Reviews from

in the past

Simples, porém muito divertido, somente o necessário para ser competente e direto, muito bom!

The first ever big-boy RPG I actually beat! Hardly the most ambitious RPG on the SNES, but the great job system, fantastic gameplay, great soundtrack, and admittedly shallow but likable characters make this one a lot of fun.

The localization is...well, it was funny at the time, but the jokey nature of it definitely goes too far in places and definitely inspired some of the shittier localizations we've seen since then.

Final Fantasy 5 asks a bold question: "what if there was a really angry tree".

El Final Fantasy que sentó las bases de los jobs para el que luego fue el mejor sistema de combate para mi gusto, en X-2. Gilgamesh es dios.

(I played this game emulated with a patch that added the SNES music)
This game basically makes Final fantasy 3 completely obsolete.
The job system is massively improved and actually encourages experimentation unlike 3's which punishes it. Its story, while simple, is still very charming, has some really good scenes and does certain concepts from 3 significantly better like the existence of a another group warriors who fight for the crystal from before your time. The music is great, I love the visual style and tone. Despite being worlds apart tonally from VI I think it stands as its equal in quality.

FF5 is a real cornball of a game. A lot more quirky and light than its contemporaries on the SNES, with solid systems all around and a decent soundtrack, even if it's far from Uematsu's brightest. Just glad to say I finally filled the gap in my FF history.

FF5, being sandwiches between two classic FF games, gets overlooked a lot in favour of its more narratively focused brethren. But underneath the light-hearted, self-aware excuse for a plot lies a suprisingly deep class system that holds up well enough to generate a yearly class-restricting charity challenge, the Four Job Fiesta.

It speaks a lot to the options available to you that the Fiesta is possible and pretty much any class comp can get though the game, even if with the help of some surprisingly inventive strategies. It's a fascinating example of emergent gaming.

For a casual playthrough, you have access to the game's wide array of gamebreaking strategies - the challenge there may be in choosing how exactly the smash the game into little pieces, but that in itself in fun.

Plus it has one of the most badass character deaths in all of FF.

Butz Butz Butz Butz Butz Butz Butz Butz Butz

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If you played FF V without using all of the classes because you think classes like dancer, singer or geomancer are bad I have story for you. I played through FF V two times, once using strongest classes and on 2nd play through I have used them all. It not only made game more fun I also showed me that there was a lot of thought put into all of them. Some of them might cause some random uncontrollable effects that might be hard to predict but often help in battle or do a lot of damage. Classes like dancer for example can equip ribbon, which is super useful and can be learned and latter used with other jobs. FF V is the game in which I had most fun with class/job system every in history of gaming. All of them bring something to the table and even if it happens by some stretch of imagination to not be good you can always treat it as challenge or a situation in which you need to win with added constraints for fun, but as I said before - they all have their niches and uniqueness with great use in specific situation. You can always go boring way and go with some meta setup, but you could also play FF I with 4 warriors. You can do it, but is it fun? Maybe for power trip or easy mode w/e. I mean have your fun and play your way. That was a lot about jobs - but FF V is jobs. Plot of the game and game play revolves around it.
This game also has a plot, sometimes things are silly here, but whole motive of splitting two worlds and sealing great evil in rift between worlds and later combination of both worlds to one and going for the kill for X-DEATH is so mind blowing that me playing it for the first time was destroyed just by this concept.
I like my reviews spoiler free but for this one I marked with spoiler warning because I just can't shut about it.
Because of games like FF V and FF VI, FF X and Chrono Trigger - I started MY journey to discover other RPGs. It made me play Seiken Densetsu series, Pokémon, other Final Fantasies, Lost Odyssey and so on. It is because of GEMS like FF V. I do not remember what was first played by me but FF V was one of first.
I completed all stuff from ADVANCED version. Jobs were epic, additional dungeons were OK. Nothing that broke my mind, but it was fun enough and did not overstay its welcome.
I advise you to have fun with FF V if you haven't yet and if you ever have chance to free thief/wolf from the prison do not free him. He will steal stuff from many dungeons and you will never get it. You do not have to thank me :)

Best gameplay of the SNES era final fantasies, the job system will always have a special place in my heart for how fun it is to mess around different jobs and combine them for broken spells and then ultimately ending the game with the freelancer.

I also enjoyed the story for what it is, while certainly more of a light-hearted romp it has a memorable cast with nice personalities that I felt got developed well enough around the narrative, as well as nice impactful moments sprinkled around at an otherwise okay pacing.
ultimately, While I prefer more tightly knit stories ala VI , this game ultimately has heart

The villain is a meme though as much as I love his goofy monologuing ass.

