Reviews from

in the past

Vanillaware alopra tanto na parte visual que esquece de trabalhar melhor no gameplay e no design do jogo. Esse mal acomete Dargon's Crown tanto quanto Muramasa.

É uma pena tanto charme se perder em um gameplay medíocre.

I can see why people love the game. But not for me.

While visually and aesthetically I didn't like it as much as Muramasa, the gameplay absolutely makes up for it. Worth playing again and again, even with friends!

Grotesque character design, boring and grindy gameplay.

The art is neat and it's fun to hit things in. What more can you ask for?

Solid "RPG beat-'em-up," even if I'm not a huge fan of Vanillware combat-feel. The post-game co-op loop is pretty fun and the Frazetta-inspired art direction is neat. Would appreciate a modern port at any rate.

I love this game! Its a bit lengthy however, and some boss encounters are not particularly favorable. But its artstyle is great~! I hope it gets released on PC one day.

Joguinho simples beat 'n up "Não sei o que me levou a jogar isso/10"

With coop, this is a game you can sink way, way too much time into.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ESSE JOGO É MT FUN! o multiplayer é mt divertido e vira um caos, gosto muto das variedades de poderzinhos pra cada personagem, E PRINCIPALMENTE A HORA DE VC COZINHAR, É MT LEGAL!

oq me incomoda, é o fato de duas personagens serem COMPLETAMENTE sexualizadas, tipo. demais. mesmo. e algumas cenas serem tao????????? me deixa meio desconfortável mas fazer oq

mas o jogo em si é legal, gosto bastante!

Picked the Amazoness and would just spin to win, had a blast.

lolicon fantasy for people who like large breasts

Un Beat'em up muy "clásico", con distintos personajes con habilidades propias para que juegues con tus amigos con el estilo que más te guste.
Hace gala del increíble apartado visual de Vanillaware como es costumbre de la casa, salido como la copa de un pino, también costumbre de la casa, pero también como una carta de amor a los años de historias de aventuras de Dragones y Mazmorras, y en concreto del Shadow over Mystara.

Un juego divertido, espectacular, con mecánicas interesantes y que recomiendo probar.

A lot of fun with friends and very annoying that it hasn't come to PC yet so I can't really recommend it to any of said friends.

Big fan of Beat 'em Ups with RPG elements and this one manages that while looking consistently gorgeous. I always felt it was really weird how people thought this game unfairly sexualized women when in reality it sexualized everyone. The party is literally made up of exaggerated physicalities (and an Elf) ranging from a number of body types on every side.

Never won't be glad that Vanillaware values a girl with muscles.

Decent beat em up, solid gameplay, great dnd looks

I'm a total sucker for a beat-em-up with Diablo-like loot system and RPG progression. The tits and asses are a bonus.

Oh god, it's just a beatemup. It's not even a very good one. Visually it looks like one of those Flash banner ad games. That's fine. What's a measly twenty dollars anyway.

Fantastic game. A wonderful DnD inspired beat um up with everything included. Breathtaking visuals, varied characters, multiple paths, 4 player co op, a high level curve, cross play and cross save, an randomized deep dungeon to explore and lots of replay value. The game is perfectly balanced between actual arcade skill and RPG leveling strength.

Platinum # 15

Even after hours of grinding for the final side quests, the game doesn't feels boring. The gameplay is just so much fun, the areas are so cool to traverse and the art is beautiful, as usual for Vanillaware.

Just please ignore the huge-booba witch.
Elf for the win.

frow the best games I've ever played

Cool combo of beat em up and rpg that went on for a tad too long. Incredible art though

No momento o jogo não me agrada em jogar ele, fica difícil ver algo no vita com a alta poluição virtual que fica na tela, seja durante as lutas, ou quando se está andando pra ir pra próxima sala, a pior parte é que se tem com 4 personagens na tela (incluindo o seu) ai mesmo que tu brinca de assistir poluição visual, mas acredito que fazendo um esforço ainda volto a jogar ele.

Mas já adianto aqui, o jogo não vale o preço que ele é vendido, seja a mídia física do psvita/ps3/ps4, ou digital no ps4 (preço cheio), infelizmente dessa vez ''pra brasileiro é mais caro!'' : ^ (

great game on ps vita that has so much replayability
already done with the fighter character so trying to platinum this game next!!!

I don't think I enjoy beat 'em ups but Dragon's Crown was fun for what I played of it. Vanillaware's visual style is incredibly addicting and the story engaged me simply due to how it was presented, however I think after 13 hours I've done all I want with the game.

Never did get to finish this but the gameplay was on point. Not sure why Sega won't re-release it considering they've owned Atlus for a long time.

The solo experience is rather drab, saved by gorgeous art and music. Combat is quite button-meshy, and the story is very basic. It is designed as a loot based ARPG with multiplayer, so I don's want to be too harsh on what effectively is just the tutorial.

dragon's crown babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. im not a guy that really loves fantasy a ton but this game just has too much personality and charm for me to not love it. i played it in like 2023 and the online was still active as hell due to crossplay between ps3, vita AND ps4 so props for that. worth playing several times, and even plat'ing if you're up for it. why the hell does backlogsgd list this game as a wii and dc game? what the hell? schreier can suck my you know what

Go ahead and add a full star if you live in a house with 3 other people who also care about beat 'em ups. Looks incredible but the gameplay and plot aren't enough for this to hold up solo. Beat 'em ups struggle in single-player in general but I'd still play a Streets of Rage 4 or Castle Crashers before this.

Big tiddy amazon design is hysterical.