Reviews from

in the past

A cozy feeling that continues in its sequel

Honestly this is just an overall good follow up to a very good first title which saw some improvements. The first title really put my mind at ease with its great setting, OST, characters and great dialogue that can sometimes get very thoughtful and deep. I simply couldn’t have asked for much more with the sequel and in every way they simply did what I think more games should do with its sequel. Don’t fix what isn’t broken just simply add onto it and improve and that is what you get with its sequel.

What is different and what is good?

Of course with this being a VN you ask yourself “what in the world can they change” which is a simple answer. The core loop of Coffee Talk EP1 has you creating drinks for your customers as you listen to their story. In EP2 you now have even more ingredients to use for your tasty looking drinks opening up how many possible combinations you can make. In addition there is a new side mechanic in which customers will sometimes forget items or give you items for you to give to someone else. This serves as a way for potential story changes for characters as you have to remember to give specific items to specific people. It's a neat mechanic which however does lead into a small issue I have that I will get more into in my negative portion of the review. What would be a good VN without good dialogue? Luckily I am happy to say this game continues the trend of great storylines with sometimes really thoughtful dialogue that can really hit home for some people if you are in the field of creating. In addition, the new cast of characters were great and all fit in very well to the story quickly making you care very deeply for these pixels. It's funny because I almost felt terrible when I had to go through my bad end run because I genuinely did not want to see these characters fail LOL.

A way to calm

I want to give this a little section on its own because I really want to drive home how comfy this game feels. They really created such a cozy atmosphere that I really adore and wish I could have in real life. The OST is just as great and the setting is once again just as great, really making you feel like you have gone back home. I really recommend this game just for this alone if you want something that will help you put yourself at ease while getting a fix of great stories and world building.

Some negatives

Luckily while I do have some negatives it isn’t anything game breaking that will push anyone away it's just annoyances for a specific group of people. To explain , remember how I mentioned the new item mechanic ? you get items from characters and pick up forgotten items from characters to give to another character or back to the person who lost it. It's a simple yet cool addition that can lead into some VERY frustrating routes if you do not want to guide. On top of having to get drinks right you have to remember to give items to specific people and if you forget anything you will ruin a run. This becomes an issue because this game is insanely confusing when it comes to 100% YOU WILL HAVE TO GUIDE THIS GAME. Going for a 100% playthrough without guiding will make you pull your hair out as it is so damn specific of what is needed from you. In general you will have to go through this game multiple times to see everything and this time around the dialogue skipping button feels slower due to the game pausing every time characters expression changes or anything. This will slow down the process a bit but not to an annoying degree.

In the end

While going for the true ending is annoying I will say I DO recommend it as it is one of the most heartfelt endings that I have seen in a while put into a game in recent times. It really elevated the experience for me and just really showed how close the team who made this game was. What is to come from this series is unknown ( to my knowledge ) but I am VERY happy to have picked up and read both titles.

without the original creator it just isn't the same

Coffee Talk Episode 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly schafft es, dass man sich am Ende fühlt, als wäre man wirklich als Barista Besitzer*in vom Café und hätte sich mit den verschiedenen Charakteren angefreundet. Mit den verschiedenen Handlungssträngen, lohnt es sich, das Spiel mehrmals durchzuspielen und im Endlos-Modus kann man sich ... nun ja, quasi endlos die Zeit vertreiben.

deffinatly not as good as the original.
storyline just wasnt hitting.. adding a blue fucking weed drink was not going to excuse the fact you dont have a proper storyline or cute characters anymore..
still completed it
kinda boring not the best

Ainda continua bom, mas no geral as histórias de cada personagem parecem mais fracas. Não entenda errado, eu adoro os novos rostos, me apeguei a eles, é só que o primeiro jogo me pegou mais. De qualquer forma, jogou o primeiro? Jogue o segundo, até o final, vai valer a pena.

nada melhor do que terminar o ano com um jogo tão gostoso de calmo de se jogar
no começo eu fiquei decepcionado por ter só 2 ingrediente a mais em comparação com o 1, e personagens a mesma coisa, mas a historia decorreu tão bem, os personagens muito bem desenvolvido, tanto os antigos quantos os novos
ansioso pra onde a historia vai nos levar nos proximos eps.

