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in the past

A nice continuation, but with its flaws. On one side, you could see that they know how to work the narrative better and they know how to use the puzzles and the scenario to convey information, as also they know when and how to give better climaxes (now they feel more packed and thought out than the first). The bad part, though, is that the first game relied on the sense of scale and in generating awe through the scenarios, and that was possible because the first vehicle had a few mechanics that were easy to deal with it, while the second vehicle has more mechanics and it's more complex. This, sadly, ruins part of the chill experience, since you have to move constantly to put the sail on or to move over or underwater, and that's a constant. In that sense, I feel like this is a case of "less is more", and although the final result is more polished and beautiful, the mechanics ruin part of the chill experience and beautiful art the game has. I feel this game is slightly better, but had they thought this out we would have had a much better game experience.

Une très bonne suite au premier volet, cependant je l'ai trouvé un peu plus fade que le premier opus.
Globalement c'est la même formule, donc c'était très agréable à jouer, j'ai passé un très bon moment :)

This sits in the “just right” Goldilocks Zone in a lot of different ways for me. Its instructive iconography is subtle enough to make me feel smart for figuring out its light puzzle platforming but intuitive enough to never frustrate. Its moments of wonder and aesthetic beauty are balanced with enough interactivity that I still feel like a I’m playing a game and not watching a glorified video. The demands of its survival-type loops generate a pleasant sense of pressure without a stressful consequence looming if I fail to keep them going. And maybe most importantly, it’s long enough to explore several different ideas but short enough to stay fresh and avoid any padding.

Ich mag das FAR Setting sehr, eine verlassene Welt mit riesigen Metallkonstrukten und mysteriöser Maschinerie, durch die man sich alleine navigieren muss. Bei diesem Teil bin ich leider nicht ganz so oft in den flow gekommen, da ich mich meist aufs segeln verlassen habe. Dennoch war es eine schöne Reise durch die Postapokalypse. Das Ende hat mir nochmal richtig Lust gegeben den ersten Teil zu spielen.

No me ha convencido más que FAR: Lone Sails, aunque han introducido las partes submarinas pero a cambio de quitar todas las terrestres de la primera entrega.

Los puzzles siguen siendo caóticos y demasiado fáciles, poco más que altos de un par de minutos en el camino absolutamente lineal que son ambos títulos. La historia sigue estando fatal contada. Eso si hay algo que contar, que ya empiezo a dudar. Y lo mejor sigue siendo el manejo de la embarcación, pero que a los 20 minutos ya prácticamente lo has visto todo y aún siendo juegos de 2-4 horas se terminan haciendo demasiado largos.

A nice little game - i'm stuck on a puzzle right now that just has some sticky timing but should be about the end of the game.

Jogo até que bem trabalho, com uma gameplay bastante simples, porém confortável. Navegamos com um personagem não nomeado e um jogo completamente silencioso quenão possui diálogos. História bastante confusa e se perde um pouco na narrativa e deixa o jogo bastante repetitivo em muitos momentos.

Very good game. Play it, as well as the first game.

Some of the puzzles/movements were frustrating more than interesting. Fell off after a couple hours.

Very short, and has visuals that reminded me of the game Inside. Probably one of the few games I’ve played with a bunch of water parts that are actually fun. Not much to say. Fun little short indie game.

Brilliant little game! Honestly surprised I stumbled across this on my own and no one recommended it prior because it is entirely up my alley. Perfect length, beautiful soundtrack, lovely art style, intuitive and rewarding puzzles... My only small complaint was that I got stuck a couple times during this sequel whereas I got stuck maybe once in the first one. If you play and like the first one I think this one is definitely also worth a playthrough. The two of them are a thoroughly enjoyable package and would have been in my top 5 the year they came out.

Very slow and methodical. Takes its time to breathe. Took me a a while to meet it in the middle.

I really loved learning how to manage the ship without it ever really explaining it. Great game design throughout.

Não imaginei mesmo q eu fosse chegar tão longe nesse game! Eu baixei só pra testar e o começo dele não parecia me fisgar, mas acabou sendo uma experiência muito agradável e até viciante de certa maneira, o jogo é curto mas eu não queria parar de jogar tão cedo porque é uma ideia tão diferente e única, uma mecânica tão criativa e uma vibe tão tranquila... realmente eu viajei e fiquei preso no jogo, senti até que reacendeu um pouco o meu amor por indies, já q faz um bom tempo que não entro de cabeça neles.

Wasn't sold at first but I loved this, a fun puzzle-platformer where the boat is everything. The mechanics are perfecly balanced for management, I'm a sucker for things where you have a big vehicle that you take across the land and use as your main base of operations, the feeling of leaving the ship to look for fuel was great, but it would have been nice to have more kinds of things to find. the puzzles could have also been a little more... actually, I don't know, something just didn't feel satisfying about them.

A puzzle/platformer adventure with nods to the likes of Inside/Limbo with less squishy parts.

The sailing sections are pleasant with some FTL-lite plate spinning - but nowhere near as stress-inducing (and seemingly no-fail states) and the soaring soundtrack during those moments are when the game comes to life.

The puzzles are a little lacking and there are a number of times the game could have expanded on the environmental design to add some challenge, but overall, Changing Tides is an easy palate cleanser to other more taxing games.

i don't like videogames i like atmospheric 2d platformers with puzzle elements

edit: actually i don't like either

Another beautiful Far game! I love these games and I think this is another great adventure with brilliant set pieces and puzzles. I don't think the music is quite as good this time around, and the ship isn't quite as enjoyable to captain as the lumbering truck from Lone Sails. Still it's well worth your time as a standalone game, but I would recommend aying Lone Sails first.

Si quieres un juego relajante y que no tiengas que pensar mucho esta bien. La historia se ve a través de imágenes en el juego pero es cortita. Los puzles son muy sencillos y el sonido es muy relajante. Como pega entre puzle y puzle se hace largo el momento de la navegación, entiendo que es para que te relajes pero se hace un poco pesado. Duración 7-8 horas.

se eu preciso de um controle pra jogar no pc POR QUE CARALHOS tem a opção de jogar no teclado? 🤨 jogabilidade ruim rapá

очередная игра подражающая Inside, но на этот раз очень крутая. Плывёшь слева направо на необычном каком-то стимпанк корабле и параллельно менеджишь его. Как по мне довольно уникальный опыт, плюс атмосфера классная. Очень понравилось.

Całkiem przyjemna przygoda tylko trochę poruszanie się po statku nie do końca przemyślane, bo te wszystkie przyciski i akcje obsługiwane tym samym klawiszem mogą nieraz wprowadzić niepotrzebny chaos. Piękne widoczki i przyjemny ost.

cok guzel ayarlamıslar tempoyu

Chill game, though provoking and imagination.

Had some moments of awe. and thoughts about loneliness or lifeless planets and so

Just so well paced. In the real world where everything happens instantly and conveniently, it was nice to have lots of time to soak in the view while moving and take joy in the process of controlling the ship manually and not just a single touch of a button.

Num mundo onde tudo é cada vez mais acelerado, o jogo toma seu próprio ritmo na medida em que faz o jogador apreciar cada minuto do cenário e da ambientação, ao mesmo tempo em que torna cada vez mais gritante a dúvida de para onde a jornada nos leva.

Charming, silent adventure with a melancholic atmosphere and captivating hybrid transport control mechanic.