Reviews from

in the past

Physics are very different feeling compared to the original, but still very good. I played the remakes before the originals so it never bothered me.

The level design is still pretty solid and fun, but can feel a little bare bones compared to the other crash games in the trilogy. Still really solid and fun and this is the definitive way to go for 100%. By far the least stressful 100% runs of crash 1 I've ever played.

Making the Gamer Pilgrimage of hitting Platinum in this game has made me well-acquainted with things such as "hitboxes", "level geometry", and "gold relics" and I'm sorry I ever doubted the angry nerds on Reddit. They were right. The hitboxes are wonky and pill-shaped compared to the original. I am slipping off the edges of platforms. I have been taught the error of my ways.

Crash Bandicoot (2017) ironically fills the same niche as Crash Bandicoot (1996). Much like how the original Crash Bandicoot is a ground-breaking game, one of the first 3D platformers, that was immediately outclassed by the more enjoyable PS1/N64 games that came after it, the Crash N. Sane Trilogy version of Crash 1, the game that sparked a renaissance of "let's reboot that 90's video game but faithfully this time", is now outclassed by all the more enjoyable 90's game remakes released after it. There's a real sense of "eh, good enough" permeating this game's code (that I'm solely blaming the Activision higher-ups for, the dev time for this couldn't have been pretty) that makes every jump in this hard precision-based platformer feels like it's going to succeed only about 85% of the time.

Which is completely fine if you're just going for level completion and boxes - and, despite this game's reputation, the lives are pretty generous - but those sick bastards also put in time trials in a game that was never designed for speed and you will be hitting that other 15% real quick. I got the Platinum relic in The High Road after over an hour of trying and trying until my right thumb developed a blister so I can say this with confidence - these time trials suck and they will drain any remaining enjoyment for this game from you. They messed with the physics on the turtle jumps and steel bounce boxes and you are going to notice.

As someone who grew up with Crash 1, this is less a full improvement that I would fully recommend over the original and more of a more modern, more accessible version of Crash 1 that fixed the save system that everyone hated but added a few tiny little downgrades along the way that won't be totally noticeable until you dig real deep and even then, you're just playing a version of Crash 1 and Crash 1 isn't very amazing either. Crash 1 is an important game in video game history, sure, but that doesn't mean it's good. Just impressive.

Also, yes, I gotta be That Guy - The color choices and character models looked better in the original game. We live in a post-Crash 4 world and therefore it's kinda hard to go back to these models trying to attempt a semi-realistic approach with their grody fur textures and their beady little eyes. I hate jumping on the vultures in Slippery Climb/Stormy Ascent and seeing their weird mashed potato faces inflate their eyeballs in a way that reads "graphical glitch" over "cartoony facial expression". I hate Koala Kong's tiny little mouth and how I can see his every fur particle from across the cavern. Anyone who says that Crash 4 "ruined the art style" and they should've stuck with this look is lying.

This game is abysmal. Do the people giving this high ratings hate fun?

çocukluk travması. CTR çocukluk neşesi.

I think this is just one of those series I don't get and will never get

This game annoys me so much but it isn't bad. It's a decent game with decent mechanics, just feels a little wonky at times.

Recently finished this game with 105% completion and almost all achievements (Stormy Ascent gold relic is kicking my ass.) This game is an absolute blast. I appreciate that this game was just a graphical overall with minimal changes to the actual game because the gameplay itself has aged really well. Perfect if you want a tough 3D platformer that isn't too difficult or unfair.

Crash 1 is platforming in it's purest form. There are very few gimmicks in this first entry and the ones that appear are a great change of pace. There are good variety in level themes throughout the game with the progression from jungle to industrial environments being fantastic theming that was never replicated in later entries. The boss fights while basic are fun to fight and the soundtrack is top notch. The biggest problems with the original being the outdated save system and needing to get gems without dying have been removed entirely (colour gems being the only exception) leading to a far smoother experience. The changes to crash's handling in the remake makes the bridge levels harder than they should and the added relics not suiting the level design are the only nit-picks I have with this remake. A must play for crash fans and 3D platformer lovers.

perdi as estribeiras mas é mt bom

7.5 | Crash Bandicoot, apesar de ter uma premissa inicialmente simples ( Um marsupial que sai por aí correndo, pulando, girando e acabando com toda a fauna e flora dos lugares por onde passa ), rapidamente se mostra um jogo desafiador, engraçado, divertido e carismático.

