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This remake of the Japan-exclusive spinoff brings the Yakuza series to feudal Japan. Instead of beating people up, you can now rip them to shreds with a katana or shoot them, or both at the same time! I really enjoyed my time with the story and characters, and as usual with Yakuza games, the side stuff is also great. I did not particularly like the heavy grind in this game, but I could ignore that part with the free sword DLC you get relatively well (otherwise this review would probably be a lot more negative). Also, the many bonding side activities were a bit too much for my taste. Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed this entry, and I hope they bring Kenzan to the west too. Perfect game for the Steam Deck.

Esse é um jogo meio curioso, ele tem uma boa história principalmente se você se interessa pelo contexto histórico do japão dos anos 1800, além de ter um mapa 100% inédito e 4 estilos de batalha, sendo 3 deles totalmente novos, já que o estilo brawler foi mantido da série principal (esse estilo é totalmente mal aproveitado e sinceramente nem precisava estar no jogo, podia muito bem ter só os 3 novos).
Só que, de longe, o grande problema do jogo é o balanceamento: vai chegando na reta final e os inimigos e principalmente chefes vão ficando com uma barra de vida simplesmente imensa e você dá muito pouco dano, a sensação é de que o seu personagem não evolui junto com os inimigos (dá pra comprar equipamentos novos pra aumentar os stats mas eles são extremamente caros, então se você não grindar vai ter que ir se virando na maior parte do tempo com o que os inimigos droparem).
Dito isso, se você já tiver jogado a franquia principal e estiver querendo algo novo, recomendo muito dar uma chance, porque a história e ambientação são realmente muito bons e, na minha opinião, valem a pena o sufoco da reta final.

Like A Dragon: Ishin! set a personal benchmark for "cinematic storytelling." Ishin, like many RPGs, is dialogue heavy and dramatic. However, Ishin also has a clear understanding of mise-en-scène and cinematography. Ishin uses cinematics to enhance inherently passive conversations. Eleven hours of cutscenes sounds like hell, but the camerawork and editing and lighting is so tight that despite having literally no way to interact with them, I was still glued to the screen. A lot cutscenes feel like they are there as a replacement to gameplay, like the developers could not find a way to tie the action to interaction. In this case, Ishin makes the best of it and instead relies on conventional filmmaking techniques with its camera moves and editing to still give the dialogue an added layer of urgency and, in turn, making the transition between flashy combat and melodrama more tonally consistent.

When the game is not in heavy dialogue revealing the sixtieth plot twist of the second chapter, it is still great. The combat, although the highlight of RGG games, feels rigid and bordering on outdated. The systems and location surrounding the combat feel a whole lot more polished. For one, the world, a miniature Kyo, is perfectly sized. The city is just big enough that it manages plenty of geographic diversity, but also small enough that I was able to naturally learn my way around. By the time the full map was revealed, I could be told where to go and know how to get there without relying on the minimap or fast travel. This allowed for me to experience a lot more side quests. I am mixed on the mandatory interruption when triggered, but they are usually short enough that they make for welcome breathers. The best part of the city is the sound: there is always a light buzz of conversation. Whether that be overhearing actual conversations or just running down the main streets with the sounds of people and food, Ishin captures the intimacy of cities more accurately than most games.

Like a Dragon: Ishin! does an exceptional job of justifying why medium sized (by RPG standards) games need to exist. Ishin has a respectable scope, but by having a thorough understanding of film grammar and city design, Ishin still lets me get lost in conflict and farming.

Me ha parecido súper divertido y me lo he pasado genial jugándolo. Pero creo que es el yakuza más desechable y el que menos me ha gustado de la saga.

A welcome distraction while waiting for Like a Dragon Gaiden and Infinite Wealth to come out. It definitely feels more like a PS3 Yakuza title, even remastered like this, but it's got a relatively fun story and all the usual side content that I love about the series. The dojos, Another Life portions, and various minigames are extremely fun and well worth the time I put into them.

UNfortunately, the combat and crafting systems in this game leave a lot to be desired. The four different styles aren't particularly versatile, and the crafting/upgrade system requires a mind-numbing amount of grinding and repeating dungeon crawls to do anything significant.

So as far as Yakuza goes, it's no Zero or 7. But as a remastered title released before RGG's next big title, it definitely kept me occupied!

