Reviews from

in the past

Shovel Knight Dig was a masterclass of a rogue-lite and I had a blast exploring every nook and cranny the game had to offer. Gonna be returning to find everything I can over time. Fantastic OST by Jake Kaufman yet again, and phenomenal pixel art from nitrome. Heavily reccomend!

there isn't a single bad shovel knight game.

please do not play this game on mobile, or at least if you do, use a controller.

this game was a lot of fun, i'm a bit burnt out on roguelikes and this game has most of the standard features and trappings of one, but the style really make up for it. nitrome absolutely knows how to make a game look great and we all know shovel knight music is amazing. the controls are solid, i originally started with touch controls on my phone and it was pretty frustrating... i eventually connected my dualsense controller and instantly had a much better time. i wouldn't say the controls in general feel standout amazing but they feel good and responsive with a controller. the areas are pretty varied and have some fun/interesting gimmicks. the celeste style dash blocks were a standout. the bosses all felt solid too! some interesting gimmicks and some cool new characters (and twists on returning ones) and each one felt good. the relics were okay but none were standout fun, but they were all pretty useful.

my biggest problem is the roguelike style, some rooms get reused and it can feel a bit tiring if you're stuck in a specific level. i will say the game is so short and is good about letting you teleport back to locations if you beat them so it isn't too frustrating and not as bad as some other roguelikes IMO.

i had a good time playing this game, i'd like to pick it up on PC or switch at some point! it's not near the heights of the real shovel knight game but it's probably my favorite shovel knight spin off!

Benim tarzım değildi ama grafikler çok hoş olmuş.

Shovel Knight and its subsequent campaigns account for some of my favorite 2D platformer experiences ever. The allure of that level of quality applied to a roguelike was strong enough for me to give Shovel Knight Dig a try, and while it maintains the quality of the gameplay, I think it suffers greatly in the roguelike department. In the several hours that I played this not once did I get an item or meta unlock that made me go "oh cool, that seems strong!" Which I feel like is necessary for a roguelike to keep my attention. Add onto that the fact that each zone does not have much variety, and the levels aren't as meticulously designed as the levels from the source material, and this just doesn't work for me.

Great sprites and music tho

cool roguelike gameplay,pixelart is really beatiful and music is kinda good,it is very simple and very addicting,cool game

la mala econocmia arruino mi experiencia de manera increible, cuando un power up random te duplica la vida y otro hace suficiente dañom como para matar al jefe final a la primera saves que algo esta mal.

Es que hay una falta de refinamiento increible, este juego le funcionaria mejor ser lineal, que un roguelike tenga partes exactamente iguales luego de que repitas unas 5 partidas es malo.

La idea de cavar y no poder volver atras es lo que hace este juego interesante, tenemos que ser precavidos, si el hoyo que cavamos es muy profundo no podremos subir, este otorga una nueva capa de estrategia que no recuerdo antes pero hasta ahi falla por que si tienes los poderes necesarios te da igual todo.

Esto hizo que me pregunte que tan buena es la idea de las mejoras/power ups de videojuegos, si el nivel que sigue es mas dificil y yo me duplico la vida, no sentire el cambio en absoluto, lo mismo me paso con rpgs/etc.

Directamente tendrian que rehacer el juego, y pensar que era una saga sin "malos" juegos, una pena

Shovel Knight Dig is a fun and short Shovel Knight adventure, if you liked the original Shovel Knight then check this out! Because, unlike the other Shovel Knight spinoffs, this entry has very similar gameplay to the original. This fact is one of the game's greatest strengths as the original Shovel Knight is awesome! But, its also one of the games greatest weaknesses, as this game does not really play much like a roguelike past the surface.

The game's main structure is sort of a mix between Downwell + Mr Driller. You dig your way down whilst fighting off enemies and occasionally entering side areas for shops/secrets. This structure added with the moveset and controls of Shovel Knight are fantastic and although the game is randomly generated the chunks of level blend together well and don't just feel like pure random nonsense. The level themes are interesting enough and the soundtrack for each one (and the entire game) is kickass, although in terms of actual gameplay they don't really shake things up THAT much.

As you progress through runs you will obtain upgrades, and whilst some of them are interesting, they feel more like cheats/mini buffs rather than items for a roguelike. They don't ever change your approach to playing the game, they simply make tiny alterations. The only exception to that is the relics, which are limited-use items and again, don't really shake things up all that much.

The plot is OK, but there is far too much dialogue within the actual run, dialogue that, to me, was not even that interesting, I understood the general gist of the plot seconds after I started playing, I really didn't need to read/skip through the same dialogue boxes over and over. The story is also pretty cut and dry, it starts, and it ends, relatively quickly too which is odd for this game being a roguelike.

And with that, we begin to see the issue with this game, the replay value is minimal. Which is quite a big deal for a roguelike. Once you've beaten the game once, there is really little incentive to keep playing after you finished 1 run, and getting to the point of beating your first run is great and will take a decent amount of time. But past that, the lack of item variety, and rather samey level generation, accompanied with a story that's already over just leads you to move on to the next game.

