something I wish more pieces of media would try doing. I just recently played through the game Garten of Banban 3 and that game tries really hard to tap into the psychological horror of liminal spaces; but fails miserably since the devs are hacks and refuse to actually try with interesting level design. In compersion with this mod, made for a game that can run on a fucking pregnancy tester; has some of the most outstanding usage of liminal spaces since seen since the backrooms first came out. (before it was overrun with children and stupid lore) The way this mod just takes Dooms engine and just completely revamps it to do this the base game could ever achieve is so stupidly impressive I’m just blown away whenever I even think of the mod or the levels that take place in it. I don’t really wanna say anything about the mod since I feel like going in blind and unaware of the events in the game is the best way to play it, this is more or just me gushing about how much I’m blown away by the amount of work and passion is just seeping out of this mod. Like you really didn’t need to be cooking this hard for a Doom mod but they did and I respect the hell out of them.

Go play it or else I’ll break into your house and replace all the coke you have with Pepsi (unless you already have Pepsi, in which case I’ll just take a dump in your bathroom and not flush)

Se você olhar para o meu primeiro log, vai ler a experiência de um jogo feito com elementos externos sem o consumo dos mesmos.

Isso significa que jogar My House é uma experiência próxima de um ARG, como dito no primeiro review, e altamente direcionada a um público-alvo específico: o jogo foi feito para ser jogado por uma comunidade de modders e mappers de Doom, então ele tem uma série de segredos e desafios feitos para serem descobertos utilizando conceitos de Doom (base) em conjunto com experimentação pautada nos hábitos dos jogadores recorrentes e na descoberta individual compartilhada com o coletivo no fórum Doomworld.

Uso de códigos de trapaça para conseguir pistas, ativação de eventos por meio de interações habituais com tudo no cenário (ainda que a maioria das coisas não possua interação, aquelas poucas irão te fazer avançar), dentre outros.

Essa experiência, extraída e despida de seu contexto, se torna pobre, incompleta e sem alma. O contexto (ou a falta dele) é seu maior problema, e seu maior atributo.

My House está acompanhado na sua postagem original no fórum ( de arquivos e documentos que enriquecem sua experiência e foram posteriormente adicionados. Eles servem pra substituir em parte a experiência que outrora foi realizada em coletivo e permitir um jogador solitário finalizar o mapa encontrando seu final verdadeiro.

Um diário ficcional escrito pelo dev provê contexto e meta narrativa. Imagens, fotos e arquivos de texto servem pra estabelecer o clima narrativo evocando um tipo de terror conhecido como creepypasta. Geralmente são histórias paranormais breves, geradas por usuários, com a intenção de assustar os leitores. E esta é a premissa de My House.

As camadas de design do mapa se sobrepõem com o jogo, os arquivos, sua história pseudo-real e a ficção criada ao seu entorno, tudo se interconecta para entregar sua experiência completa.

E apesar de termos sido alienados da experiência inaugural de My House em virtude do momento em que o jogamos (posterior ao seu fervor causado no fórum Doomworld) ainda há no fórum as postagens dos usuários registrando suas descobertas e compartilhando orientações e interpretações em ordem temporal, assim podemos fazer uma viagem no tempo e acompanhar a linha de raciocínio dos participantes.

A experiência é diferente, mas ganha uma outra camada, mais arqueológica, que segue em paralelo ao jogo e assim, involuntariamente, enriquece de uma maneira distinta a proposta original para aqueles que não a pegaram em seu estado virginal.

Segue, pra todos os efeitos, sendo um projeto ambicioso e extremamente criativo, que ao meu ver só peca em ser nichado demais e focado demais em derivar de um outro jogo, oferecendo à comunidade de Doom uma joia rara tantos anos depois do auge deste.

Seu maior trunfo e qualidade é também seu calcanhar de Aquiles, especialmente para quem não tem a bagagem daqueles para os quais My House foi projetado. E infelizmente não é um jogo que se recomenda livremente à qualquer pessoa.

A reminder that Doom is, fundamentally, a creature of the American suburbs: spawned from the childhoods of Carmack and Romero, shot through the not-entirely-unreal spaces of the first game's levels, and sprawling across a modding community of people who grew up in houses and yards they could recreate. The real murderheads will probably get the most out of this, and there's very obviously a ton of Internet ARG Stuff going on, but this is still a hell of a thing. Worth playing if you have even a passing interest in Doom, have ever played and enjoyed the base games. Why not just play custom wads forever?

the youtuber meme game game which is cool to like now if you hang out with the cool kids

actually is a mid wad

I'm just left to wonder how the fuck did the guy manage to make this in Doom 2. genuinely the scariest part was when Shrek showed up but apart from that yeah it's not that wild. wish you didn't have so many moments where you would get lost and have to check the wiki

An extremely vast collection of great ideas in a format that I'd otherwise not be likely to give the time of day but the problem is is that there's just so freaking much crammed in here. Still very worth giving a try and then watching the Power Pak video on youtube to get the explanations for everything.

