Reviews from

in the past

A thought that has entered my head.

I don't know the state of "wholesome" in video games, but from what little I got into it, for me most opinologists failed at the point that they pointed to gamified mundane activities (of which I am a moderate fan) as a response to violence, being in reality many of these activities, such as fishing or cutting down trees, could be interpreted as a form of ecological violence without
"Enemies". This is how they usually present the digital entities that we face. But we are not "enemies" in games that do not contextualize terraforming or indiscriminate exploitation of resources? Bending the Minecraft and Animal Crossing regions is fine, but the Hatred neighborhood is wrong?
Video games separate people, individuals.

I am more inclined towards the creation or presentation of physical conflict through sports, preferably fictitious, but hey.
Video game creators shouldn't fear violence. Its exploration in fictional contexts is important, in all its facets and perspectives, and few media are better than the video game to do so. It doesn't matter if they are explorations of violence and recreation of conflict in a loop like in the Taroverse, or action works that explore identity and personal emptiness through stylization and hunting as a way of life, like Itsuno's Devil May Cry .
Hatred and the original Postal do their thing in a not so different way because they are a kind of horror games that do not deal with the subject of violence in a standard way, they do not offer the stereotypical heroic fantasy or resemble the examples of before, no evocative, but they are honest, they present violence as a grotesque activity in a neighborhood with a Dollhouse aesthetic (also Nier Repliant did) and they expose something that, although it needs an appropriate and convincing contextualization, is very real: violence is something easy to exercise , in almost all its forms, and in video games it's something we just do because it's satisfying. Already, there are a few pop video games that reflect on this (Taroverse, SpO: The line, Max Payne 3, bioshock...) but they usually need context or even a bait to bite so that we enter their conversation without feeling offended, for what? Why is MWII acceptable ("acceptable") until it puts us in terrorist control very explicitly? There was some controversy there, but not so much that in every TD game anyone can be a terrorist? Is it okay to play practically the same as Hatred in The Last of us part II just because that game has a -poor- excuse to contextualize scenes of extreme photorealistic ultragraphic violence? And come on, TLoU2 has no real intention of making us uncomfortable.

At least not much more than the intention of offering a satisfying time through fairly well-constructed action. But, again, Far Cry 3? 60% of the games? I don't know, a study on it would be interesting. As long as it doesn't have something like Under the skin as a scale for when you try to put the player in the skin of the antagonist or monster, but, hey.
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It's weird, this violence thing reminds me a bit of what was said about "this game makes you feel like batman/spiderman/superhero" and I was like: "Bro, almost all games make you feel like a superhero without a cape"
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Arduween 1x09

This game is straight up pathetic.

clearly was created with the intention of making controversy not a coherent game. Plays like shit, not fun, not interesting, not even shocking. Just blegh

It's funny thinking back and seeing the kind of uproar this all caused in mainstream media. You would think hell's angels were coming to take us away from our mortal coil by the boatloads over what is essentially a soulless knock-off of Postal 1.

Everything about this screams cheap PSP game, kinda reminds me of monotonous junk like Infected (a PSP game, I realize how unclear that is in text), only a lot less fun. From the lack in narrative, drive, and inconsistent gameplay. The noticeable destructible environment granted this half a star. Every game in existence should have destructible environment.

There goes my hero. Watch him as he goes.

Remember this game? Remember when this was released back in 2015 and videogame critics and censors were all appalled? Remember how it got straight up banned in several countries?
Yeah, I don't know. I never liked the concept of this game. Just like most people I just think it's distasteful and unnecessary. But its existence is kind of an interesting thing to read about.

I've been thinking about just giving this fabled game of controversy a shot for shits and giggles for years now and I guess I just buckled this week and went for it.

I live in Germany which is one of the countries that banned the game completely. Thankfully we live in a world of technology that allows us to cross those borders of regional censorship. It also just feels appropriate to pirate a game like this.