A great video game experience. This was my first Yakuza-like game and I really enjoyed it. Doing all the little shit was fun, combat was great, and I really enjoyed the story. Quality gaming fr.

Com uma história grandiosa, personagens carismáticos e marcantes, combate fluído e divertido e uma gameplay que é a marca da franquia, Like a Dragon: Ishin! é o remake que os fãs tanto queriam. Mesmo apresentando pequenos bugs, a Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio mostra, mais uma vez, que a fórmula da série está longe de enjoar e nos deixa ansiosos com o que virá pela frente.

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A nice change-of-pace for the Like a Dragon franchise, it allows for a few almost entirely new combat styles that distinguish it from the rest, with a cool aesthetic and world. Sometimes, the more powerful enemies feel like sponges and the mechanics make it apparent that RGG are not experts in this style of combat, but for the most part it's quite fun. The story is a lot to handle, as is the case with most RGG games, and maybe if I had a better grasp of Japanese history it wouldn't be as convoluted. I also will say the familiar faces and voices were great, but they only served to hinder me in figuring out each character's role in the story and allegiances.

Que experiência maravilhosa. Foi meu primeiro Like a Dragon, então eu cheguei sem expectativa alguma e terminei adorando cada capítulo desse jogo.

Eu preciso dar destaque pros combates, com os 4 estilos que dão variedade demais pra cada luta, e apesar do Wild Dancer ser meu xodó, eu consigo ver cada um sendo útil. E essas boss fights... maravilhosas todas.

A história é outro dos pontos altos desse jogo, engajante, cheia de personagens bons e bem escritos e com MUITO plot twist. É bem feita, com momentos emocionantes e com uma baita mensagem.

Mundo aberto vivo é difícil de se fazer, e Ishin faz com maestria. É muita atividade, minigame, e side quest pra te entreter se não quiser fazer a missão principal.

O que impediu esse jogo de ser perfeito, pra mim, foi a mecânica do ferreiro ser extremamente confusa, carente de explicação e mais complexa do que precisava. Também achei o ritmo do capítulo final meio estranho, não precisava daquele treino.

Como a ideia é fazer uma análise meio técnica, eu não dei 10 porque achei sim uns defeitos aqui e ali, mas que fique em mente que o saldo é extremamente positivo e, no meu coração, Like a Dragon: Ishin! é praticamente perfeito. A satisfação ao terminá-lo é imensa e eu recomendo a todo mundo que nunca jogou a franquia. Ir de cabeça nesse spin-off dá certo (e como dá).

Like a Dragon/Yakuza nunca decepciona.

Esse jogo pode ser um spin-off, mas tem a qualidade de um jogo da série principal. História espetacular, com vários momentos emocionantes e reviravoltas. Acho incrível como tudo se encaixa no final da trama, e nada foi colocado ali só pra fazer a campanha durar.

Combate muito divertido e versátil, sendo que você pode lutar da forma que mais te agrada. Minigames muito viciantes (alguns nem tanto). As missões secundárias são bem variadas, e muitas rendem momentos bem cômicos, pra dar uma descontraída do clima pesado da história principal.

Se você é fã da série ou até mesmo de jogos com temáticas históricas e samurais, certeza que ter uma ótima experiência. Só não acho que esse título seja o ideal para quem quer começar a jogar Yakuza, pois ele tem elementos bem diferentes em relação aos outros jogos.

like a dragon: el chavalin al q le robaron el nombre

History is changed by who laughed together and loved each other.

Technical mess across the board
Visual glitches and pop in left and right, random freezing during heat actions, unexplainable performance dips etc etc.
In one instance the boss music didn't stop playing after the boss was down and continued playing over cutscenes, only way to fix it was to reopen the game.
Some of the usual Dragon Engine combat jank is still somehow present even in an Unreal game, hitreg and hitbox/hurtbox issues etc. it's nothing new at this point.

Kiry... I mean Hajim... I mean Ryoma's moveset is pretty interesting with the 4 unique styles. Unfortunately Wild Dancer was the only one that really felt great, brawler is just completely useless and swordsman/gunman feel too simplistic and somewhat stiff.
The bosses overall are probably the best in the series (minus some very cheap moves) but some of the other enemy designs aren't so great, specifically this one big ogre enemy they reuse as a miniboss like 30 times throughout the game which swings a massive boulder around, doesn't get startled by your attacks and throws projectiles at you when you're too far (he's also usually accompanied by 10 foot soldiers). Very not fun to fight!