Sério, ri muito com as animações dos personagens desse jogo. Desde as animações do próprio Crash, até as animações de derrota dos Bosses ( que são muito bons, por sinal. Cada um tem um jeito específico de ser derrotado ).

Os personagens são bem diversos e alguns bem carismáticos.
Sério, tem muita diversidade de inimigos.
Desde caranguejos e plantas carnívoras até... Um indígena ? É, isso mesmo. Um marsupial matando um indígena.
Videogames, né !

A trilha sonora desse jogo também é boa. A música tema do jogo é um puro clássico.
Mas ela não tira o mérito das outras, as outras também são boas.

A jogabilidade é simples, mas funcional.
Ela cumpre bem com o seu papel, embora às vezes um pulo ou outro possa sair um pouco errado, mas persistindo, você pega a manha.

Inclusive, é muito gratificante persistir e ver seus esforços valendo a pena, sério, a sensação de passar de um obstáculo nesse jogo é muito boa.

As fases do jogo são boas, difíceis na medida certa, mas algumas são claramente mais difíceis do que outras.
Mas nenhuma é impossível.
O design delas também é bem legal, sério, várias delas tem segredos, gemas para serem coletadas, lugares para " usar " essas gemas, várias caixas, etc...

Comecei a platinar esse jogo e... Nossa Senhora, que tarefa difícil.
Quer dizer, é divertido ir descobrindo cada segredo, pegando cada caixa, se superando nos desafios para pegar gemas, etc.
Para mim, o maior problema realmente são os Time Trials.

Sério, parece que as fases não foram planejadas tendo em mente um modo Time Trial, algumas são MUITO difíceis de serem passadas. Road to Nowhere Time Trial me traumatizou.
Mas como eu disse, elas são MUITO difíceis, mas não impossíveis. E a sensação de passar de um Time Trial que você tanto se empenhou para passar é maravilhosa.

Em resumo, Crash Bandicoot ( 2017 ) é um ótimo jogo. Ele é divertido, engraçado, possui gráficos hipnotizantes e coloridos, é difícil , desafiador e possui ótimas músicas.
Um dia ainda termino a platina dele.

I haven't actually rated/review anything in ages so I have a huge backlog of finished games so apologies for spam buuuuut

I finally got the platinum in this! After playing it like 3 or 4 times I finally just committed and the games very good! I've never played the original so can't speak to how they messed up the hitboxes but it's a good length and has a really good trophy list too.

The bosses are a bit naff though.

physics take some getting used to, but it’s still a lot of fun to 100%. fuck the bridge and fuck stormy ascent


The first Crash, this is the remake.

What can I say? Good pure platforming goodness. No much of gimmicks in this one, go straight break all the boxes and you are golden.

To be honest, it is somewhat hard but no were near people say it is. Completion it's hard though, breaking all the boxes in Sunset Vista without dying is something to be proud of, not to mention the Relics in that same level.

Really good for what it is.

There's a guy below me who said "This shit rocks 5 stars" and I would like to, in the nicest way, tell him to take his meds

the high road - my worst enemy :|

Insert "Dark Souls of Platforming" Meme here.

Man, they really weren't kidding when they compared this game to Dark Souls, huh? XD

I'm joking, I'm joking! But also some of these levels were too hard and for /me/ definitely passed the point of enjoyable. Like I didn't even feel happy beating them, I was just glad it was over.

I played this game a lot as a kid but never even got halfway thru it, so I'm glad I took the time to finish it in the N. Sane Trilogy, and it is so worth finishing (despite the frustration).

Honestly, this game is definitely complicated. I don't think it's because of their platforms, but rather how perfect the jumps have to be to end up on the right foot.

What surprised me the most was my ability to tolerate the frustration I had as a child, since I played all three Crash Bandicoots on ps1 at the time. The evolution between then and now is incredible.

A short experience that I liked to relive, but I don't think it will motivate me enough to continue with 2 and 3. Although only time will tell...

Not the biggest fan of Crash but there is definitely fun to be had here... and a lot of frustration

The original Crash Bandicoot is still a great experience. The remastered version also includes some great new additions as well as tweaks and some things to make the game easier for newcomers. Repeated level themes and basic story are problems for sure but that doesn't mean that Crash isn't a great game.

The Full Review(No Spoilers):

A Legend Begins
Going back to the original Crash Bandicoot game might be hard for some people, but not for me. As probably one of the biggest fans of the series, I was delighted to play the original game with it's fully remastered beauty. And while it's not perfect, it still holds up and it's still a great game.

