Reviews from

in the past

Psychonauts + Chulip should not work as well as it does. Goddamn.

dr habit can kind of get it tho

Really good art style, I love the 2D sprites on 3D environments thing! Pretty much all characters are memorable, story is fun and gameplay doesn't get in the way of that.

Enjoyable purely for the vibes. Too much fun not to smile. Wonderful presentation. Sadly, not very interesting thematically, though captivating all the same

I didn't even intend to play through this in one sitting, but then I just kinda ended up doing exactly that! Smile For Me is a really charming game with some really funny dialogue and really clever quest design. It's essentially one big of those trading quests that get in bigger games from time to time, but it's really polished - and the developers made some really clever design decisions. It's also just a joy to experience in its tonality and vibes - I had a really fun time with this game! It's nothing especially groundbreaking or intricate, but it does what it sets out to do so so well!

Pretty blown away by this, to be honest. It's a puzzle adventure game with great tone and a great cast of characters. The story is engaging, the character interactions are moving and drop-dead funny.

You wouldn't think it just by looking at it, but it's so good, please give this a shot.

I hadn't the the faintest idea what this game was just 2 days ago but today I bought it as the look of the game kept not leaving my head and now I'm so spiritually cleansed having finished it. Life saver.

SO FUN!!! most of the game is very silly but the more "horror"-ish parts are done really well. the animation style is lovely and unique and the puzzles are great, with most of them needing some thinking and needing you to do unexpected things to solve them. the story doesn't go extremely deep but i enjoyed it a lot.

Nice little adventure game about helping people through some rough patches

puzzles made me feel dumb but i smiled anyway :]

putunia jerafina y questionette vosotras sois las real g

omgggg, dr. habit hiiiiii~ :-))) twirling my hair and kicking my legs

Just one of those games that makes you go "ohhh yeaaahhh videoo gaaaameessss"!!!!!

Trencil if you read this im free on Thursday night and would like to hang out. Please respond to this and then hang out with me on Thursday night when I’m free.

The translator joke is the absolute funniest thing in the entire world.

Ever rode an elevator and become overcome with intrusive thoughts of throwing your teeth all over it? boi do i got just the right game

such a fun little game..... so sweet so pleasant......... i want a hug from the teeth man...............

Now I want an FMV game starring nothing but Puppets.

Another one of my questionable "hey, it's on sale for $5" eShop buys from about a year ago. I'm not a big fan of point-and-click games to begin with, and virtually everything about this one got on my nerves. The clunky inventory system. The font. The character speech noises. The time limit that forces each day to end. The way everything the antagonist says is in all caps and full of typos like a Tumblr post. Most of all, the visuals.

In this game, your character cannot speak, and you must nod to say yes or shake your head to say no using the left stick when talking to characters. Alba: A Wildlife Adventure has a similar mechanic, and I thought it was very cute in that game. Alba gives you as much time as you need to nod or shake, it is in the third person, and it doesn't happen very often. In this game, characters get annoyed if you don't answer fast enough (and the game sometimes doesn't register your input), it's in the first person, and it happens constantly.

Needing to do this all the time alone is dizzying, but it combines with all the other visual nonsense in the game (chromatic aberration, tiny FOV, random stuff popping up on the screen, your vision turning dark and wobbly towards the end of the day) to make a nauseating experience. The whole thing reminds me of waking up in the middle of the night with a bad fever and trying to walk to the bathroom.

Not sure why I didn't love this one?? It has everything I'd like and yet it just sorta got repetitive and most of the characters didn't do enough for me. Idk don't listen to me I'm weird

I don't really feel like Smile For Me is anything special. It's mostly an okay story with a bad ending supplemented with fetch quests. For whatever reason, the gameplay felt like a chore from the start, and most of the characters weren't that interesting to me. The art style isn't my favorite either. There were some neat parts though. I did like the puppet shows and the translator character.

A quirky puzzle game about trauma. Because every quirky indie game is about trauma.

The art style on this one is great, You can tell that the artists leaned into their strength with illustration and design. It's similar to old puzzle/walking sims, but there are a few mechanics with items that I was surprised to see and fun to play! Some solutions i had to look into, but its not overly complex or hard to figure out 90% of the time. I wouldn't say it was completely my vibe, but it was fun all that same. Finished it in an evening and will probably play again at some point just to get all the achievements : - )

A surreal dream-like experience. Fun puzzles and colorful characters makes Smile For Me memorable and causes its slight horror elements to come off far more effectively.

I don't like puzzle games because i'm awful at them but this was a lot of fun :D

A great short, sweet, and unique take on the point and click that I adore that was honestly really tear jerking. A must play for any wierdos out there like myself

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i beat a guy over the head to open a jar of pickles so its pretty good