The BEST classic final fantasy FFVI fans do NOT try to change my mind

FFV is one of the most underrated FFs. The Job System has never seen such perfection since.

ponle un pache que libere la música del original y listo

I love the job system and the characters, but I don't like ATB.

really good, fun, and overlooked game

I'm gonna kiss Bartz on the lips

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For me, this title is quintessential classic Final Fantasy. The tried and true ATB system with a phenomenal jobs system makes for some the most engaging battles in this era of Final Fantasies. Because I want to obtain all the abilities I possibly can, the game constantly sees me switching jobs which means battles stay consistently fresh. This pays off once you start getting into late/post game because you have a wide-range of strategies at your disposal. If I had to pick on one thing, it would have to be the distribution of AP throughout the game. I do wish the game was a little less stingy with how much it gives you after every battle. That way, you can reach the final dungeon with more freedom of options for your party. Thankfully, the Advance version has the 199 AP enemy "exploit" so I gladly maxed out my jobs that way.

Usually when people talk about this game they focus on the gameplay seeing as it's its standout quality. But while the story might not be much to write home about coming after a game like IV, I'd be lying if I said it didn't appeal to me. It might be because I was looking for a laid-back Final Fantasy experience but this game has a neat story going for it. As usual, your party is pretty diverse, I was definitely not expecting a majority female party. Each character has their own personalities that make them likable; Farris being a standout for me. The game's tone, in general, seems to be more lighthearted than other entries. It's got a nice sense of humor that I think gives this game an identity of its own.

One final thing I should mention is that the Advance version here has abysmal sound quality. If you're gonna play it, use the soundtrack restoration mod.

Final Fantasy V gave me everything I was looking for. Even if I might prefer VI overall, this is not an entry you should skip.

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Had a great time with this one. The always-fun ATB battle system, extensive job system, likable characters, fun dialogue and fairly decent story all come together for a great classic JRPG. The visuals are alright, still not a big fan of classic FF sprite style. The music is solid as always. Gilgamesh and Galuf are great characters and Galuf's death is one of the most impactful in the series, but I do wish Exdeath was a more compelling villain besides the funny tree memes. I definitely prefer V to IV.

Me ha acabado gustando más de lo esperado porque se me estaba haciendo pesado por su dificultad y excesivo grindeo. Me ha resultado bastante average pero con un sistema de jobs muy interesante además de algún momentazo y temardo.

Played the PS1 version first but I couldn’t stand the long load times and the localization for Faris, being her terrible pirate accent, so I dropped it. This version has a far better translation and feels much smoother, so let’s move on to the gameplay.

I absolutely LOVE the job system! There are so many jobs to choose from and none of them feel overlooked or are less useful than the other. I’m definitely going to replay this game and use all the jobs I didn’t use my first playthrough.

This FF entry has the best gameplay of them all but not the best story. Exdeath is a boring villian who only fills an ”evil antagonist” trope without any interesting personalities. Gilgamesh is cool af though and there’s also the coolest moment in FF history IMO but I won’t spoil it.

To summerize, I’d say Final Fantasy V is the one most worth playing because of the job system. Superb!

I played this for the job system, and didn't really expect much else. After all, the job system is pretty much the only thing that gets discussed about this game today, and it is really damn good!

However, there's a bunch of other really interesting/subversive things in here that are worthy of discussion. The constantly changing overworld, the open-ended nature of the last 1/3rd of the game, the permanent death of [REDCATED], the majority of your party being female, the gender expression of Faris, and I feel like that's just scratching the surface. In a lot of ways the writing of this game feels like a direct response to FF4, and that's a shame since it's discussed way less than its predecessor! Also Gilgamesh is so fucking cool it's unreal.

The version I got the furthest into but wasn't able to beat it because I got lazy.

For my first FF game I gotta say, this is an amazing game. The cast of characters really help a lot with the story, its not the best story out there but its still really charming. The game can get extremely dark with a major character death mid way through the game. Gameplay wise, this is the best job system I've seen in a game, there is so much to choose from and so many different set ups you can choose. You can make your entire party extremely broken and there is nothing from stopping you to do so. Because of this job system the game can get a bit grindy but aside from that, its an amazing game and definitely a must play for any JRPG fan.

Final Fantasy V is perhaps the least remember-able Final Fantasy game I have played so far; the story was rather generic and the game is a typical Final Fantasy affair. It's still a decent game, but aside from the job system and Gilgamesh, I wouldn't really be able to tell ya much about it.

The best class based classic Final Fantasy. This games system is so god damned incredible and fun to play around with. The story is very comical and I love the characters and how they're written. Battle on Big Bridge is also an amazing track.

A fantasic and fun rpg, the gba port has a lot of fun extra content and new jobs but I definitely recommend downloading the original sound mod if you're playing it on pc vie emulation.

I never finished this game but I really loved it in middle school.