Reviews from

in the past

no começo tava bem daora, depois fico meio estressante e confuso lá pro final, daorinha nota 7

This is one of those games that has awesome and satisfying first half of the game. The other half turns out to be this jumbled, awful mess that sours the whole experience. Game get's you straight into the action, after really short tutorial. Paratrooping idea is awesome, however it can get buggy and controling your parachute is janky. Shooting and weapons feel satisfying, up untill you get scopes, which you cannot remove, on weapons you don't want them on. All in all, first half was enjoyable. Last two missions are just awful. Enemies become bullet sponges and they are spammed everywhere. To add on to the horror second to last mission is filled with snipers which can shoot through smoke and with half of their weapon stuck in the wall. Last map is jumbled mess of a map, in which i got lost so many times. Game loves to spam bullet sponge enemy that hip-fire MG42s and infinite ammo panzerschrecks. Not an experience i would repeat, except for the first half of the game.

avarege war game but found it fun to play

I played a fair amount of the 360 version of this game before getting stuck on the big concrete fortress level; still, it's inventive as hell for the time and arguably was an inspiration for the Battle Royale genre. I never made much headway on the PC version that I picked up later (and eventually pruned), though.

I used to think there was no difference in a shooter if you played it with a touchpad vs a mouse. Fear me

I dont know what it is but this game did not at all click for me. The combat is quite dated and the story is bland. Maybe i just played it too late because the game feels ok for a 2000s game, so if you are into that kind of gameplay , give it a try !

lembro somente flashbacks desse jogo, algum dia dou outra oportunidade pra ele

"Medal of Honor: Airborne" é tão interessante quanto ver tinta secar

Conseguiram pegar uma das histórias mais incríveis da 2º Guerra Mundial e transformaram em um jogo chato, repetitivo e curto.

A história é que você é um soldado do esquadrão de paraquedistas que se chama Boyd Travers, e é só isso que você ganha de personalidade do personagem principal, seu objetivo em todas as missões é ir em X lugar e explodir Y objetivo, cada missão tem vários desses objetivos e é tudo uma grande zona de guerra, você pode escolher aonde aterrisar exceto que qualquer lugar fora da zona segura é um pedido de morte, todas as armas são extremamente imprecisas, a I.A. dos inimigos e dos aliados é imprevísivel e frustante, aliados correm na sua frente no meio do tiroteio e não ajudam em nada, os inimigos jogam muitas granadas e nascem infinitamente em certas áreas.

A única coisa positiva que eu posso dizer do jogo é que o sistema de upgrades das armas te incentiva a experimentar com várias delas, mas fora isso, é um jogo esquecível e desinteressante.

An enjoyable WWII FPS!

The sound design especially for the guns sounds crisp and you get a decent variety of firearms to choose from that can be upgraded throughout the game. I wish the campaign was longer as there's only a handful of missions. There's no real story or characters it's just a series of objectives in each level. The shooting and combat are satisfying but the enemies do feel too bullet spongey at times even on the easier difficulties.

The music is also on point!

Jogo incrível, desafiador e bem divertido, pena que a franquia morreu :(

the way this franchise started doing bad thing after bad thing is genuinely insane. medal of honor used to be a real game

i love the parachute start of levels so you can pick where you land and what objectives you do

The campaign is decent if you’re looking for a quick nazi-killing/WWII fix.

-Parachuting into each level breaks up the linearity that you see with most shooters
-The weapon upgrade system incentivized me to use different weapons
-Amusing ragdoll physics

-The AI, particularly your allies, are completely brain-dead and will be of very little help in combat
-The enemies can be unforgiving at times, even on normal difficulty
-Enemies respawn quickly if you aren’t advancing. This doesn’t mesh well with the slow, cover-based gunplay

The last “Real” Medal of Honor game. Bit of a step back from European assault gameplay wise, but has aged pretty well graphically.

Por un lado, "Medal of Honor: Ariborne" es un progreso notable sobre sus antecesores, y por otro lado falla en conseguir una experiencia tan completa y memorable. Pero, en general, lo definiría como un juego lleno de buenas ideas mal llevadas.

La innovación procede de una serie de decisiones del diseño de niveles que, sobre el papel son muy buenas, pero que aplicadas al juego lo hacen repetitivo en un mal sentido. La idea de comenzar las misiones con el lanzamiento en paracaídas es una gran idea hasta que lo tienes que repetir cada vez que mueres durante la primera mitad de una misión. Los distintos tipos de enemigos son divertidos (tanto visual como jugablemente) hasta que necesitas cargadores enteros para matarlos. El diseño de niveles no lineal (enfatizado por el paracaídas del comienzo, que te deja aterrizar donde quieras del mapa) es una innovación sobre el "Medal of Honor: European Assault" (dónde había secciones del mapa secundarias que le quitaban linealidad a las missiones) que no termina de ser satisfactoria en un comienzo por lo fácil que es perderse por el mapa en un comienzo. Si bien el diseño de niveles es muy inspirado y se funda en ideas muy buenas (el mejor ejemplo es la torre de la última misión), el tradicional diseño del "Frontline" o el "Rising Sun" entrega una experiencia más intensa que este juego falla en capturar.