Played this in a couple sittings during October.
This year i haven’t had as much time for gaming as i would’ve liked. Therefore, my pick this time for the spooky season had to be something short to play, and myhouse.wad seemed like a good choice, specially considering all the commotion it caused on the internet. Surprisingly, one of the most relevant games this year, at least among the indie players, seems to be a Doom mod. In the year of the 30th anniversary of Doom. I hope this little wad has actually put some lights onto the whole Classic Doom community, for all those who weren’t aware of it’s existence.

I have to admit that my exploration of this wad couldn’t have been possible without the guide of Power Pak’s monumental video essay ( )

The mapping detail and music are pretty great, but those are really the only positives I can give to this attempt at another "haunted video game" thing, because the lore included with the game overshadows these things and is the main point of this mod.
I don't understand why people unironically think this game is the greatest Doom 2 mod of the year just because it taps into the whole "scary haunted video game" genre that most indie games, game mods (including this one) or web series just can't seem to get right for the past few years. The thing I hate the most about this mod is the inclusion of the "liminal spaces" thing. It just feels really, really forced.
Please stop giving this the large amount of attention it doesn't deserve.

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Okay, actual thoughts on the pk3 file version of this. Is actually really impressive for a Doom WAD and I kind of did like how esoteric it became with themes of nostalgia, grief, and just how so much of the game consists of these abstract locations that you just feel instinctively familiar with but have a sort of 'liminal quality' to it (e.g. swimming baths, apartment complexes etc.) where it does become much deeper in a way when you start exploring what's going on. Interestingly I got kind of a bad ending when I played this because I was like "Huh, what was behind that bookcase." and it was like uh, not good. I suppose what really creeps people out about this tends to be the ambient sound design and how everything in this just feels like an assault on your senses when it wants to be. I streamed this and someone at the end complained that my "microphone was too quiet" but I just didn't expect like the sound to operate in that way, lol. It became a bit too much. So much of it felt ambient but at the same time where there was a lot of noise, like you're just sitting around and there's just static in your head and what not.

This kind of does function on a principle similar to movies like Night of the Living Dead where it starts off just unremarkable, then like it just compiles on deeper and deeper layers of tension until it morphs into something else entirely, and this one actually felt very original in terms of its storytelling. Doom like doesn't really have a story so much as it just has details lingering in the background, yet for some reason it seemed to work so well with a story like this where so much of it is very suggested and underlying. Something about it doesn't feel right to people. Weirdly I thought this map was less creepy to me and way more cathartic to me in terms of somehow digging at underlying anxieties I had with like being stuck in that sort of anxious liminal state, like where you're just stuck and there's this frustration with a lack of progress, and with this feeling of moments and memories that you'll just never get back. Like there's an apt metaphor here with how there's like just endless corridors that repeat themselves, along with secrets and increasingly esoteric ways to have to find yourself out of it. Truthfully this WAD frustrated me so much at points but I honestly think that's part of the intentional emotional effect of this WAD, but I honestly think that there's a part of this that feels like reconciliation with those sorts of feelings, and therefore there's something else about it that just feels kind of harrowing.

(An aside but like half-way through my stream I got kind of into this tangent relating to "gender dysphoria" and I was like holy shit, I think this kind of just unintentionally captured like those sort of associated feelings of alienation on top of this endless noise and aggravation in your head, where there's just that feeling where you're just unable to reconcile with it, or that the way you do is through something that's so esoteric and bewildering that it just takes a lot out of you with your attempts to do so. It made sense and suddenly it didn't make sense, I have a brief moment of calm, then it spirals into something else entirely.

I really savoured the final ending of this once I achieved it, honestly. Felt nice and fitting.)

ALSO THAT ENDING WAS JUST BLATANT ENEMY SPAM, AHHHH! Not the biggest fan of that as a Doom WAD trope. Seems like such a big thing whenever someone has an "ambitious WAD" and they feel the need to go all out with it (see also Thatcher's Techbase) but I guess YMMV on that.

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Technically a pretty neat creation with a charming feeling to it (for the first few minutes at least), but, eh, nothing more than that. The blatant use of the most basic "liminal spaces" and "the backrooms" in particular just makes me sigh in disappointment.

The obvious references to The House Of Leaves did not help at all, destroying what little immersion and hope I had for this mod. The Navidson Realty reference in particular made me laugh hysterically at it's blatant placement.

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É muito bem feito mas é creepypastoso demais pro meu gosto. Sei lá, vi vários lugares falando sobre como MyHouse é a coisa mais impressionante e assustadora do ano, mas é literalmente um jogo que te faz cair nos Backrooms quando você habilita o noclip e também bota o Shrek como inimigo em um dos mapas. E essas referências extremamente batidas só me tiram da atmosfera que o jogo consegue construir muito bem em certos lugares.

Enfim, gosto muito da música e da forma como o espaço impossível é uma possibilidade pra descobrir segredos e não só um espetáculo barato estilo Bloober Games de "A porta que estava atrás de você? Agora sumiu uuuuuuhhll".

