Reviews from

in the past

The humor is really forced and cringe and the gameplay gets old really really fast.

The very cool introduction and the great mobility make traversing the city interesting at first, but that quickly wears off, and then it gets stale pretty damn fast.

The weapons are.. not bad, they are creative and complement the tone of the game really well, but except for the magnum none of them pack any punch, so they don't feel good to use at all.

If you're into sandbox games, there might be enough here for you, but it simply was not enough to keep me playing all the way to the credits.

Sunset Overdrive é bem aquele jogo genérico em sentido de enredo não se levando a sério em nenhum momento, quebrando a 4° parede diversas vezes e trazendo um estilo bem mais pastelão que já definiu de primeira esse título tão bom da Insomniac Games em que todo o foco e forte desse jogo não é bem a seriedade do seu universo ou a trama genérica dita acima e sim a gameplay que não é atoa que a própria Sony colocou essa empresa para trabalhar no grande Spider Man de PS4, a jogabilidade do Sunset Overdrive é muito irada e extremamente divertida de ficar dando "grind" em todos os fios de poste e apoios de ferro na rua além dos pulos nos prédios que trazem essa sensação de meio que um super herói loucão das idéia, por esse motivo que vale muito a pena jogar e é certeza que você vai rir com pelo menos um ou outro diálogo ou cena pastelona desse jogo!

Simply a fun, goofy game that doesn't take itself seriously. It's totally harmless, and often a ton of fun. Nothing too revolutionary going on, just a really fun and exciting game.

Game would be a 10/10 if the characters shut the fuck up

Sunset Overdrive a solid 5/5, simply again they don't make it like this anymore. The amount of fun you can have in this game is insanely good and for a almost 10 hour campaign it's all worth to enjoy it because it is a former exclusive made by insomniac and it did not disappoint me at all on how good their games are like for ex a 4 year later spiderman remastered that also slapped good.

This game is all about the movement, if you enjoyed the movement in spiderman you will love this as well without the spider web, you have plenty of upgrades for guns and even character customization that is pretty neat and this third person game is full of action with saturation and many more for example the sword you get at the end of the game is very fun to play, other than that the missions are good tho they seem too simple you have variety with some tower defense at Floyd and some side missions from the survivors like buck national. I think words can't describe how good the gameplay is and for some it might get repetitive but the weapon upgrades from the amps change that formula fairly quick, simply a charmful game that some might call A GAME WITH SOUL that won't be reproduced again for being so underrated.

You are a former employee from the fizzco who has to fight with the OD, humans mutants that turned from a soda also known as overcharge drinkers, your town sunset city is on a lockdown and you need to find survivors and a way to leave the city behind. You get the help from Walter and Floyd at first but later on you find a kid trapped in a train station that is flooded with ODs, you help him get out of there and he's being thankful for your service and now Sam is at your side, going to his hideout location you will find any kind of spoiled brats that can help you make a 3D printer that can help you get out of the city, first you will need to complete their quests like help a girl from there to rescue her dog going even to check on some rich parents who went on bahamas and after you helped them they made a 3D printer but they need a powerful processor so you had to talk with Floyd on where can you find some good specifications, sometime later you find a tower hold by Buck National and he needs you to film some action in order to give you the CPU. Going back to those kids you have the last piece for a complete flight to get out of the city in pieces, heading to Walter to jump in and get out you, in the meantime you are being chased by a blimp and you need to escape his radar being guided by Sam, after that you see a border at the end of the city and walter sacrifices himself so you can live another day. One sad memorial later you get the information that one guy called Master Bryllcream is the one who can make a boat scheme that can help you get out but while going there you meet Troop Master Norton that informs the sad news of Bryllcream being kidnapped by the scabs, but he can help you get intel on where he is, but he just lied to you and one of his troops help you gather the real intel, 4Kim joins the squad alongside Sam and together you find that Norton planned this kidnap with the scabs so you go to find him on a trash truck with his limbs off, after that heading back to the little tokyo you confront Norton but he has a OD drink that transforms him into a dragon so you need to rip his spine off with a execution pose. After you defeated him Bryllcream will award you with a boat scheme that needs to be turned by Ignatius, you go there and see a lot of larpers in a RPG theme, seems like Ignatius got a fever and you and his party members go and find food resources stole by the scabs, the only larper who isn't really a larper is one girl called Wendy who has a talent for music and she informs you about the real cause of Ignatius and after some roasted birds and some useless medicine that is not on the theme of medieval times you sacrifice your blood for the leeches to make a real cure. After healing Ignatius he requires you to get his crown back from the king scab, all of you decided to invade his land to recover the crown from Ignatius.
After one roller coaster of blowing up fireworks and stealing a crown Ignatius will do the boat scheme and you gather with wendy to escape the sunset city but one thing happens, the fizzco has gone insane and you are being called by Sam that informs you about that and you feelings play in that rule and you turn the boat back to the city by forcing wendy to do so, by doing so you find a hospital with some foreign ladies called the Las Catrinas who helps kids in the hospital, trying to make them join you is not that easy and your quests is to forge a sword so you can gain the trust of Esperanza and after you initially fail you find a kid that suffers from a terrible disease and in act of justice you promised him that you will find a rock band to make a concert for him so you can make him happy and so you gather 4kim to play the drums, king buzzo as the vocalist and wendy to setup this concert. Informing floyd that you will need to defend the concert and so you impressed Esperanza and her clan, they will be at your side and also the kid did not have that disease. After some rock n roll all of you gather to stop fizzco from his malefic attack to destory the city and you make a plan until Sam decodes a way to destory fizzco building and after helping the survivor you had to go up to reach a huge soda bottle that goes right in the building. By all the means you sacrificed your life and the game ends there, but no wait insomniac could not flop this ending to shit and so you rewind and on a time limit you have to shot the tower up with guns and BOOM sunset city is saved from all the junk that was there and everyone can live happily now.

