Reviews from

in the past

Metroidvania muito, muito bom, algumas boss fights e inimigos são bem ridiculos e achei a quantidade de upgrades bem pequena, mas um otimo metroidvania

Momodora is a great example of how simple games can be great at the same time. This game is a must play for anyone who enjoy metroidvanias.

Starting off, I want to comment about how great the sprite work is here. The 4:3 aspect ratio actually works pretty well here and the animations are very fluid. The environments look incredible and the backgrounds are very nice to take in. Sometimes, it adds to the dark vibe that some areas give off. Speaking of vibes though, the music is also really good, but the game also knows when to pull back and just let you sink in. The 2nd area of the game doesn't have much happening in music and its to set the tone of the setting. You aren't in a happy place, you're in a desolate, empty kingdom with few left who are struggling along. Enemies you fight are actual ghosts, skeletons, the people from the kingdom who have died. It has a cutesy exterior but the inside is rather saddening.

Gameplay is pretty nice too, Its pretty smooth, its precise to control, and I never had any issues with movement. Its pretty much your standard metroidvania stuff but without the whole 2 castle thing that castlevania does often or having to do new game plus for the true ending, or find a bunch of random books around the castle stuff. Its also a metroidvania without too much backtracking which I like. What I mean specifically is that the games events are pretty laid out, you have branching paths but you aren't going to be lead astray to random areas you can't do much in. In my run, it was clear where I needed to go and most the times, there was no need to run back through areas. You COULD run through previous areas if you wanted to find some extra looties but its not integral to finishing the game. I even got the true ending without having to put in much effort. Most metroidvania games require you to do some extremely confusing or tedious things to get the true ending.

A couple gripes though, is that contact damage on enemies is inconsistent. Some have it and some don't. Personally, I don't think any of them should have it, in a game where your melee weapon has a short range and requires you to get real close and your melee attacks make you walk forward too. It's not that big of a deal but it's probably my biggest issue. Most of the bosses are good but the flame one, and you'll know it when you get there, isnt that good. It's not terrible but it enforces a passive playstyle.

Play this game though, it's not that expensive, it has tons of love poured in it, and it's one of my personal favorites of the genre. BUY IT NOW!

o artstyle é muito fofo! adorei a jogatina.

played and completed within my Spanish class
I like the art, background music and the somewhat hack and slash aspect. realistically slash and use your bow. still waiting for the next installment

imp girls and witch girls and demon girls and so on

Wonderful sprite work, really made the game stand out as it's own. Controls felt responsive and tight so beating bosses felt really rewarding when i mastered movement.


La primera mitad se me ha hecho pesada porque se siente que se alarga sin más (un par de glifos están por estar al no ser mejoras cruciales, y estamos hablando de 2 DE 4) por lo que se me ha enguarrinao un poco el conjunto. No es malo, ojo, pero no sé.

It was fun but somehow much more frustrating than the last, maybe because it was longer. Movement felt good but also stiff for when it really counted in tight fights and I have reasons to think that Lunatic was not properly considered which, doing it last, is gonna make me say a lot more negative things to hell and back so I will just give my rate for the base normal game. It's alright but didn't do anything intensely interesting or engaging for me. The blue boss was probably one of the draggiest to replay through.

eu nunca pensei em jogar momodora nesta vida vital, porem.. uma pessoa muito especial acabou indo "embora" e ele me enchia o saco pra poder jogar..e joguei ele e sim um bom jogo no final das contas... porem não sei se eu zero ou não :/

esse jogo é incrível e o fato do criador ser brasileiro deixa ele ainda melhor.

Joguei em 2019, e lembro de ter gostado bastante e achado algumas coisas bem diferentes e inovadoras. Tive algumas ressalvas à movimentação e uns aspectos do combate, mas minha memória não tá tão fresca em relação a esses detalhes.

Tô jogando a sequência agora. Quando terminar, com certeza vai ser uma análise mais completa!

first thirty minutes were the hardest metroidvania I've played and last thirty minutes are the easiest I've played what the fuck is this, reversed difficulty curve. nice pixel art, short but entertaining, would smack lubellas watermelons again and can I get an F for Kaho

Plataformer básico, os sprites são bem simples e a movimentação não é tão dinâmica e precisa.

A great game that I couldn't be bothered to finish, a bit. My curse with metroidvanias is that I may need to look up a guide for them at some point, and then I can't retread my ground and I lose interest quite a bit. Up until I hit that wall, the game was excellent. combat felt really good, and except for a few of the unclear platforming segments, the game is pretty fair. The real place the game shines is in its aesthetic. Beautiful and cute pixel art with a lot of varied animations and atmosphere to the areas. None of them quite feel totally new, but none of them feel unoriginal. The story wasn't too gripping either, but didn't seem bad for what I paid attention to, just isn't revealed through much except a few dialogue sequences.

meu primeiro metroidvania, porém voltando pra rejogar ele, o jogo não é tão bom quanto eu lembrava

Amazing game, the art style that is used with the game is amazing and the gameplay was really fun. the game has good pixel art and loved the different characters that were in the game.

It's decent but nothing too special jumping from Momodora 3 just much better sprite and animation work going on here it's a slow paced but short metroidvania light on complexity and back tracking I'd probably recommend it to a first timer to both this series and the genre honestly. Story is there it does a decent job and there's much greater atmosphere and artistry at play than what came before it. More bosses that are fun but not too challenging by any means. Less awkwardness with how it plays looks and feels but still not doing anything really special for me. It's a good time though!

If u like metroidvanias about little witches and big boobs, you will probably like this game

Le pegue en las tetas a una mina

daora, mas o 5 é infinitamente superior

metroid & vania
quase perfeito

Gorgeous sprite art, awesome gothic horror atmosphere, tight gameplay. This game whips.

A bit too short and not as complex mechanically as I would've liked. Still, I did want to play more, and I'll likely give the latest Momodora game a go eventually.

People who were complaining about Moonlit Farewell not being a worthy successor to, and I quote, "one of the best metroidvanias out there", I ask sincerely: What the shit?

+ Probably my favorite indie Metroidvania (yes, beating out Ori and Hollow Knight)
- I played this game so many whisky sours ago that I can't remember any specific negatives about it. But I do seem to recall bosses not being able to keep up with player strength towards the end.

okay so. i LOVE metroidvanias. given how hollow knight is one of my favorite games, this just had to be exactly my type of game. and yes, i was right. the fourth installment of the series makes a complete shift in gameplay, giving it elements of souls like and metroidvania. its not a long game by any means but you can definitely get the most out of it by 100%ing it. the world is really great built and doesnt feel as small as the map is in the end. story is finally a little more meaningful and not just "there". you get several sidequests in this game, some collectibles that are just enough not to get annoying and 2 different endings you can get. my first playthrough took me about 6 hours and i just really enjoyed every minute of these.
music wise however, i think it took a step back. given how this game was obviously more focused on changing its gameplay roots thats not really a surprise. however the ost is not bad - just didnt stick with me as much as 2 & 3s ost did and still do.
anyway. play this!