Reviews from

in the past

worth for playing because of dev comments.

Good tech demo, short level, looks very pretty considering it came out in 2005. Plus, developer commentary implementation, very cool.

It was a great tech demo for the source engine, more specifically HDR lighting they were looking at for Episodes 1 and 2.

If you follow the timeline when it released, HDR was super early in its infancy where the only people that had it spent thousands of dollars on monitors and GPUs for it only to be supported natively in a handful of games. Oh but did it look good though.

Lost Coast is practically a glorified demo for the main game; though it includes no actual content from HL2, it still provides a demonstration of the combat and graphics engine. It's a short play, but a good way to kill a half-hour.

really glad they fixed my one problem with half life 2: the lack old men. conglaturation steam you made a perfect gaem

oh also the hdr looks like shit and i turned it off so i'm not that sure there was a point in playing this? it was still pretty though, i wish the whole game had locales this b l u e

"Lost Coast" mf it's right here

tech demo for a rendering technique that 99.9% of people would've never noticed otherwise.

gave an extra half star because I played with commentary on, and as a game design/engine junkie I loved hearing those bits of info. apparently the effect that ruined my cs:go map years ago is called "dynamic tone mapping"

Uma pequena fase para demonstrar a iluminação nova da Source. Se você é um grande fã da série, vale a pena. São apenas 30 minutos de gameplay e não exige nada a mais do que o jogo base em termos de habilidade. Caso não tenha a paciência ou o tempo, você não vai perder nada em relação à narrativa da franquia aqui.

This game is totally fine, just really short.

Fun little tech demo. nothing better than that though

sure its 20 min long but i really like how this level look,its nice seeing half life 2 aesthetics with most saturated colors and bloom. and i really liked the design of this place.wasted potential

Nothing too special as a level, but the dev commentary is super cool, both from the perspective of a Valve fan and an aspiring game dev

Short, sweet, and to the point.
It's certainly quite nice to look at still, even all these years later.

i was told it's a tech demo, and it sure is. Worth it for the commentary, if nothing else!

This was fun, even if it was short. Nice showcase of their technology and hearing the dev commentary was cool!

Great 10 minutes of play. I really liked the setting of this.

the fisherman is the greatest character in gaming

It's always just sitting there. In your Steam library. Watching. Waiting. It's 3am. Why not learn about HDR in the Source engine?

Interesting tech demo and nothing more. Although it did have a lasting impact in that every Valve game since has had a dev commentary mode.

Essentially unreviewable (but I have to).

It's fine, I can see why it wouldn't worked in the original game.

This review contains spoilers

Welcome to the Lost Coast. In this tour, we're going to be talking about a new graphics technology we've been developing, called High Dynamic Range Lighting, or HDR. We'll also be giving you some insight into the design and production challenges we faced during the construction of the Lost Coast. First, a quick explanation of the commentary system. To listen to a commentary node, put your crosshair over the floating commentary symbol and press the +USE key. To stop the commentary, put your crosshair over the rotating node and press your +USE key again. Some commentary nodes may take control of the game for the purpose of showing something to you. In these cases, simply pressing your +USE key will stop the commentary.

This review contains spoilers

Did you just buy Half-Life 2? Did you just finish it and now you're staring at this in your steam library? Then why not take 15 minutes to play this solid little stand alone mission. The hunter chopper makes a good boss to end of this demo, and it also features the worst elevator I've ever seen in a video game. The bloom lighting added to this are pretty nice as well.

I got stuck in a puzzle for 70% of my playtime. Oops!