Jogo me surpreendeu demais com uma gameplay maravilhosa e divertida uma trilha sonora muito boa um enredo zoado de proposito, o humor tem horas que é totalmente sem graça e horas que é engraçado me arrenpendi de n ter jogado no lançamento

the game is BRIMMING with personality, its absolutely hilarious, and the movement systen feels SO good. its fantastic. the story is very stupid, and pretty much serves as a reason to move around. my main complaint: i encounter quite a few bugs throughout my playthrough. cutscenes not loading, softlocking the game, getting stuck in a building, audio not playing. nothing that completely ruined the experience, but it definitely didnt help. with some more polish, i think this would be a near-perfect experience. but its definitely one of my favorite games, in spite of its flaws

The traversal in this game is so goddamn good

The movement options in Sunset Overdrive are some of the best I've ever seen. Just moving around the open world feels fantastic, and the way your moveset gradually expands as you play is expertly done, making the wealth of movement options not seem overwhelming.

The weapon system is incredibly similar to that of Ratchet & Clank. The combat is never unfair, yet always challenging enough to be engaging and fun. Combining the awesome and unique weapon variety with the fantastic movement creates a fantastic game feel.

The games upgrade system is somewhat flawed unfortunately, it relies heavily on an amp/overcharge system which is mainly serviced by a skill tree (Yuck). I never really cared to manage these amps to closely nor pay much attention to my style gauge as the benefits just aren't that game-changing, or at least don't convey much power visually. This somewhat lacking system, fortunately, does not take anything AWAY from the game, it just lacks to really add anything meaningful in my opinion. The style gauge is a great idea to encourage combos and fluid movement, but, thankfully, you don't really even need the extra encouragement to play "correctly" as moving around the environment and racking up combos is prebuilt into the game's design, as if you just sit still and shoot, you will soon get beaten.

I also didn't particularly feel much encouragement or reason to invest in buying any more weapons, other than sheer intrigue. Especially considering some weapons are just direct upgrades to others, I think perhaps it would've been better if when reaching their final level, the weapons simply upgraded themselves similar to Ratchet & Clank, having a smaller weapon roster, each with a unique transformation. But, its not as if I'm saying all the weapons in the game are necessarily redundant, I just didn't really feel any need to actually purchase/use any of them, so maybe some more incentive or ease of unlocking could have been implemented. The challenge side missions which give you the weapons for a brief time did a decent job and intrigued me to go and actually buy them, and some Main Missions give you weapons also to somewhat mitigate this issue.

The Tower Defense missions and trap system was quite underwhelming for me, they feel quite mindless and chaotic. I suppose you could argue that the chaos of the waves is the appeal, but while it is entertaining to watch a bunch of enemies get blown up, its rather boring standing around waiting to just spam attack on tons of enemies, and the traps, I hardly even noticed or cared they even existed. They aren't "Bad" but they certainly weren't something I was looking forward to revisit.

A similar thing can be said about the brief flying segments, they're similar to the ship levels from Ratchet & Clank, but much slower and more boring. Nothing awful, but certainly nothing to be excited about.

The submissions are usually very good, although the "Find X item 3 times" submissions are a real drag. You are often tasked with finding some (Usually rather small) items within a circled area. These missions drag the gameplay to a halt and have you slowly searching an area to find this one specific thing, unless you get lucky and find it instantly, these missions are painful. Sometimes they are gracious enough to highlight the items with big blue glowing effects and a pulsating noise, other times, they just don't.

