Reviews from

in the past

how does it keep getting WORSE

Contrary to popular belief, I actually like this season A LOT. Got me and my friends to play daily again. That chain of hades tho oh my goodness gracious I love you. Idk what the avatar shit in the middle then starwars right now came from, and honestly didnt like em too much but it was neat. I fear next season MIGHT be ass so back to Team Fortress 2 for me

sucks can they add something cool like rei ayanami

boring ass season 😭😭😭

There's two parts to this season: Pre-Avatar, which is some of the most fun I've had with Fortnite in a while, and then the Avatar collab, which... 🤷‍♂️

Bog-standard Fortnite.

A couple cool new skins, more very okay skins. Two new, pretty POIs. Medallions got fleshed out or ruined depending on who you ask. And that's... about it.

Oh, they also removed cosmetic item rarities to obfuscate the pricing scale and locked Aang behind a terrible mini-pass to make him more expensive. I guess the machine printing their unlimited money wasn't printing fast enough.

The last time I seriously played Fortnite was before the release of COD: BO4. Since then, I've played a few matches from time to time, but I never fully immersed myself to completing the battle pass and doing all the challenges. My friends and mainly recent girlfriend have convinced me to hop on once more. I played Fortnite for the whole weekend and I got to say, I had a lot of fun. I've poured more hours in just one weekend than the last 5+ years combined. Game is so different from 2018 that it feels totally fresh and new.

I used to shit talk about Fortnite because I'm hipster like that, but now I'm one of the suckers who bought the battlepass and is aiming to do all the challenges. Oh how times have changed.

The elemental bending powers from Avatar are super fun to play with.

I'm removing a point because as cool as it is to fight gods and acquire their power, it's not the most original idea. Overwatch 2 had this theme in its second season.

Lastly, I want to mention how I feel bad for killing people in this game. Most people feel this way in GTA, but for me it's Fortnite. Reason is because I know a lot of kids play this and they're not exactly skilled. They're pretty awful actually and that's fine. I would be concerned if a kid played like Ninja. The reason I feel bad is because I know these kids want to play for fun and probably don't play often due to their parents. Having someone like me, someone who has been playing shooting games for about 15 years, absolutely molly wop them feels wrong. Oh well, blame Epic Games for poor matchmaking I guess.

Vaulted the wings because of the shitty avatar collab?
Is this worse than primal?
I would risk it and say yes


cool season with cool mythics and cool skins:)) i love the greek theme

Richtiges Comeback gemacht, aktuell bockt sehr mit Omni-Man Skin No Build, seit Season 6 nicht mehr so viel Spaß gehabt. Objektiv gesehen ist aber die Map nicht so geil und die Auswahl der Waffen auch so lala, darum jetzt hier so low bewertet. Bockt aber dennoch immens aktuell und hoffe das die nächste Season besser wird

at first, the season seems promising, a step up from the first
then the novelty wears off and you realize that everything notable in the map was stripped out, meaning the new POIs are the only ones with anything in them, the new olympian items just kind of leave you vulnerable so theyre borderline useless once everyones used to them, any new weapons feel pretty much the same as last seasons weapons with a couple exceptions, and returning weapons were the worst ones from last season. even the battle pass is kinda just okay.
chapter 5 hasnt been great so far. next season really better feel good

They tripped over the same mistakes from the last season really fast, wow.

Didn't even play BR but I'm gonna complain anyway because this game has been going down the gutter fast. They introduce a brand new season theme for the first time since like C2S7 and all they do is add more boring mythics, bosses, and fill the season with random collabs then call it a day.

Yearly chapters sucked any hope left out of this game and it's just unenjoyable now. Creative has all this new shit and the most boring copied maps get made, LEGO is so boring after 1 session, racing is a flop, and festival I just don't personally care for but at least it has content.

It's still Fortnite, but I am having a blast playing Duos with my wife.

Peak best season since chapter 2 imo

This recent season has been rather underwhelming, nothing has really stood out, if anything it's starting to feel stagnant, even with the additional new modes.

Perhaps its fatigue or just some form of malaise. I've only been playing since September of last year and with each new season my enthusiasm for Fortnite has waned. So once this season has finished, I'll most likely stop playing Fortnite.

But I'll leave this review/lamentation(?) on a positive note. What got me interested in Fortnite intitally was its art style/aesthetics. The character designs of many of their skins are incredible, even quite versatile. As many of these character designs could be used for entirely different games.

The imagination and creative vision on display is to be commended and even respected as original character designs are quite stellar e.g. Drift and Plastic Patroller. Even their designs based on 3rd party IP's are exquisite e.g. The Ninja Turtles or the Xenomorph from Alien.

I'll just conclude and say this, this game bleeds style but the substance is becoming quite anaemic.

bumping this up a star for the hottie statue i know thats right

- Make a Greek Gods theme with new characters and mythic weapons based around said theme
- Do an Avatar collab 2 weeks into the season which completely replaces all of the Greek mythics
- As soon as the Avatar collab ends yet another Star Wars collab will start (these are basically annual)
- The season ends in less than a month
- Mfw this season should've been called Money & Mortals

Also Lego Fortnite has ruined the item shop

bro this avatar collab sucks

they've added all these cool elements but forgot to add the best one

Not even halfway through the season yet and this might be the worst season for fortnite’s future. Constant terrible decisions on epic game’s part will kill this game if they continue.

At a first glance this season seems great, it has new bosses, mythics, and POIs. It's when you take a second look that you realise the numerous issues with this season, it removes medallions, fun bosses, good weapons, and makes the mod benches less relevant than they already were. One thing I do like is the new Greek locations, but other than that there is nothing else that I deem worth your time in this season. Whilst this season is not very good there is still some fun to be had.

We're only a little bit into this season but it's pretty bad. The new items are kinda meh and the loot pool sucks ass.

The new Areas are interesting but every other area has basically been reduced to nothing because all of the bosses and vaults have been removed. As a result over half of the map is a bunch of shitty boring mansions with very little variety. That was a huge problem last season but at least the vaults made them slightly interesting. Now it's just terrible.

Talking about the Loot pool again, the weapons they kept overshadow a lot of the new weapons. The Gatekeeper shotgun is really fun when used well but other than that, most of the weapons are either just carried over or pretty fucking bad. The Sniper is a pointless weapon since the DMR exists and the new Olympian items are weirdly balanced. The wings are cool at first but they just make you a BIG target, the Lightning Bolts are overpowered and way too dangerous, the Chain of Hades is awful.

We're about to get the Avatar crossover and I just don't care. I usually would but It means I have to play this season to experience it.

All I'm doing is AFKing Lego FN to get EXP so I can finish the BP and not worry about playing it.

Also as a side note, all the Skins in the BP are absolute piss compared to their concept art. FN has this nasty habit of ruining the designs of all their art over the last year and I'm pretty tired of it.

the 4 poi's lived in harmony until Isaac Clarke smited them with the power of god

The new items, guns, and map changes are fun, but man, there are really only like two good skins in the battle pass.

if mid was a season, this and the daily shop would be it

Season looks promising so far. No NPC's on the map minus the ones you spawn in yourself makes a welcome change, and the new Greek Myth inspired areas look nice as well.

Although I gotta say Aphrodite and Medusa were done dirty. Compare the concept art to the actual in-game skins, it sucks. Really hope they become alternate styles in bonus rewards or something (he says as if he'll ever change from Goku to those skins anyway)

Fortnite is ruining my life one more time