The Bakumatsu era is a cool historical time period and the story itself is pretty entertaining for the most part but some of the creative decisions the writers took near the end REALLY sour the experience... We love random plot-twists!

While Ishin was irritating at times, the usual Yakuza charm is there with a cool new setting that was really well realized.

Great game but ngl, this is one of those where it took the longest to click with. Got it around launch and I sorta put it aside cuz I wasn't feeling it, but the latter half started getting really good, and I was hooked.

Finally we are getting remakes of spinoffs that never got translated to the west and i was not dissapointed. Plenty of fanservice and content to do this game is a blast through and through. This was was worthy of my hard earned cash

At the beginning, I was hooked.

In the end, I was sudoku.

Fun, but did not need a half-assed remake.

So funny that fans BEGGED for this to come to the west and when it did they brushed it under the rug

i played like 1/3 of this and then wondered to myself why continue playing this when i have a backlog of like 5 canon yakuza games i could be playing instead. sorry :(

It was fun and I enjoyed my time with it but completion seems impossible for me with just how grindy it gets. The ending felt really rough as well but I don't regret the time I spent in the Shinsengumi

Ishin is an excellent 'What If?' type story in the Yakuza-verse, and continues the franchises tradition of balancing a intense, gritty story alongside slapstick-level side missions. An easy recommendation for all.

My one word of warning will be that it feels like the game needed a deep-dive video on Japanse history for westerners as clueless as me - it really throws you in the deep end!

It was a fun "What If..." story in the Yakuza/Like A Dragon world. The weapon styles felt fun to bounce between and there was no lack of additional tasks and games to play in the open world of Kyo. However it becomes intensely grindy when you even attempt to fill out the completion logs. After 75 hours I had to throw in the towel after getting my completion percentage to just 68%.

A história é o ponto alto do jogo, apesar de um inicio bem lento ela faz jus aos titulos da franquia principal reimaginando a história do real sakamoto ryoma no jeitinho yakuza, cheio de plot twists, porradarias sinceras e vários monólogos com um bom e extenso conteúdo extra.

infelizmente a gameplay não é tão polida assim, com o combate do jogo sofrendo também desse início lento, apesar dos 4 estilos de combate prometendo variedade, eu acabei me vendo focando todo meu tempo de jogo em um só estilo que eu achei divertido e ignorando os outros, e o sistema de upgrade desse jogo meio que te recompensa por jogar assim. pelo menos, conforme os upgrades e novos sistemas são adicionados o combate do jogo se torna sim divertido.

já o sistema de equipamentos (por que sim, esse jogo tenta ser bem mais um RPG de ação)sofre já que o grind do jogo é chato demais, e o sistema de crafting é bem mais ou menos, só se tornando realmente útil se você gastar bastante tempo farmando os materiais pra usar ele direito, então essas mecânicas de rpg acabam não vingando muito. Apesar disso, da pra zerar o jogo sem engajar com o sistema de crafting a fundo, eu acho ate melhor já que evita a parte mais tediosa do game

Great gameplay but the story had me almost skipping at points as it didn't interest me (well the story idea did). with all the twists and scenes of characters dying in your arms, it turned a more serious story into a more goofy feel (That should be left for the substories ).

While I understand why people didn't like this game (lots of hype is nigh impossible to live up to), I personally really enjoyed it!

I had a lot of fun with all the fighting styles (even brawler...which I tried my best to utilize despite the damage output being equivalent to a feather gently floating into your bullet proof shoulder) and since I never played the original, I don't care that wild dancer used to be better lol

I do lament baba not being around anymore, as well as some of the unique combat themes being swapped out but overall I had a loooooot of fun with the character swaps. Ryoma is.... hoo.... you thought kiryu was attractive? Hoo buddy.

Okita too...........

Anyways. I did a fair amount of history catch up on the late Edo period in preparation for this game and I must say, it was a lot of fun catching all the ways RGGS did their research and how they played with history to make certain choices that a specific historical figure made still fit into the "canon" personality of the character. Neat stuff. They didn't play as fast and loose with the history as they did with Kenzan (which is a whole other can of worms) but they still had fun with it and that I greatly respect.

Also, this game had Samurai Ondo, Majima's best karaoke song (made all the better with Kiryu's dry interjections).

あー!思い出した!骸街や〜(さっき言っただろう)lives rent free in my head, I tell you