Reviews from

in the past

A bit too short and not as complex mechanically as I would've liked. Still, I did want to play more, and I'll likely give the latest Momodora game a go eventually.

People who were complaining about Moonlit Farewell not being a worthy successor to, and I quote, "one of the best metroidvanias out there", I ask sincerely: What the shit?

+ Probably my favorite indie Metroidvania (yes, beating out Ori and Hollow Knight)
- I played this game so many whisky sours ago that I can't remember any specific negatives about it. But I do seem to recall bosses not being able to keep up with player strength towards the end.

okay so. i LOVE metroidvanias. given how hollow knight is one of my favorite games, this just had to be exactly my type of game. and yes, i was right. the fourth installment of the series makes a complete shift in gameplay, giving it elements of souls like and metroidvania. its not a long game by any means but you can definitely get the most out of it by 100%ing it. the world is really great built and doesnt feel as small as the map is in the end. story is finally a little more meaningful and not just "there". you get several sidequests in this game, some collectibles that are just enough not to get annoying and 2 different endings you can get. my first playthrough took me about 6 hours and i just really enjoyed every minute of these.
music wise however, i think it took a step back. given how this game was obviously more focused on changing its gameplay roots thats not really a surprise. however the ost is not bad - just didnt stick with me as much as 2 & 3s ost did and still do.
anyway. play this!

jogo mt bom, mas da pra zerar em umas horinhas

Isso foi a melhor coisa que Vito Gemaplys recomendou só perdendo pra Dark Souls

Un metroidvania ligerito ideal para cuando tienes una tarde libre y no sabes qué hacer. Además, cuenta con un pixel art muy bonito, un lore interesante y puedes transformarte en un gatete, qué más queréis, jugadlo.

cute and short metroidvania, but the audio mixing is really bad on certain sounds for some reason? would still recommend

Really nice pixel art, visually the game is a nice treat.

Story is very light, a couple dialogue here and there. Wasn't what I was looking for here, so no issues.

Gameplay wise, the combat is quite satisfying, but simplistic and very easy, at least in normal mode. I didn't die a single time to bosses or enemies, except when knocked back into spikes.

Movement is on the slower side, but works well. Platforming also stayed easy, with the annoying caveat that spikes instantly kill you, which was annoying a couple times.

Overall, a short and sweet little game that kept me entertained for a couple train rides.

The pc controls are genuinely the worst thing ever so a controller is kind of a must

It shows a huge gap in every aspect compared to its predecessor. The combat, sub items mechanics, bosses, characters, and enemies greatly improved. The soundtrack is essential in setting the mood of the whole game, giving the dark and isolating vibe of a land in ruins.

Fun little metroidvania, really fascinated by the world in the same way as some of the better soulslikes. Gorgeous art and fun responsive combat/platforming.

esse jogo é incrível e o fato do criador ser brasileiro deixa ele ainda melhor.

Joguei em 2019, e lembro de ter gostado bastante e achado algumas coisas bem diferentes e inovadoras. Tive algumas ressalvas à movimentação e uns aspectos do combate, mas minha memória não tá tão fresca em relação a esses detalhes.

Tô jogando a sequência agora. Quando terminar, com certeza vai ser uma análise mais completa!

first thirty minutes were the hardest metroidvania I've played and last thirty minutes are the easiest I've played what the fuck is this, reversed difficulty curve. nice pixel art, short but entertaining, would smack lubellas watermelons again and can I get an F for Kaho

Plataformer básico, os sprites são bem simples e a movimentação não é tão dinâmica e precisa.

Even though it's short, damn did i love every second of this game

Really fun metroidvania, although some mechanics annoy me.

Nice little Castlevania-like, that includes platforming elements usually left off in this world of "metroidvanias".

She would save you instead of herself, a thousand times over.

When the series jumped from amateur passion project to a intro the metroidvania classics pantheon.
Even darker and clearly inspired by Fromsoft Souls series, everything hot overhaul with beautiful big sprites and animations. The levels can be a bit too dark at times and not as detailed in those instances but its still a joy to playtrough.

finally completed this one, gonna go for moonlit farewell soon

This game is fucking insane.

Imagine developing a 3 part series on your own for fun and then getting the funding from Patreon to do a 4th game and deciding to go all in.

And you knock it out of the fucking park.

This is one of the few games I've 100%'d. This is one of the few games I've played at least 10 or more times through. This game's movement is amazing. This game's combat is amazing. This game's atmosphere is the best I've seen in an indie game, with maybe only Hollow Knight beating it a year later.

There's a giant witch with huge tits that curses you to turn into a cat.

Oh and once you beat it, you can go back and beat every boss without getting hit to find their absolutely broken secret boss items. Fucking genius!

God this game is great, I'm going to go play it again brb.

really great metroidvania. bosses are the obvious highlight; they're ridiculously fun and pretty challenging. the general combat isn't anything crazy, as most enemies are stunned after one hit (outside of bosses obviously)

great visuals and music build an excellent atmosphere throughout, though the story feels pretty one-note and basic. most of the fun with progression comes with abilities you acquire, not the plot itself

i'd highly recommend this one to metroidvania fans. it's a bit punishing, especially at the start, but finishing it is endlessly satisfying

Primeiramente gostaria de agradecer a minha amiga por ter comprado esse jogo, assim eu pude experiência-lo;)

Então, gostei muito do jogo, atmosfera incrível, pena que é bem pequeno, mas dá pra ver que foi feito com muito carinho.

A gameplay é bem simples mas dá pra se divertir com ela.

O jogo também é muito lindo e eu amo a pixel art dele.

A música é na maior parte ambiente, mas também são muito boas, e vale mencionar que padoner's dance é incrível e perfeita.

Eu também fiz 100% do jogo e foi divertido demais, espero que no futuro eu possa ter a oportunidade de jogar os outros momodoras.

Jogo bom, é meio curto mas bem feito não tem nada de mais mas é divertido, como o um bolo de vó, simples mas feito com carinho