Our story in this game is pretty basic. There is a crazy scientist called Dr. Neo Cortex. One day while he experiments on animals, a bandicoot named Crash manages to escape the scientist's castle and awakens in the N. Sanity Beach. With the help of a magical mask named Aku Aku, he tries to go back to the castle in order to save the other, female bandicoot called Tawna that has been captive just like him.

That's basically the whole story and we don't get much else from it. The story is unfortunately the weakest part of this original game. We get 0 introduction to the magical mask Aku Aku as well for example and the game only has like 2 cutscenes. One in the beginning, one in the ending. Those are also the only time we hear people talking. Crash doesn't talk which is fine but no one else talks either during the entire game.

But are story and characters important in a platforming game? Not much. They are definitely a negative for this game in my opinion but the gameplay is good enough to save it. And definitely, the gameplay is the most important part in a 3D platformer. Crash is one of the first ever 3D platformers in the world. Along with Super Mario 64.

In the game, there are 32 levels including 6 boss battles. The normal levels are usually blending 3D and 2D play styles together but there are also some 3D and 2D only stages as well.

Many of the stage themes has 2 levels attached to them. For example, one of the classic Crash levels is the boulder chase. Everyone thinks of that level when they think of Crash. But there actually isn't one boulder chase level, there are 2.

Some are unique and only used once though. Like a level where we ride on a wild hog and one where we are playing a 3D Donkey Kong game basically. The levels are varied and most of them has at least 1 bonus stage as well. Bonus stages are 2D only and while the normal bonus levels are pretty easy, there are hard bonus levels as well which are unique platforming challenges. But they also have puzzle elements too.

Boss battles are pretty easy most of the time but there are some hard ones as well. Ripper Roo was difficult for me as well as the final two bosses. But they are not too too difficult.

Some of the later levels however are really not easy. 2 collapsed bridge levels and the one castle climbing levels are definitely the hardest ones in the game. And this game is definitely the hardest game out of the original trilogy. However, the remastered version does include some new features and tweaks to make it easier.

For example, you can save after every level. In the original PS1 release, you could have only saved if you finished the bonus level. And you also had only 1 chance of doing the bonus level. If you died in a bonus level, you weren't able to play it again so you weren't able to save your progress.

In the remastered, you can also play bonus levels infinite times. Even the hard bonus levels. I am not sure how I feel about that. I am sort of okay with the save thing because it could have killed many new players' interest in the game right with the first game but maybe they should have at least made the bonus levels playable only once.

With the remastered there is also a secondary character. Crash's sister who was originally introduced in the second game, Coco Bandicoot. Coco is playable in most of the levels. Except the boss battles and some special levels like the riding the hog level.

There are no differences between the two characters in the gameplay side. Both of them has the same abilities so it's just a cosmetic change. I mostly played with Crash but switched to Coco here and there just to see if there was any difference. And as I said, there are no differences.

Technically, the remaster is perfect. No frame rate issues, it looks amazing and both the score and the sound design is incredible. Crash's beautiful environments came to life with crystal clear visuals and an incredible soundscape.

The original Crash Bandicoot is still a great experience. The remastered version also includes some great new additions as well as tweaks and some things to make the game easier for newcomers. Repeated level themes and basic story are problems for sure but that doesn't mean that Crash isn't a great game.

The last time I gave this game a serious go (more than just playing a couple levels and dropping out), I remember it being a really frustrating experience and promptly gave up just before the halfway point. Crash 1 then became a game I'd "come back to" every time I thought about it, but something I kept pushing back as I remembered my prior experiences.

This time around though and a couple Crash games under my belt since then, I actually found it to be a tough but rewarding platformer. Although basic in comparison to the sequels, there's a quaint simplicity to the gameplay of Crash 1 that works out nicely for it, even if it doesn't end up being as packed full or feature-rich as its successors when all's said and done. NST also does quite a lot to make this game more accessible both by modern sensibilities and also to bring it in line with other Crash games, so the slight tweaks also go a long way to making finishing this game feel more like tough love and less like an excercise in torture.

I had quite a bit of fun here all in all, and it's one I intend to revisit again in the future from now on.

Just feels absolutely awful to play compared to the original version. Like you’re both weighed down and have too much momentum at the same time (but it somehow doesn’t balance each other out). The original version has its own issues too, but it’s still better than this.

im gonna say it. im glad its a faithful remake but i feel like they couldve done more for newer audiences