I am just so done with this. Anyone who knows Coffee Talk well enough knows that you have to pretty much master it to get the complete ending, and episode 2 makes that a chore. And that is a severe understatement. I have replayed this SO MANY TIMES. And I still technically didn’t get the Cat Shelter Ending. It takes at least 40 minutes to replay every single time. I’ve finished all the story arcs and gotten every single other achievement. I’ve done all the things for the phases but I think in the wrong order?? So I’d have to do that all over again, but who knows if it would actually work? I really loved this game, but trying to get the true ending ruined it for me. This is infuriating. It’s just way too much to do and I’ve done EVERYTHING. But I did it in the wrong order. There was no indication from the game either. I don’t get why it needs to be this complicated. Absolutely ruined the game for me. I basically did it, I don’t care I’m counting it as mastered. Not worth wasting my time on this anymore at this point as I’ve seen everything!

I enjoyed the first Coffee Talk and by extension I like this one too, though I found this to be uninspired for a sequel. It follows the exact template from the first game and feels more like DLC than a second game.

I understand that these games are visual novels, but I feel like some kind of dialogue options would add a lot to a game like this.

I loved it, but I had a bug that changed the ending and it made no sense. It also has some translation errors (I played it in spanish). These things tarnished the experience for me, and that sucks. It's a shame because aside from this, it's my favorite of the year so far. The first one was one of my surprises the year it came out and I had high expectations for this one, and it was meeting them until the end. The story is a 10/10, the new features are really cool, less linearity, the new characters are very good... it's a pitty. Anyways, if you liked the first one, it's a mandatory play.

I loved it, and at the same time I wished it had more. Just a lovely experience, as it was the first one.

Aconchegante e visualmente magnífico. Quase da pra sentir o cheio do café.

Uma ótima sequência que traz novidades onde deveria e introduz novos personagens super interessantes, além de deixar os que já existiam ainda melhores.

Um dos melhores do gênero dele

Just more Coffee Talk, even with its previous flaws and strengths. The returning cast is welcomed alongside the new characters, although it helps with the feeling that there's nothing much new to enjoy in this title.

As with cozy games like this, it all depends on the mood you are in when playing and this was a perfect two nights game.

Não é tão interessante quanto o anterior

Fico feliz que os pontos mais fortes do último jogo se manteve nesse mais fortemente.
Uma história muito gostosinha de se acompanhar e com ate um mistério muito interessante, e os dialogos mantem sendo tão bom quanto o primeiro.
Os fregueses que ja conhecemos tem um desenvolvimento melhor em certas partes como o policial e o vampiro, mas as novas adições foram bem vindas e deram tbm um ar novo, e novos problemas e fofocas também.
E nem preciso dizer que a trilha sonora esta tão calma e tranquila com o lo-fi de sempre mas adicionado a chuva que esta ocorrendo no fundo.
Se vc gostou do primeiro irár adorar o 2 matem toda a vibe boa que a 1 mantem, e to pensantivo ainda se e bom ou ruim pois para platinar o jogo e bem mais demorado que o primeiro.
Se você não estiver com sono e queirar saber das fofocas dos outros esse e um jogo prato cheio.
E sim eu quero um episódio 3 agora !!!

This is generally written better with more interesting things to say and do than its predecessor but actually had more flaws at the same time for me. Some inconsistencies with the first game especially with Silver who supposedly never left Seattle but in the first game we know he took a trip to New York? Regardless that sort of thing aside there’s more going on with the initial story being told that fills in as time goes on compared to what binds Coffee Talk 1 with Lua and Baileys. It feels a little short though for what it does unlike the first game which took some time to set up characters and have some minor moments like with Gala. Here in the sequel we’re familiar with a lot of the cast but don’t see enough of them even the new characters (which are done well) don’t feel like they’re serviced enough. With a better fleshed out story concept it seems a shame it doesn’t fill out more time with events relevant to it. I suppose there’s only so much that can be done being limited to Coffee Talk’s building. The quality of writing and world building being that much better here I wanted to take off my barista mantle and see what was happening for myself. There’s an opportunity to use the blank space that happens every time the screen goes black to close out time or story but it never comes unfortunately.