Por encima de todo, este mod es muy cool. Es dinámico, incentiva la exploración y se trata de un puzzle entretenido de resolver. Pero más allá de eso, es una carta de amor a una comunidad tan llena de ideas y creatividad que no puedes evitar sentirte bien jugando a el. Su estilo mecánico puede sentirse alejado de la fórmula que mucha gente entiende que Doom fue, pero este juego está más cerca del Doom original que su remake.

He escrito sobre My House en Nivel Oculto, por si queréis leer más:


Firstly, this mod is very cool. It's dynamic, it encourages exploration, and it's an entertaining puzzle to solve. But beyond that, it's a love letter to a community so full of ideas that you can't help but feel good playing it. Its mechanical style may feel far removed from the formula that many people think the original Doom was about, but this game is closer to the originals than their remakes by a mile.

way more than a meme - a statement on the fallibility of memory. and it does it way better than most commercial narrative games do.

Of all the games ever produced, I imagine to many, Doom may well be the most familiar. An absolute behemoth of a game that was and remains intensely popular and a foundation for one of the most popular genres of game, and also immensely well understood on a technical and development level, with endless interviews and whole books on it's development and its technical restrictions. It is also - and this isn't a criticsm - quite a restricted in terms of gameplay elements and scenarios. Countless doom maps are powered by it's handful of enemy types and weapons, and creating interesting combat encounters with them and different environments - and whilst I am not too big on the Doom gameplay personally it's clear this is a massive component to it's longevity.

And so, for both the average consumer and especially the doom nut on forums, the game, in it's own way, is Home. Familiar, comfortable, and despite its ostensibly horrific tone - safe.

The corruption of that is what I think makes My House tick. I can take or leave the myriad references and pouring through google docs that comes with the files, as well as the general game structure with all it's item searching. But the way My House twists the comfotable, known quantity of Doom into somethng else legitimately freaks me out a bit, and is paced really well. Cute house mod devloving into "huh that's a cute trick" into "this is impossible to do in Doom" is such a good trick, and it keeps on going to point where it did - for moments, at least - feel like I was playing some cursed copy of doom found in a creepypasta.

Breaking down that feeling of familiarity and safety in a horror experience is tough - done wrong, it can feel very cheap. But at it's best it's the perfect kind of cruel, that gets under your skin and nags at you even once you're outside the experience itself. And whilst im not huge on basically anything else the game does (but im not a big Doom fan, so that's not neccessarily a "problem" considering who this is really for), I think it does that so, so well.

I swear, the housing market is crazy these days. What used to be a 3mb .wad is now a 60mb .pk3

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My pasta?
My spaces?
My pyro?
My gaming?
My doom?
My house?
My sex?

My laptop couldn't play the .pk3 file that came with this, but luckily there was a WAD file that worked instead. Overall, pretty good. Short but sweet map that's both intuitive but also a nice depiction of someone's house.

A technical achievement, a house inside a game inside a game. Dozens of landscapes running on layers of abstractions (trauma inside multiple liminal walls put together on modified software), as a goodbye letter. This gets Doom better than any other Doom after Doom

Liminal mood pack but for people who love Doom (weirdos). I think some people kinda.... dont know what "liminal" is supposed to mean tho. It doesnt just mean "normal place but no people". Some moments of brilliance tho.

looks like someone needs State Farm

Terrifying. Absolutely chilling. I genuinely felt so much during my short time with MyHouse, a map so liminal and passing that it perfectly mimics the feeling of growing up and the loss of innocence. There are those who complain that the 'story' behind the map is fake, or too manufactured, or even just too weird or played out. But at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter. If we're looking at real loss, MyHouse becomes a touching tribute complete with meditations on grief, moving on, and revisiting the past on a very human level. If it's just how it was written, then I don't think much is lost anyways if the audience is able to connect with the material's ideas and emotional core.

This is the type of map that should get someone hired in games immediately. I feel changed and unsettled from such a deep, immersive, and emotional-yet-short Doom II map/hack.

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My house is like this too.

MyHouse is completely normal there is nothing wrong with MyHouse its definitely not bigger on the inside or anything i promise

The fact that this is made on an almost 30 year old game amazes me. Expected nothing going in, just saw a stream of the house and decided to try it. Absolutely worth the chance, If you have 3 hours to kill keep it in mind.
The Original Post

I really do love horror that focuses on houses! The more ARG/Creepypasta inspired elements were also really, really cool, and I liked how mostly unobtrusive they were. This game (rom hack?) pushes the boundaries of the Doom engine to give you a brilliant experience. The only reason I didn't rate this higher is because there are other pieces of media with similar premises which I felt executed this better, and I felt like the Doom aesthetic shot this in the foot a bit. It didn't quite manage the vibe of liminal spaces for me. But I'm not a Doom person anyways so maybe I just don't have the required context.

If you like Doom, then I strongly recommend giving this a shot. Either way, a neat experience.