Todo ello se junta con una historia que da nada de sí. Las historias de los "Medal of Honor" nunca han dado demasiado de sí, pero antiguamente habían servido para enfatizar el coste de la guerra y los valores heroicos del sacrificio a la vez que había una atmosfera más oscura y tensa, con dificultades mayores pero a la vez más naturales. En este juego la historia es una montaña de clichés y poco más. Todo ello acompañado por un apartado gráfico que, si bien se diferencia notablemente del de las entregas de ps2 por su definición, no logra el carisma y fuerza única de los de la consola anterior.

Lo recomiendo a los seguidores de la saga, pero no sería mi primera recomendación a aquellos que quieran adentrarse en ella por primera vez.

Medal of Honor: Airborne takes a lot of the traditional WWII FPS genre and changes it up a little. Maps are now nonlinear, and you have a pretty good choice of where you can start, and there are even bonuses for parachuting into specific areas.

The enemy AI is very reactive, and will avoid fire and grenades. However, later enemies get a bit wild, particularly in the last level, with machine gun wield super enemies and panzerschreck wielding enemies that can be difficult to take down.

Thankfully, the weapon system allows you to upgrade weapons up to three times. This includes things like faster firing, scopes, quicker reloads, better zooms, and capacity upgrades. This makes it so that you want to experiment with the weapons, which is a nice addition to the gameplay.

However, speaking of the gameplay, this is way too short of a game. Yeah, I get that multiplayer was where everyone was being funneled during this game's release, but the single-player campaign is very slim. At least a few more missions would have been appreciated. Which tells you how much I loved the game: I wanted more!

All in all, Airborne is a great experience, and the last great WWII FPS games from this franchise. After this game, MoH tried to chase CoD a bit too much and suffered as a result. I hope one day this game could be revisited by the devs and expanded upon. The ideas were solid and ahead of their time, but the game's short campaign really hampers it.

TL;DR: Really great game, but way too short.

Jogabilidade sólida, gráficos bons e gunplay decente, mas mesmo assim consegue ser mediano. Apesar de ser um shooter "oldschool", é bem raso e maioria das missões acabam parecendo meio vazias, com os mesmos objetivos sempre.

É um jogo extremamente curto, porém divertido, e, seria mais divertido ainda se a AI não fosse completamente quebrada. Aliados SEMPRE ficam na sua frente quando vai atirar e literalmente não fazem nada de útil. Já os inimigos são super soldados com mira perfeita e reflexos instantâneos (as vezes até atirando através de paredes)

O jogo conta com bugs atrás de bugs, mas mesmo assim, com tudo de negativo que tenho pra falar sobre ele, me diverti horrores. Isso se dá por conta da jogabilidade com progressão simples e gunplay satisfatório, mas apenas por isso.

Em geral, um jogo bem mediano e muito triste por ter sido o último nesse estilo, finalizando uma saga tão amada por tantos de uma forma tão sem alma (Sem contar os Reboots modernos pique Modern Warfare).

achei a gunplay pior q os classicos

oyun 2007 yılında çıkmış olmasına rağmen mekanikleri o dönem için bile rezalet. kullanıldıkça silahlara yeni eklentilerin açılıyor olması hoşuma gitti. basit bir hikayeye sahip ancak kendisini kötü mekaniklerine rağmen oynattı.

Esse é o FPS situado na WWII mais genérico e medíocre que já joguei.

Medal of Honor: Airborne is the perfect game for a 3 hour gaming session, because you can literally finish it in 3 hours.

Airborne follows the footsteps of European Assault, which is probably the best MoH game out there on consoles. This is the most video gamey approach to ww2 and I am not even kidding, Airborne feels like an utter fever dream compared to the semi realistic military shooters of this era.

In Airborne, you can choose where you want to enter the map through parachuting, do objectives in any given order and rank up your guns by shooting soldiers. Each gun has 3 levels to them, making the player more motivated to use each and every piece of equipment. They are very easy to rank up and make them better, but some of the upgrades are a ted bit lackluster, and of course, some guns are better than the rest.

The locations for the missions are varied, and each mission start with a short "intro" where you wait on a plane for the green light, watch other soldiers interact with each other, and jump out. These are really varied, not just because each "intro" is getting increasingly dangerous as you progress through enemy territory, but because it gives a nice immersed feeling compared to the chaotic gameplay on the ground. However the objectives are not that varied or interesting. It is either "you need to blow xy up" or "destroy this communication equipment". Despite this, the game has a wide roster of baddies to fight against, each having different guns and behaviours to them.

The AI is not the brightest, but they always try to rush you, flank you out from your cover, throwing grenades at you and if you take out someone who is using a turret, someone will definetly try to use it again.

The only thing that I did not like is basically an enemy type, who is only using rocket launchers. They are pretty rare compared to the others, but they can very easily oneshot you.

I had great time with this game, and the fact that it can be finished in 3 hours is just an another positive aspect to it. There are many games that are too bloated for what they can offer, and there are less and less experiences, which are compact, short but pretty replayable.

