Reviews from

in the past

Super cool game, actually too fast for me and I found it challenging.

one of the best racing games ever and easily the peak of this franchise. it feels amazing to get the hang of, the tracks are great, the sense of speed is phenomenal, and the story mode is pretty sick although a bit annoying to progress in due to the whole ticket thing. it also aged absurdly well and still looks amazing, with an incredible and exhilarating soundtrack throughout. loved this game and it feels good to finally beat it after years and years of giving up on it cause i sucked.

It fast.

And that soundtrack? Jeeez louise

Captain Falcon is cool as sh*t and I remember the graphics at the time being really really good. I suspect it has aged very well

My favorite driving game of all time.

Its been 20 years and its aged flawlessly, one of and arguably the best racing game ever made.

Cool game but man I can't play it for shit.
Even then the soundtrack is fantastic and the cutscenes are fucking ridiculous in the best ways possible. Real "We had some motion capture stuff lying around and decided to play with it for a bit."

Sega really made a game beyond perfect in 2003 and have yet to make anything remotely close since.

The multiplayer sucks is the only bad thing I can think about this game and honestly I don't care at all. Some of the most intense single player racing in a game I've ever played, and while it is difficult to get to grips with it is INCREDIBLY rewarding to play. You feel like a fucking legend when you succeed in this game. Also, the music is absolutely awesome! And the cutscenes and interviews are just pure comedy. Amusement Vision's last hurrah. We were stripped of them far too soon.

make another one you hack frauds

It is absolutely an improvement in every conceivable way from F-Zero X. The driving feels much better and tighter, the tracks are much more interesting and longer, the environments look astonishing even to this day, all of it is nothing short of fantastic. I didn't even find it as hard as some people say it is, hell I'd say F-Zero X and Wipeout 2 are harder, but that's because it does feel very fair.
I won't attempt finishing the story missions though, damn are those indeed hard as shit.

we need a remaster or a remake or hell, I'll say it, a new f zero game.
this is my first and only f zero game, and good god it is such a great one

mi mancava fare le ghost trials ma tanto frega un cazzo visto che ho finito tutti i grand prix e la story mode l'ho finita in very hard mode

Eu consigo ver as qualidades desse jogo, principalmente nos cenários muito bem feitos.
Mas eu não consigo gostar nem um pouco desse estilo de gameplay em jogo de corrida. Não atoa, o pior jogo de corrida que já joguei era uma cópia da shopee de F-Zero.
Não gosto dessa gameplay tão rápida que vc nem entende nada direito, ode o jogo te pune mais por cenário plataforma do que por estar jogando mal a corrida em si

One of the best and most refined racers of all time, F-Zero GX was at the time (and I like to think it remains) a technical marvel for the Nintendo Gamecube courtesy of Sega.

The sense of speed combined with colorful 3D graphics, futuristic setting with art direction, and of course, incredible performance in terms of frame rate; make this one of the most impressive futuristic racer experiences out there. This game continues the foot steps of the also great F-Zero X for the Nintendo 64 in terms of providing an ample selection of characters and courses and a great soundtrack which is now more focused on techno sounding instead of the hard rock tunes that dominated X (which I personally prefer). There is less emphasis in the 'combat' mechanic presented in X and instead this game pushes the player to have a more refined and competitive skill to come out on top, especially on the newly added story mode which can be incredibly difficult in the later chapters.

We can only hope that this game will at one point get a proper sequel or at least a remake.

It runs on the Super Monkey Ball engine. 10/10.

You come into MY house, suck MY dick, call ME GAY

Absolutely nothing comes close to being a better racing game.

It holds up incredibly well visually. It is a fun game, but I'm not in love with it. I've sporadically played this a few times in a couple of years. It's very frustrating at times and the racing isn't anything too amazing be honest

This is one of the most fun games I've ever played. It controls flawlessly and is so smooth and enjoyable to maneuver. I loved the graphical style as well and think it has aged beautifully. This is one of the best racing games ever.

“Have you met god? No, but you got damn close!” - Scott the Woz on F-Zero GX

Probably the hardest game I've ever played, also the best racer I've ever played

El sexo fue inventado en 2003 y fue llamado F zero GX para la gamecube

this game made covid bearable for me

F-Zero peaked with this game. Altrough I haven't completed Story Mode, I did all the Grand Prix cups.

It's really, really hard. But it's so good I can take the difficulty as a challenge to surpass. The sense of speed is insane, it's incredible that the Gamecube moved this without much of a sweat at 60fps! A must have for adrenaline junkies like me.

What an amazing game! I would rate it slightly below F-Zero X, which is an unpopular opinion, but after completing the story mode and almost all of the Master Cup races with Mr. EAD, I still maintain my viewpoint that the mechanics in X feel more fun to master than in GX.
This game has some of the most difficult challenges in any racing game that I have ever played. Unlocking all of the extra content requires a deep understanding of the game because some of the requirements are things such as playing the already challenging story mode on the hardest difficulty. While there's no randomly generated cup in this game, the gameplay alone makes up for the lack of tracks. Different vehicles feel much more different to play in comparison with X.
Custom parts feel a bit weird in this game. Most of the vehicles I make, which I intentionally make sure aren't heavy by using weaker parts, still seem to end up having poor handling and will play like it has E grip even if the stat itself is C+.

This is one of the best racers ever, extremely high skill ceiling to unlock everything

an absolute banger of a game
banger soundtrack
banger gameplay
banger difficulty