The animation for the cutscenes is fantastic. I struggle to think of many games nearly as expressive as Sunset Overdrive, in every aspect. The art design is spot on, with great stylisation not only in its cutscenes but also its world design, taking the somewhat generic "post-apocalyptic" city theming, and making a beautiful colourful world to style off buildings and hop across boats inside of. The design of interactive objects in the world is also spectacular, the collectables are integrated naturally into the world yet still clear to see, and objects you can grind and bounce upon are always made clear through colour/shape whilst still blending into the world. The overall art design of this game is second to none.

The writing is also top-notch, it takes a playful approach to the fourth wall but somehow succeeds in doing it in a way that isn't cringe-inducing / annoying. My only disappointment was the ending, it's quite abrupt, feeling like any other mission, especially considering other more climactic encounters throughout the game. Although this issue is somewhat remedied by the DLC, which has a much better Final Boss, even with that, the plot feels unresolved and isn't much of a satisfying "ending".

Aside from my few gripes, however, Sunset Overdrive is an excellent game which I would highly recommend to all.

Sunset overdrive is a game that feels endearing with how shitty the dialogue is at points, like on one hand it's obviously very shitty, but it never gets to the level that borderlands does with ultra cringe dialogue that makes me want to kill myself. Depending on my mood I'm either like "hell yeah dude this is awesome I love my gigachad protagonist and the biggest group of betas for a supporting cast ever" or "holy fuck please shut the fuck up my ears are bleeding can you please stop talking for 3 seconds" and few games can match that perfect amount of cringe, for what it is I have incredible respect for this game for being to pull that off.

Going away from the dialogue the game itself is fun, exploration is super satisfying and the gunplay is fun enough. I don't like a lot of the weapons and NONE of them feel as good as Ratchet and Clank weapons but with how combat actually plays it works out. I like jumping on shit and grinding on literally anything it's a good time. Honestly my biggest problem is the side content and collectation aspects of this game kinda suck. Especially the side quests, they're really boring.

Basically the game itself is fun if you ignore side content. Dialogue is the perfect amount of cringe to at the very least be endearing. Good and short game to waste a few hours on

Jet Set Radio + Ratchet&C que não se leva a sério traz um mundo GOSTOSO de se movimentar e atirar ao som de Punk Rock, com várias maneiras de destruir os zumbis. Os elementos que te prendem em menus e a falta de mais polimento desagradam. Subestimado, merece muito uma sequência.

Sunset Overdrive had to walk so Spiderguy could fly.

Fun and silly. Deserves a sequel.

Really funny gameplay but repeats it so much with those bases to defend it, kinda burns out midway, but it's a nice game, deserved a sequel to truly shine

Here's a joke. What do you get when Insomniac crosses Dead Rising with THPS? You get this insane aberration.

Sometimes the artstyle and color can be a bit aggressive and overwhelming, and the missions a bit repetitive and Ubisoft-y, but the fun that this game offers up is super unique and its punkish and outlandish atmosphere is unbeatable.

I had heard about Sunset Overdrive. It sounded like some racing game with powerups or whatever. i did not expect to be parkouring around a punk-rock urban setting as an emo dude blasting zombies in the face with vinyl records and a penis shotgun.

EU PRECISO DE UMA SEQUÊNCIA SONY ANDA LOGO. ( De preferência dublada igual esse 😁)

Sunset Overdrive is fun in the mechanical department for the first few sessions, but the repetitive mission design and tired attempts at comedy leave it at kinda dull.

This makes me wish Sony would just let Insomanic make a sequel

Not Ratchet and Clank also. I like the witty humor

This game made happy. That's all I need.

comment sections love to call this game underrated. I just remembered I played it back in 2015, I guess it was fun but I don't remember much else about it.

rachet and conk for edge lords

The biggest hidden gem of this year for me. Never expected this game to be THIS good. I enjoyed it's every moment except for "tower defence" missions. The story is bad but it's so bad it becomes good. Very fun to play. Very underrated

I'm a sucker for movement based games and the traversal in this is just chef's kiss. In the endgame when you've unlocked every movement ability, it just feels amazing to travel from one part of the map to the next. You enter this sort of flow state where you're just gliding through by finding the best path forward.

The main quests (including the dlcs) are ridiculous and bombastic with awesome set-pieces and silly humour ala borderlands series. I particularly enjoyed the mooil dlc. The side quests are pretty disappointing however, I would recommend skipping most of them.

The world design is pretty basic. It's major pitfalls are the same as most open world games nowadays : meaningless sidequests and collectibles in an otherwise empty feeling world. Having played the Ratchet and Clank trilogy I expected more weapon variety. There are around 8-10 unique weapons and the rest are reskins. This is a bit of a missed opportunity imo.

Overall a decent game. If you enjoy fast paced movement games, this is definitely for you.

every game should have movement tech this good

Great style & parkour, don’t like the writing or big open world with random collectibles.