If you don't know, Hatred tells the story of a nameless edgelord stereotype who writes misanthropy with big letters as he despises the entire human race and plans to singlehandedly kill every person on this planet. In his eyes, people are all worthless maggots sucking on this planet like parasites although I doubt that he actually cares for the rest of the creatures on Earth.
The gameplay sees you steer this dude in a trenchcoat through different sections of town and gun down increasing numbers of people as well as doing some random side missions while on your way to a power plant to blow it up.

Now let me be honest here, there are some things about this game that I can appreciate. The black and white style can look very nice with only certain things like fire and blood being the colorful things giving a nice effect at times. The side missions can be neat at points like one area gives you the option to storm a bank and burn the money. I'm down for that even if it's very on the nose, just like everything else in this game. It also controls fairly well most of the time. The flamethrower in this game is one of the most satisfying flamethrowers I've seen in a videogame. Also for some reason, you can make the cross-hair a heart symbol which is always nice.
If it wasn't for the ultra-graphic nature of this game I could totally see this be a pretty solid contender in the top-down shooter genre. Nothing amazing but polished enough to give a fairly solid gaming experience.

But then there is of course the controversial nature of this game. Executing people, mostly innocent civilians, in very graphic and violent ways is a major mechanic that this game rides on as it is the only way to replenish health. From a gameplay standpoint, it's kind of a fresh idea I guess but it's frustrating at times as it can be hard to consistently find an enemy that is in the right condition to perform an execution. I found myself struggling to survive, trying to replenish health but not able to get one of these prompts going because everyone just straight-up died. There is not enough control over this vital mechanic. At least with health pick-ups, you can stock up and choose when to use them instead of having to actively run into combat when you're low on life.
The gameplay can also become very repetitive after a while. It's a rather arcadey game with a pretty simple premise and a short playtime; about 3hrs according to this site. But it can get tiring after getting the "Kill 100 civilians" task for the 5th time in an hour. Especially when the areas become so big that it's a chore to even find those people running around.
The AI is also pretty dumb. From what I've gathered that's one of the most prominently criticized things about this game anyway and I can see why. People just run all over the place without much rhyme or reason. Cops run right in your face or just strafe past you until they are shooting at walls trying to hit you. Instead of being an active threat trying to stop you they sometimes just feel like randomly programmed robots which makes fighting them more frustrating than engaging.
The soundtrack is also rather weak. I was really hoping they would go for some proper black metal or death metal tunes. That would have fit really well.

I've played the game for around 2hrs 30mins and from what I can tell I'm in the second to last area but I can't manage to get through it. The game made an immense jump in difficulty and while I was able to get through the previous levels rather confidently, I feel completely lost in this one. I cannot get my head around how I'm supposed to handle the amount of heavily armed enemies in that level and so I gave up after a while. I don't know if I'm gonna revisit this game but a part of me does really want to just beat it and check it off the list. Especially now that I'm already through most of it.

Hatred is the ultimate stereotype for the "videogames cause violence" argument. I'm pretty sure this is what concerned parents thought GTA would be. Just mindless killing of civilians in a hyper brutal way. The pseudo woke edgelord protagonist feels like something out of a 15-year-old's revenge fantasy. It's hard to not just groan and roll your eyes when he talks about how much politics suck and how everyone is just a pathetic sheeple.
I've heard some people say that's exactly the point. That Hatred is supposed to be a parody of what the anti-video game lobby accuses them to be. That it's supposed to poke fun at these ridiculous nihilistic viewpoints of angsty teenagers all over the world. And all of that is a very, very interesting theory. But it doesn't feel that way to me. I wouldn't bet money on the possibility that that's exactly what the developers were going for. This feels too genuine. And even if it wasn't it's debatable whether or not a game like Hatred was necessary.
I'm honestly a bit surprised they didn't go even further and put kids in the groups of civilians to mow down or add some form of sexual violence. But that would probably just get it banned in even more countries.

Anyway, it's not a great game. While the gameplay isn't completely awful, the concept and tone of this are just awful. I'm willing to read more about it and its developers after having played this game for myself a bit now but I'm not sure if I'm ever gonna come back to try to beat the rest of it.

