Reviews from

in the past

oh man, i love those call of duty first games, i really enjoyed it

Perhaps my all-time favorite game, Call of Duty 2 was the first game I ever beat on its toughest difficulty. The gameplay of it is so much fun that I find it so ridiculously replayable. Not a single level or moment feels like a waste of time, each throwing you into an exhilarating and often loud environment that never ceases to thrill. Pointe du Hoc is still perhaps one of the greatest levels in the Call of Duty franchise.

A campanha russa deixa um pouco a desejar se comparar com a do 1, mas de resto ótimo jogo.

Probablemente el único juego de la saga al que me apetecería jugar en un futuro.

It's such a nice game. It's really worth to play it when you like WW2 shooter

world war game shoot nazis

older cod games need an remastered version.

Improves on most of the issues with 1 and offering a non-stop action experience during the campaign, for better and worse.

The best WW2 war game ever!

these games just went down down downhill

While it can be pretty repetitive and dated, Call Of Duty 2 still has a unique charm the earlier COD games have that the newer ones lack. Worth checking out for the boatloads of content and challenging difficulty.

esas son padtatas, camarada comisarrrio

I mean it delivers what it promises, they basically just took the original COD, upgraded the graphics and added an African campaign (not a dig I wish more of them explored this)

Kinda feels like it should have almost been called 'Call of Duty 2.0', idek if that's a pro or a con take it as you will

good call of duty before sjw ruined it

Huge improvement over the first game. Soviet campaign was pretty atmospheric, I wish it was longer though.

it looks really good even in 2021 and the gameplay is fun but it gets repetetive in the american campaign like wait 5 mins on one point and camp there was kinda shitty. still it's a great game

Call of Duty Classic but everything done better. Not sure how Captain Price came back from the dead tho in the first game to be in this. Honestly also really groundbreaking for it's time, the graphics are amazing for a game released in 2005 when you play with max settings on PC, and the multiplayer is still alive and really fun.

The game is certainly dated, but is that really such a bad thing? Not to me, as I was surprised by how much this one held up. A lot of the missions in COD 2 feature these big open battlefields with several objectives to tackle in any order you please, and I really enjoyed the challenge of getting through it all on Veteran. As far as WW2 shooters go, this is a classic that you can't miss.

Introduction to the great era of call of duty.

Da primeira vez que eu joguei escondido da minha mãe foi melhor

La cantidad de horas que le eché a esto debería ser MUY ilegal

2nd most underrated Call of Duty of all time.

la campaña increible, el online, tambien pero no le gana a cod5

My introduction into the series. When I played this as a kid, I thought this was the coolest game. Even now, this game has memorable set pieces. Also very hard hardest difficulty.

probably the best world war 2 campaign alongside medal of honor frontline, tbh