So in conclusion, as you're making your way to completing your first run, you'll have a blast, its just more of that original Shovel Knight goodness. But past that, as a roguelike, this game has little to offer.

Great game to play if ur looking to start on the franchise or get a nostalgia hit from the first one

Man did I enjoy the original Shovel Knight collection, and seeing that there was a mobile Rouge-like version I downloaded it imminently. Overall this is a fun Rouge-like package that includes a bunch of fun secrets, a solid core gameplay loop and a few post game challenges and achievements that will keep me coming back to it even after finishing the main run. I do find it a little lacking, while everything that's here is fantastic and should be played, it left me wanting a little more. Once the few upgrades are unlocked, your treasure becomes a little useless. Overall a good game leaving you wanting more isn't a terrible thing.

a flawless roguelike just for me :)

Just make 2D side-scroller in this art style and I am a happy boy again

Um roguelike mais longo e mais balanceado do que deveria. O final verdadeiro tá lockado atrás de uma side quest bizarra, e o aspecto aleatório tira o potencial do que a yacht club sabe fazer de melhor: level design.

My problem with this game is that the requirements for the "true ending" are ludicrous for someone who isn't ultra-skilled in the genre, and that using its Accessibility Options removes the ability for Feats to be earned. Disabled players (me) deserve to be able to mark their accomplishments just like anybody else, sheesh.

A nice rogue-like experience that brings the character of Shovel Knight to a whole new genre. This is not the most content-rich or varied rogue-like (or even Shovel Knight) game that I've played, but it is a really charming experience. The music here is particularly great and I would recommend playing this with headphones (or purchasing the OST) if you like chiptune at all. If there are future updates that add... more, this could be a great game, but for now it is just a really good one.

As a big fan of Shovel Knight and of rogue-lites in general, I wanted to love this more than I did.

The main gameplay loop is fun but gets old quick. There isn't enough variety from run to run to keep me wanting to play more. It still has a ton of Shovel Knight charm. Art, level, and music design are all great.

Specific gripes: it's frustrating to lead a trail of eggs or keys through multiple levels without seeing a treasure chest or nest. When you do find a chest or nest, the rewards don't feel that impactful.

Overall, I enjoyed my 30hrs but I'm not sure there is much reason to complete this one aside from being a fan of the series.

Mechanically satisfying, but not quite enough variation in level choice to be fully compelling.

watched vinny play this day 1. at one point he was 3 pixels away from an enemies sprite and took damage. he hesitated for a moment after it happened.

The fact that this is also a mobile game really does show, but it's more shovel knight. I can't complain.

It's fun, but for a roguelike there's not a whole lot to see here. Pocket Dungeon was a similar case, albeit worse off in content in comparison, but its gameplay is far more addictive than Dig's. Not a bad experience, but idk. I'd recommend just about any other roguelike over this.

Only beat it once so far, but will definitely be back at it later. As an introductory roguelike/lite/whatever it's great. As a new shovel knight game, it's alright.

Wish there was more variance in the runs. Upgrades hardly feel special. I guess it's more of a platformer than roguelike

I’m certainly happy that the Shovel Knight franchise continues to thrive, and none of the magic has been lost with step up to 16-bit graphics. I’m personally a bit worn out from the tidal wave of great Roguelike titles but Dig certainly represents the genre well:

Ich wünschte es hätte mehr ein Roguelike Feeling wie Isaac so das jeder Run auch WIRKLICH anders ist da ich das Gameplay sehr sehr stark finde, jedoch ist dies leider nicht so. Muss man auch sagen das die Entwickler das auch einfach nicht wollten, jedoch wollte ich es anmerken

The idea of a roguelike Shovel knight game is actually really cool and for the most part it's execution is done well! However I will say that figuring out the true ending is really annoying when it doesn't need to be. But I loved the knew knight bosses, the terrain to explore, the items. Overall a fun time!

I really love Shovel Knight! The charisma of the series is enormous! and Shovel knight Dig is charismatic is a challenging and difficult roguelike! There are points in the game that are very frustrating, I know it's a Roguelike but it was frustrating at a certain point in the game to lose progress and do everything from scratch, it's addictive to have these adventures and try again the original game remains my favorite but the experience was very fun with Shovel knight Dig, the game will receive DLC and also has an alternative ending.

Unfortunately, playing this one made me think of better games that I would rather be playing. Well, one is a set of games: the Treasure Trove games. I could be playing any one of those and doing a challenge run in which I destroy every checkpoint. That would have the same effect of resetting my progress with each death, but I would benefit from well-crafted levels and more precise controls. Similarly, I think there's some clear inspiration from Downwell in here, but without the momentum and deceptive simplicity. Those are good ingredients, but they don't come together in Shovel Knight Dig. Ultimately, I don't think that procedural generation and Shovel Knight go all that well together.