Existiu uma época, quando a perseguição encima de jogos violentos ainda era algo, na qual empresas que faziam jogos sabendo que eram ruins, marketavam eles encima de polêmicas e subversão para gerar algum nível de fama. Porque afinal, "fale bem ou fale mal, mas fale de mim".

Esse é exatamente o caso aqui. Esse jogo não é horroroso só porque ele é infantilmente edgy, irresponsável e quase cômico. Ele é horroroso porque a gameplay é terrível, os controles respondem super mal, o jogo é repetitivo ao ponto em enjoar em 10 minutos, a arte é vazia e sem vida e nada parece ter inspiração.

Eu só não dou 0.5 estrela porque pra mim essa é a minha nota mais exigente, e a parada precisa estar num nível muito acima (ou abaixo, no caso) pra entrar la. Mas é um forte concorrente.

Postal 1 but without the charisma

Also infuriatingly hard by the end and runs out of steam fast

this game is so dsbm its extremely clunky but who cares im an edgelord!!

Hatred, tüm insanlıktan nefret edip onları katletmek isteyen bir ana karaktere sahip fazlasıyla vahşi bir izometrik aksiyon oyunu. Şimdi fazlasıyla vahşi dememin sebebi oyun boyunca ana karakterimiz gereksiz yere dağ kadar insan katlediyor. Bu katliam için oyunda infaz animasyonları var ama onlar da baya kötü. Zaten oyun genel anlamda averajın altında saçma bir oyun. Oyunun mekanikleri hakkında konuşmam gerekirse yani öyle çok bir şey yok sıradan izometrik aksiyon oyunlarındaki en düz mekaniklere sahip bir oyun işte bir artı olarak infaz animasyonları eklemişler ama onlarda bana baya tırt geliyor.

Bölüm dizaynlarına bakarsak nedense bölümler bana gereğinden fazla uzun ve sıkıcı geliyordu. Aslında başlardaki bölümler öyle sıkıcı gelmiyordu öyle geçip ilerliyordum ama oyunda ilerledikçe bölümler daha sıkıcı olmaya başlamıştı. Yani kısaca oyun baya ortalama altı ile ortalama arasında gidip geliyor. Ben şahsi görüşüm olarak önermem fakat indirimlerde fazlasıyla ucuzluyor yani merakınız varsa bir bakabilirsiniz.

postal 1 if it was bad. unfortunately, i find myself attracted to the protag.

Strip the edgy shit and all you got is a extremely repetitive generic twin stick shooter

I refuse to engage with the "campaign" more than I already did, not only because it's tasteless and edgy beyond belief, but because it's boring. Going house-to-house, just killing people indiscriminately while avoiding cops with ease until the stronger units roll you over and ruin any semblance of fun this POS has - not that interesting, believe it or not. And of course, you can never escape the feeling that this is super pathetic, and judging by Destructive Creation's other games, these guys seem to be all about edgy violence and trying to cause a stir to garner attention. And, granted, Hatred is the most worthless in terms of themes and aesthetics, but I just can't say I have any respect for this studio. I frankly don't care if Hatred is a parody, a genuine expression of extreme
cynicism, or just a dumb exercise in controversy, because it's clear that the creators don't really care either way.

But judging by the survival mode, Hatred is an exciting arcady shooter about being a fucking psycho with some alright progression systems and an interesting scoring system. And for the price that Hatred is going for these days, I'd say it's a good deal. There's not too much to sink your teeth in here, but I got it for like half a dollar and don't regret it too much.

By the way, this game has Workshop support, so a lot of tweeks can be made to make it a better experience (from the colouring to new features like the first-person mode).

