Reviews from

in the past

I hate to rate this as low as I do, because while playing I loved it and was ready to give it a tasty 4/5 just for being so fun and having well designed stages.
Sadly though, I can't, as this game severely lacks content, is artificially stretched out and with it's overload of menus becomes frustratingly slow over time.
The gameplay is fantastic, I loved it.
But having to play every single song once in the campaign to unlock it in challenge mode is fine imo, but why can't I choose the difficulty for the campaign mode and have to play all of the songs on the lamest and easiest difficulty first? When I learned that there are various difficulties for the spirit mode, but you have to unlock them by playing all of the songs on the higher difficulties in challenge mode first, I got dizzy. You have to play every song multiple times to even attempt it on a harder difficulty. This progression makes for horrible pacing, because after the first two songs, the easiest mode will become boring to most players, but you are forced to play it through regardless. This worked against my enjoyment.

This game could be amazing, with more songs, a better campaign mode, less time in menus and if the DLC button were not directly on the title screen, almost doubling the amount of content for 1€ per song.

From what I've heard FF Theatrhythm Curtain Call is just that. I have only played the demo of that as of right now though but am already happy about the addition of button-support.

it was fun until curtain call came out

I'd bump it up to three if the better re-release spontaneously disappeared from this earth, but if you're like me and thinking "original, or Curtain Call?": you want Curtain Call.

The one that started the Theathythm gameplay. Kinda expected that Square Enix would have covered basically every other franchise, including Dragon Quest and KH with Melody of Memories.

What to say? If we go beyond the awful DLC management (way worse on smartphone devices, and now with no more 3DS online...) the game has some amazing selection to relieve the nostalgia.

Juego rítmico de la saga FF en 3DS, nada puede salir mal. Con la pantalla táctil es una delicia el jugar los niveles, aunque el número de canciones se queda un poco escueto, han cogido canciones emblemáticas de cada título, aunque faltan otras importantes. Mi mayor queja es el poco contenido del juego que se resume a jugar 3 canciones de cada juego, un modo de jugar una canción con diferentes niveles de dificultad, y un modo de ponerte dos canciones aleatorias y a jugar una y después la otra. Lo recomiendo bastante pero sabiendo el contenido que hay

Promising but very light on content (plus the strange scoring system). Thankfully later games will fix both

Tellement peu de musiques par opus, dommage. Mais bon le gameplay est trop cool.

Beautifully executed, but not really my cup of tea.

this was my absolute shit as a kid. like, this singlehandedly made me interested in final fantasy. thankfully, theatrhythm allows me to experience the parts of ff that are actually good (the music) without actually playing that shit. i can't tell you how much time i sunk into dark notes and unlocking characters, this game's fun as hell.

but as an adult, i realize that those dark notes were grindy as fuck and were the same 20 songs recycled ad infinitum. and they only had like 5 songs for each game. so this game's practically worthless now, unfortunately :(

I had very little Final Fantasy experience when I first played this, so it was a fun way to acquaint myself with the music and general vibes of the series (that I hadn't gotten from Kingdom Hearts).
The base collection of songs was very small, it didn't bother me much at the time but in hindsight it was pretty lacking without DLC. That said, I think they made good selections for what was included and combined with the gameplay made for an enjoyable and addictive time.

Played at the arcade - it's a rhythm game I always look for whenever I go to one.

what a weird combination. but hey. it works

I fully expected to love the shit out of this but for some reason I didn't. I love the ouendan/eba games and this looks like a FF face lift of those games. I love FF music and I appreciate the things they did for this game but I found the gameplay to be rather dull. It felt like I was just going through the motions and not really enjoying it as much as I thought I would. Thinking back to it I can't really pinpoint a reason why either. I just remember being disapointed in the game side. I hear the sequal is much better but I never got around to trying that one out.

Loved it, hoping to snag the sequel

Excellent gameplay, but the quantity of songs is very lacking

It's kind of hard to rate this game on its own merits given that it was completely outclassed by its sequel, but god. What a good game. I don't often play rhythm games but this was a great time, and it's all the fantastic music from Final Fantasy! What's not to love! Like if you have to choose definitely play the sequel because it's the same game but infinitely better, but this was still great.

65 music pieces from 13 games in a series revered for it's music? That's some bullshit right there. Still fun, though.

Good game, really no reason to play it now since it's been made basically obsolete by its sequels but it was a good start for the series.

This was a fun game and I'm not sure why I stopped playing (probably finished a road trip or something)

Está divertido pero que tampoco te cambia la vida, un juego de ritmo simplón, con buena música y algo falto de contenido.

Joguinho de ritmo do Balacobaco

Me deu vontade de jogar os outros final fantasy

Went back to this after having already finished Curtain Call a couple of years back but still really love this game even if it might lack in the content department comparatively. You can't go wrong with Final Fantasy music, so good!

Système de combat étoffé, aptitudes bien cool, scénario sympa, système de mercenaires efficace,... Mais déjà l'épisode du trop pour la formule ActionRPG.
Trop grand, trop répétitif, trop de choses à faire, trop de points d'intérêt, trop long... juste trop.

Great game, but it lacked some depth. The two that came after are better!

Don't want to retroactively rate this one since its sequel surpassed it in nearly every way but for a long while, this was the best 3DS game.

If you're a fan of rhythm games and Final Fantasy it's a no-brainer you'd like this game. Like others have said it's hard to rate on its own merits due to the sequel just taking the concept and doing it better, but it was still a great game for the time. Good selection of amazing music to play along to, the pixel art is super cute and the RPG elements mixed with the core rhythm game was really unique. Spent a lot of time playing this back in the day.

EU copy played on a Nintendo 3DS XL.

This is an excellent rhythm game - even if you're totally unfamiliar with the FF games and their plots like I am, there's absolutely no denying that the franchise has some of the best, most recogniseable and iconic music of the video-game medium. Even the titles past Nobuo Uematsu's involvement have a fairly solid score of catchy melodies and beautiful harmonies.

The gameplay itself is split into three modes but all pretty much boil down to the same way to play, with taps, swipes and holds being the only method of inputs. It sounds like it would get stale fast, especially in comparison to other rhythm games' methods but the variation of speeds and input requirements coupled with the difficulty options keep your attention span longer than it has any right to. Unlocking your favourite characters and levelling them up is satisfying, even if I never quite figured out the item system and there's a solid pick of tunes you play along the way.

Honestly this is a must-own for the 3DS system.

Used to play the 3DS demo alot and now I have it thru Citra on PC. Game is a ton of fun, just like I remember it.