Memory is blurry but I played this like everyday after school.

Gostei dele, é o jogo genérico de 2a guerra que todos conhecem, mas tem um ritmo bom,mas oque irrita bastante são os inimigos esponja de bala, de resto é divertido até.

This uh, this caught me off guard.

This game really has all of the marking of a really fucking good game. It has semi-open levels, it has secrets to find, it's got a slightly but fun set of weapons, it has a weapon leveling system?! like who the fuck expected that

Weird controls, but i really can see what they were going for, and for the most part i think it paid off.

This is a game that feel slike it had a lot of ambition, and a huge white board covered in ideas, that slowly got wiped away as the studio ran out of time or money. What's left IS one of the most engaging single player WW2 shooters (of which there are a lot). The story might as well not be here, but the moment to moment gameplay is PARTICARLY fun for a FPS of this era. Very much worth a play, a chore with a controller tho, highly recomend M&K

An okay 6th gen WW2 shooter. Parachuting onto the map is really cool and I'd probably rate this higher but unfortunately this game gives me the worst motion sickness of anything I've ever played.

Medal of Honor continues having an identity crisis.

This game is so fucking weird. Its presentation tries to sell it as a more authentic WW2 experience, while its gameplay is the most arcady and unrealistic MoH has ever been. The health system is unlike anything I've ever seen. You have 4 blocks of health, each of which takes one or two shots to diminish, but unless it's completely diminished it can recover. This clearly incentivizes staying in cover and avoiding getting hit. The aiming system is also pretty unique. You can't move while aiming down sights, but you can lean in all directions. Also the only way to prone is via aiming while sitting and pressing down, which is weird, but you get used to it. These mechanics clearly encourage a careful playstyle, the kind we usually see in Call of Duty. Yet the upgrade system rewards you for rushing into crowds and taking out several opponents in a row. And the rewards you get are also improvements to the reckless playstyle. For example, you get a large magazine, which allows you to shoot without reloading longer, or a double-magazine, which allows for faster reloading, or a knife attachment. All these are very useful in close-quarters combat and not so much in distance. The ironsights are also much less reliable than before, which makes you wanna come closer to the enemy. This dissonance haunts you throughout the entire game. The most fun I've ever had here were moments when I'd jump into a room with a shotgun and go on a killing spree, but this always leads to me nearly dying. Btw the impact from hits here is so satisfying that it's very hard to resist using the shotgun. What I found really cool is that they allow you to select a loadout before the mission, but that also contributes to that dissonance, as it breaks the immersion.

The main concept of the game is brilliant. You play as a paratrooper and every mission starts with you parachuting onto the map. This is a genuinely great idea, which in theory should allow for many ways to complete the same missions. But this idea is ruined by a terrible level design. Levels are mazes. Every task is usually hidden in such a location that has only one access point to it. Whichever part of the map you land in, you're still gonna have to go through all the same corridors because there are impassable obstacles and invisible walls. And OMG, I don't think I've ever seen THIS many invisible walls in any other MoH or CoD. So, despite technically allowing you the freedom of traversal and custom order of task-completion, the game ends up feeling MORE linear than the actually linear WW2 shooters. In this regard it compares unfavorably to even Medal of Honor: Heroes, a PSP game. Speaking of which, when playing Heroes, I sometimes felt that it would be nice to have a mini-map, because sometimes on the radar several tasks can be out of range, so you don't know which is closer. But in Heroes that wasn't much of a problem because the maps were smaller and easier to traverse. But here I'd often run in circles trying to just get to the next task, so here a mini-map is almost crucial.

Despite its flaws, the game feels like a solid shooter for a while, until it decides to go insane. One of the missions places you on a bridge packed with panzergrenadiers and expects you to make it through. Like what the actual fuck? They supposed to be anti-tank units! When has ever in the history of humankind anybody ordered an entire fucking platoon to wield rocket launchers against regular infantry? Then later in the game you are introduced to armored MG42-wielding elite soldiers that can take two fucking shotgun shots to the head point-blank. This is just bizarre. These must be some kinda genetically-modified super-soldiers. What is this doing in a historical WW2 game? So anyway, these guys are bullet-sponges and a pain in the ass to kill. So naturally the last mission is PACKED with them. After you complete all the tasks and have to escape, you're gonna have to go through a room with at least 6 of them. Good luck. I died like 5 times there before I memorized the layout and decided to make a run for it. They're deadly but pretty slow.

I guess I have to give this game props for not having any escort missions, turret sections, tank-driving sections or horde-mode sections. But then again this game doesn't really have much of anything. I beat it in 4.4 hours, but that's including deaths, unskippable briefing cutscenes and my tinkering to launch it on Linux. So in reality there's less than 4 hours of real gameplay here. I'd honestly rather recommend Medal of Honor: Heroes instead. It's a more modest, less expensive, but much more polished and fun implementation of mostly the same formula.

Muito fraco. Pior que os de PS2, parece mais um retrocesso do que um avanço pra franquia. O hitbox desse jogo é um dos (se não O) pior que eu já vi.