One of my favourite parts of this game is how, because it was basically forgotten a month from launch and was never that popular to begin with, the steam card prices are GREAT. Now I'm looking to see if I'll be able to get them all and then refund this game and turn this whole operation a profit

This game is so fucking bad but in a funny kinda bad, i'd be lying if i said that i didnt have fun shooting things up for a couple of hours

so called free thinkers when internet reactionaries found a way to fight the woke mob

its an isometric shooter and its fine for what it is but the devs really doomed this to forever being mocked as the unironic edgelord game rather than being fondly remembered as something stupid and silly and deserve the criticism for it

My name is not important... What is important is what I'm going to do. I just fucking hate this world and the human worms feasting on it's carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred... and I always wanted to die violently. This the time of vengeance and no life is worth saving. And I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill... and it's time for me to die.

My name is important. What is not important is what I'm going to do... I just heckin' love this world. And the human kings feasting on its beauty. My whole life is just warm, sweet love. And I always wanted to live gently. This is the time of spreading kindness and every life is worth saving. And I will compliment as many as I can. It's time for me to love. And it's time for me to live.

Incel Simulator
unfun and boring; made solely to be edgy and gain attention because of it

This isn't even a bruh moment anymore what the actual hell is wrong with you?

It has no style
It has no grace
This Hatred game
Is kinda lame

jst a glimpse into my twisted reality

imagine doing a genocide and then the killer just goes "but first I'm gonna ride this train"

This is probably the edgiest fucking game I've ever played in my entire life. This game would not be nearly as edgy unless I put on black eyeliner with makeup, blared Insane Clown Posse from a friend's car stereo and threatened to cut myself every 5 seconds with the back end of a rusty needle that I found on the ground at a Paraguay back alley brothel. If I had to choose between getting my nuts chopped off and playing this game well I'd rather play this game but still. It's ok. It's an ok game. I bought it cause I liked Postal 2 and Postal Redux and thought it would be similar. But it's ok. It's not really intelligent but it's not a game I would play for intelligence. I would play it because....I guess shooting people. And honestly? The shooting to me feels like a sloppy as shole to be on a completely honest playing field though, regardless of my opinion for the edgy content.

Play with mods and it's a decent Postal Redux clone
Voice acting and lines are often hilarious, though unintentionally so

If played without mods it kind of feels...meh
Played through five hours and the achievements didn't even activate for me

All in all to me it is ok. It's not the best but it's not the worst. If you like it cause it's edgy and against the norm of today's society power to ya, I can't even hate. But as a game in itself I would look elsewhere.

From Steam Reviews:

Nah I bought this game for three euros and played it for half an hour, just got my money back
It's pure "wooo look at me I hate people", but like in the edgiest, most nonsensical way posible
It's not even cool edginess
It's lame
This game is laaaaaame
The moment I saw that this game was created because the creator was disappointed by postal 2, I went and bought that instead
Because whatever disappointed him is definitely some good shit if this is his vision of a good game
This game is insensitive and isn't even interesting to play
It shouldn't exist

i fucking love killing innocent people! hehe! I am so quirky

Hatred é o pior tipo de lixo que se pode imaginar em forma de jogo.

É o choque pelo choque, completamente gratuito, gameplay podre, pífia e sem nenhuma qualidade aparente.

Um dos piores jogos já criados, desde a sua concepção.

As someone that works in retail this game speaks to me like a Green Goblin mask.

Marketing based on outrage caused by a game that was based on mass-murdering civilians and police alike? Immoral by every sense of the word. And for what? A quick buck and for your names to be related to infamy. How distasteful. How INSULTING for all of those parents who have lost their loved ones to school shootings and to other mass-murdering maniacs. Believe me, I stand by artistic freedom. I stand by the right of any human to express themselves verbally and through art, but to have freedoms, one should not abuse them. Especially for monetary gain. I think it's something to be ashamed of. If you cannot open your heart to those who suffer and live in agony over the consequences of gun violence and mass-murder, then I pity you. Thís is my message, but despite it, I will be fair to this game in terms of the actual content and the quality of it. Hatred is a barebones top-down shooter outside of the shock value. You've got some distinct execution animations, a decent variety of weapons and destructible environments. And that's the best it can do. Everything else feels bland and hollow. As if there was nothing to this other than the previously mentioned shock value and utter disrespect towards humanity itself.