I'm not a big fan of the novels, but they managed to improve on the first game's drink-making mechanics by simply adding some new ingredients

The game is still fun and has a cool story with great characters, but I feel like there's something missing from the first game

"how much of our survival instincts turned into bad stereotypes?"

Same as first game but adds new characters and new ingredients, boring story

Não é sobre o café no final, o que realmente cativa não só nesse mas também no primeiro são as historias dos personagens e as reflexões que eles te fazem ter

Enjoyed this sequel a lot but struggled to unlock all the lore bits I wanted.


A direct continuation of the prior title with very little to separate the two in my mind. An additional mechanic of giving misplaced items is introduced but otherwise this plays exactly the same as Ep 1. The plot payoff for some of the legacy characters is great even if the new customers introduced aren't as memorable. The soundtrack however still slaps.

Wanted to skip waaaaay too often
(And I did it with no regrets)

i’m currently grinding away to get the last few achievements, but i’ve played the game more than once and I feel comfortable reviewing it now.

this is probably the purest sequel to exist. it’s “safe” in that the only gameplay changes are adding two, new drink bases, the ability to give some items to customers, and most of the original cast returns with a few new faces. that “safe-ness” is not a bad thing though! it’s familiar and the game leans into the theme of change, but wanting stability. big fan of this. guess i’ve been burned by bad sequels too many times lol.

new characters are cute ‘n fine. jokes and story maintains the quality of the original. music is still fire.

i really don’t have any critiques for this game, but it doesn’t hugely innovate. it does everything well like it did in the first one which is all i could’ve asked!

Coffee Talk 2 offers an experience that is as cozy, relaxing and enjoyable as the first game. We see many of the characters we are familiar with from the first game in the second game and once again witness the stories they went through and the developments in their lives after years passed. The newly added characters to the story also have very nice stories. The game is basically the same in terms of gameplay, only as the name of the game suggests, there are 2 new tea types named hibiscus and blue butterfly and brand new tea combinations that we can make with these teas. There is also a new system where we have to return or forward some dropped or forwarded items to the correct customers. It was added as an important detail in order to complete some hidden parts of the story and the stories of the characters. Although it does not promise much innovation in terms of gameplay, since the game is a visual novel game, the gameplay is usually the last thing I look at. In terms of game music, it also contains many new, relaxing songs. I expected to see some of the characters much more, and I can say that I was a little disappointed in this regard. Without going into spoilers, it was sad to see that a very important character from the first game was seen very little, and after all these years, I saw almost nothing about the character whose story I was most curious about. But in any case, seeing some characters have happy endings and some characters setting off on new journeys made me leave the game satisfied. The game very successfully allows the player to connect with the characters, it is impossible not to get emotional at some points. As for the conclusion, Coffee Talk 2 is as good as the first game, longer in terms of gameplay and with much more recipes and stories, it definitely provides a satisfying experience. If you played the first game and like visual novel games, I definitely recommend you try the second game.

    This sequel was not dissimilar to the first one, so I don't have a lot to say. But there were some differences and thoughts I had so I'll write them down.

    Firstly, I think there were a few improvements to the first game. For starters, they added more to the gameplay aspect, making the drinks that you had to make not so obvious and also adding slightly more variation to them. They also added the feature of items that you could receive and give to the characters. On top of this, the social media feature was added to, giving a feed to tell you what the other characters are up to. So, overall, the gameplay had an upgrade.

