Reviews from

in the past

I HATE this game so much. It’ll freeze anytime I make it an hour or so in the game. I’ve tried this on 2 separate copies of the game. I can’t even give this one a proper rating since it’s BROKEN. It’s stuck at 1% on my trophy list and it’s my #1 game I regret playing, even over RE6. At least that game works! From what I was able to play of this game, I wouldn’t have liked it anyways.

Experience Prague's own red light district in high detail.

He really didn't ask for this did he.

Not as good as Human Revolution but still good in a lot of ways.

A beautiful, enthralling game with a loose story and a boring hub area.

Being a newer Deus Ex fan since the 2011 game, this game didn't disappoint. I thought the engine was beautiful, if punishing, and the gameplay was smoother than ever. I felt like I could really role play the Blade Runner-esque cop I've always wanted, even if that means travelling through way too many vents and suffering through extreme load times between the areas.

The story can be interesting and a more focused than the first game, but the payoff was lacking. It sets up the story on some cliffhanger emotional moments, but knowing that the company is "taking a break" from the next game makes it slightly disappointing. That said, the individual stories and side quests were great, the freedom of exploration (if you max out hacking, mind) was exhilarating, and the guy that voices Adam Jensen couldn't be more perfect. Another great game is you're wanting more from one of the best cyberpunk franchises on PC.

It's weird how one game can be some of the best and some of the worst stuff you'd expect from AAA games at the same time. Mankind Divided has great gameplay and presentation, a fun story, a cool world, and some pretty awesome ideas, but awful performance and microtransactions at launch, weird budget and/or time cuts resulting in an unfinished main campaign, and a tacked-on multiplayer and companion app to scan fucking QR codes. A shame, too, because this "Deus Ex Universe" initiative could've been some of the best shit in videogames if it weren't for the Warner Bros. goofiness that somehow found it's way in Square Enix, trying to establish some sort of big franchise off the back of one successful game and a promising sequel you decide to not have enough faith in at the last minute, which only goes to ruin any prospects your franchise might have had in the first place. I hope that Eidos Montreal is now at least in a real position to make a real continuation of this game, because, though the social commentary isn't the best, the aesthetics and the immersive-simmness of the Deus Ex reboot games cannot be left by the wayside. Make Jensen kill God already, you fucking Canuks!

Also yeah the original Deus Ex is kinda boring and only post-ironically enjoyable today, don't even tell me otherwise.

Combate divertido e refinado em relação ao anterior, sendo inferior em todo o resto ao antecessor, final fraco com ganchos nunca explicados ou finalizados.

Va como el culo en PC, la misión final es muy decepcionante, vas una y otra vez por las mismas tres calles durante gran parte del juego y en las pantallas de carga te puedes sacar un máster, pero aún con todo. A mi me ha gustado.

Es cierto que está lejos de su predecesor, pero se avanza un poco en la historia de forma correcta, la ambientación del mundo es de las mejores que he visto nunca y hay más caminos a elegir que nunca. Podrían haber trabajado más otros modos de juego como el Breach, donde haces lo mismo con las mismas habilidades, pero peor. O darle un final al juego mucho mejor, pues la verdad es que todos los caminos son bastante descafeinados. Pero no puedo decir que sea un juego horrible. Te lo recomiendo si te gusta el sigilo y si te va el estilo de la saga, pero no entres si esperas una obra maestra. Está muy lejos de serlo.

congrats to the Deus Ex franchise for having its second good game

I really love this game, i probably should play the first two games

Really improved on the flaws of the previous one, still not close to the OG but what can be?

Like its predecessor, a game that feels achingly incomplete. And indeed, it must always be, caught in the terrible gravity well of the original, edging ever closer to the event horizon of Bob Page and Joseph Manderley and the Grey Death.
But, inevitably, as it nears that boundary, appearing to an outside observer to slow and eventually stop, frozen at the edge of infinity, where even light cannot escape, forever just beyond the reach of UNATCO and the Dentons

Didn't enjoy it as much as Human Revolution, story and characters were much better in that one, but gameplays pretty much unchanged.

The better Human Revolution. Boss fights are fixed and they used their new graphical capabilities to create memorable places. It's still kinda funny how much budget must've went into all the non-stealth aspects including a weapon modification system that you never really use unless you're gunning through. Also you watch Adam standing in the subway for a long time.

I got to the dilapidated sports stadium on a 100% non-lethal run. Dragging a corpse out of the way killed them because of the physics, and I decided "you know what, they fell down the stairs, I'm calling that one acceptable because I did not directly murder them." Occupational hazards, you know?

When I left the stage and got back to the train station, the dialog chain that played insisted that I had killed everyone there, and was a butcher, and why did they have to die, and the main character said some tough guy shit. I closed the game, because if it isn't going to give a fuck, then why should I?

super solid game world. and Jenson is a sexy beast.

step down from the previous game, but at least it's not as yellow

Historia mas corta y mala comparada con el primero y un mejor gameplay.

a bit clunky, uninspired story unlike Human Revolution but overall good game.

Human Revolution was longer, with a more fleshed out story. This has improved gameplay, and one of the best open worlds ever in Prague. So it averages out as about the same final score.

I'm going to give it a positive recommendation because the core gameplay underneath is basically more of the same of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. And I like that. HOWEVER. The optimization for this game is awful, I f u c k ing hated the amount of loading you had to choose to get to the two areas of Prague. I get that it's supposed to be separated but there were times I would wait for 5 minutes to get loading into the next area to do a side quest or main quest objective....only to get told to go back to the first area, and when I fast travel via the subway stations I get this glitch where the previous interface lingers on my screen and it goes dark for a bit until I wait like a couple of minutes or go to the game map to fix it and in all Honestly I wish they would've made it just one f u c k ing area instead of two. And what in the actual f u c k is with the file size for this game. WHY IS IT THIS BIG?? I WANT TO KNOW!! It shouldn't be 73 GBs, and if it's rightfully 73 GBs then what does it cover? It feels like a lot of it should be smaller. And as for the story itself? It's ok, decent, much less interesting but still good. But the problem is as long as it was it didn't feel concise at all, it felt abrupt. The DLC integration is terrible IMO, the first was just a cut content quest they should've just kept in or stuck in to begin with and the second DLC you should've just been able to start from your TV at home. The best DLC was the Prison one, whereas the hacker one was just boring and I didn't care after about 20 minutes or less. It could've benefitted from a director's cut itself. Regardless the only thing that kept me going was that I loved Human Revolution and I wanted more of the same and on that end is the only reason I gave it a thumbs up. I'm sad this game is so poorly optimized as it is. I probably should've looked up to see if there was a patch to fix stuff up or find a way to lower the file size but Jesus man. I guess the last thing I should mention is that there were microtransactions though I just said fuck it and played the game I wanted to, with cheats to avoid all of that (except where it didn't apply like infinite health and the like I didn't use).

More of the same (Depending on the person)
Graphics are A1
DLCs weren't bad in itself

More of the same (Depending on the person)
Poor optimization and glitches
Loading is atrocious
Huge file size
Less interesting/Abrupt Story
Should've had a director's cut

From Steam Reviews:

es impresionante como hacen lo mejor que podian hacer (opcion no letal contra bosses) para luego empeorar lo que tenia el juego anterior

An ok game. Not quite as good as its predecessor. Performance issues and gaps in the worldbuilding. Perhaps it was a little rushed?

Proved that discriminating against robot people wasn't an effective allegory for racism just 2 years before Detroit: Become Human!