Reviews from

in the past

It’s the worst BL2 DLC of course but I have to give it credit for very cleverly setting up Tales from the Borderlands.

Lets just be happy that the incompetent Professor Nakayama can't even walk down a ramp without taking out his own HP in the process.

Allright DLC, but with the worst boss in history.

I loved Borderlands 2 and had a great time with this amazing sequel. The humor, silly atmosphere and new features created a fresh new experience for me.

I still think the best part of this game is the humor. Every mission, every encounter, everything is one big joke. Names of bosses, many times, refer to pop culture icons and certain missions are just hilarious and stupid. It is just as good (if not better) than the first Borderlands game.

I started with this expansion after the main game, Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt. In this DLC, you need to stop professor Nakayama, a former Hyperion scientist who is trying to create a clone of Handsome Jack. You fight your way to his super-secret laboratory and eventually, defeat him.

Alongside this, you receive multiple “hunting missions” from Sir Hammerlock, to test your skill and in which you need to defeat a series of bosses. There are multiple new enemies in the DLC, although many of them are just reskinned assets from the main game. Only the shaman enemies are unique (and very annoying).

I did not like this DLC that much. It was a little repetitive and blend, and features the worst and most relentlessly hard boss in history, Voracidous the Invincible.

It was allright, but nothing too special.

Doc was a simp before it was cool, and after it became uncool

Probably the weakest DLC of the bunch. I love Hammerlock, but this DLC barely feels like it has anything to do with him so it just comes off like they slapped his name on it at the end. It’s Borderlands so it’s still fun, but the areas are drab and the enemies are spongy. Out of all the DLCs in the franchise, this feels like the one they put the least amount of effort into (aside from Underdome from BL1).

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loveddd the concept for the dlc and the level designs, did not like the execution and the story/missions (him falling down the stairs at the end was a liiiiittle funny i guess)

A bit slow overall but still a fun addition onto the game with some fun enemy variation. The "final boss" is also one of the greatest jokes I've ever seen in a game ever.

First off: Borderlands has always had crass and insensitive 'jokes', but calling tribal enemies "savages" is downright insulting and disrespectful towards the mocking and suffering indigenous tribes have faced.

Regarding the actual DLC content: It's pretty decent. The first area feels taken right out of Dr. Zed's Zombie Island, but everything else has a distinct feel to it and the new enemy types are welcome additions.

It does not overstay it's welcome, but it does suffer from issues other DLC's have (abrupt ending, lack of interesting new ideas, some bad sidequests). However, it's a pretty enjoyable 3-4 hours.

Resident Evil 5 racism allegations walked so Hammerlock's dlc could run.

Underrated DLC imo. Bosses were hot garbage but I liked the large maps and atmosphere. Story was pretty funny too.

Not that great unfortunately.

The main story is pretty short only lasting a few hours worth of missions, half of which feel like they were super padded with the same enemies being thrown at you over and over again before you can even progress. Im sure playing on UVHM didn't help but some of these enemies were so annoying to kill, you have ones that can self-heal and then other that can self-level themselves up (causing them to also fully heal). It ended up being a pretty frustrating experience to slog through.

Although the story itself was pretty funny, especially the villain's dialog. So it is enjoyable in that sense.

The locations were alright, nothing you haven't seen. You have this new hover-boat vehicle but it got stuck on everything and the guns on it were useless.

Overall it might be worth playing on the more normal difficulties if you're really itching for more BL2 but otherwise is an experience that won't be missed.

Big Game Hunt is kinda lame.Don't get me wrong i dig the vibe, the whole 30's/40's intro is really cool and love to see a swamp aesthetic, but that's about it. The Maps are huge plains with not a whole lot in them, and they suck to navigate which doesn't help because vehicles are at their worst in this DLC, they just feel clunky and slow. The story is okay i guess, it doesn't last that long and i wasn't super pressed to finish every single side mission or anything like that. Nakayama has a few good gags but apart form that he's a little lack luster as an antagonist.

absolutely fucking nightmarish task to complete this DLC's achievements as part of trying to 100% bl2

I've been called "chap" one too many times in this game


While the idea is fun and silly, and the change in scenery is very welcome, this is probably the buggiest and.... uhh, absently designed one in the Borderlands 2 bunch? Lots of weird mesh problems, poor use of the core concept, and its like an hour long?

This DLC gets a lot of bad press for one reason, witch doctors. We're talking about one of the worst designed enemies in gaming history. They are annoying to fight and don't add anything to the challenge of the game. Overall the DLC is alright, the idea of going out and hunting monsters was a good idea but it was mostly pushed to the side for an not so great story.

One word: WHAT.
I have so many complaints about the main story and enemies but just, no way to say them. The best parts of the DLC are when you're NOT playing the main story. This cannot be real, simply unfathomable how they managed to make a character as interesting as Hammerlock one of the most boring DLC's...

The most tedious DLC Borderlands 2 has to offer. Not the worst I have ever played but not the most fun I have had with this game.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ırkçılık

Borderlands DLCs are always hit or miss for me, and this is a clear miss. Hammerlock is more effective as a character in short bursts, so having him be perpetually present through the whole endeavor leaves me more annoyed than entertained. The new area is also one of the weaker ones in the whole game, with way too many empty pockets and bizarre difficulty spikes. Decent enough with friends if you're really desperate for more Borderlands 2 content.

Definitely the weakest of the BL2 DLC. While the premise of hunting with Hammerlock is nice, the dlc ends up just being pretty forgettable