    There were also improvements to small things such as the GUI. In the first game, the chat logs were a bit buggy and inconvenient. For example, when I would open the chat logs I'd have to scroll up a bunch before I even get to where the dialogue is. Here, the logs are much cleaner and operate better, which I appreciate. Also, they gave us a fresh new soundtrack, which is, needless to say, a banger like the first game's was. 

    Only a few new characters were added, and to be honest, I appreciate this decision as I think it fits the setting of a coffee shop well. Instead of making every encounter exciting with new people every time, having familiar faces and casual conversation is definitely where the appeal of the game is for me. And because of this, I like how there were only two major characters added, whilst the other characters were built on further instead, really fleshing them out. One thing I wasn't happy with, though, is the lack of Freya. She is probably my favourite character so having her appear the least made me sad, but it did give room for the other characters to develop more so I understand the decision. 

    Overall, it was a satisfying continuation, making me like it for the same reasons I liked the first game. It tied up loose ends, cleaned up some of the rough areas and in general was a very pleasing sequel. Here's to hoping for a part 3!

cute and cozy but once again lacking in depth whether in regards to the gameplay or the narrative and characters themselves.

i'll happily check for another game along these lines, sequel or not (especially if it launches or shows up otherwise on game pass) but there's going to need to be something more to it for me.

After playing the first game, I won't lie and say I was looking forward to the next one as the first, while good, didn't really capture me in how I think it wanted to, same goes here. Coffee Talk 2 is good, undoubtedly better than the first in quite a lot of ways, but I wouldn't say it was significantly improved, some visuals were enhanced, writing was more unique and interesting, characters were good, and it was clear that this game stood on it's own outside of the first, but compliments the first. However, I got about halfway through the game and didn't find that it really kept me as engaged as the newness of the first did, and it wasn't something that is generally in my genre in the first place.

It's a worthy sequel, but doesn't try to expand much on the first, making it a solid continuation of the first game without any elements in particular that make it stand out. Good game nonetheless.

Se mantém agradável do ponto de vista "ser um jogo relaxante e reconfortante", mas dá um passo para trás no quesito continuidade.

Coffee Talk me conquistou pela sua forma simplória mas ao mesmo tempo complexa de se expressar. Através da perspectiva de um barista, ouvir as histórias de vida de cada um dos personagens que conhecemos é engajante, trazendo consigo diversos ensinamentos e visões a respeito de questões principalmente sociais e éticas que me fizeram refletir bastante sobre tudo, em meio as noites chuvosas ao som de uma rádio lo-fi.

Cada cliente possui sua própria história, seus próprios problemas, suas próprias personalidades, e a forma com a qual acompanhamos a trajetória de cada um deles enquanto lidam com essas questões faz com que nos aproximemos dos mesmos.

Nessa sequência, a turma presente no primeiro jogo está presente, trazendo um sentimento nostálgico enquanto descobria como cada um deles seguiram com suas vidas, mas também chegaram novos clientes, clientes esses que eu não consegui me conectar da mesma forma.

Não são personagens mal construídos ou desinteressantes, longe disso, mas chega a ser discrepante o quão longe eles se encontram em comparação aos personagens "originais" por assim dizer.

Talvez a ausência de uma base narrativa consistente tenha feito muita falta, foi o que eu senti. No primeiro jogo, por exemplo, ajudamos Freya a escrever sua história, que é inspirada justamente por tudo que aprendemos com as histórias de vida de cada um dos clientes. E aqui, nos contentamos com casos misteriosos de vandalismo numa rua antes movimentada, que agora se encontra deserta por motivos sobrenaturais.

Concentrar a experiência numa sequência narrativa esquecível faz com que o foco seja alterado, o levando para a vida de vários personagens ao mesmo tempo, e tirando assim o fator "pessoal" que ajuda a se conectar com cada um deles.

Apesar desses problemas, pode-se dizer que o propósito principal foi cumprido. A fórmula que deu certo anteriormente permanece inalterada, e é uma boa pedida pra investir algumas horas, mas definitivamente, existir ou não existir não faria diferença para Hibiscus e Butterfly.