Reviews from

in the past

Wild game. Play ASAP, Know as Little As Possible.

The fact you have to look up a walkthrough to even progress apart from running around aimlessly is horrible. Couldn't even get out of the first house

Somehow wound up in the backrooms, which while fun when it initially happens was rather annoying after realizing there was no escape.

One star because the bit I saw was impressive mapping. The other star is because they got this to work in Doom.

MyHouse.wad is impressive in no other way than from
a technical point of view

My House isn't just a map; it's a mind-bending journey through the twisted labyrinth of Mackola's creativity. The symbolism, from the sinks to the dark world, is a testament to the chaotic nature of the Shovelware experience. The random skulls, evil dog encounters, and the greyscale journey culminating in a showdown with Shrek (standing in for Duds__) in a Shovelware graveyard create an immersive experience. This map is more than a tribute; it's a psychedelic trip into Mackola's world. Rating it is an insult; it transcends conventional scoring, deserving recognition as a unique expression of gaming art.

Score: Scale not high enough, transcends convential scoring

Liminal mood pack but for people who love Doom (weirdos). I think some people kinda.... dont know what "liminal" is supposed to mean tho. It doesnt just mean "normal place but no people". Some moments of brilliance tho.

Not gonna lie, I got really lost my first playthrough, but I managed to get through it, fantastic experience

myhouse.wad has reached that point where its reputation precedes it. There's no surprise factor it can rely upon.

So the ingenuity of design at work here really speaks for itself. myhouse.wad is a madcap backrooms horror piece, wrapped in the most 90s packaging possible (a doom level). It has an eloquence that many indie horror attempts do not possess.

This is the craziest arg I stumbled into for like 3 hours holy shit

Noo he jugado solo me he visto el vídeo del jambo ese pero si es para dioses

An overall enjoyable experience.
One of the most technically impressive Wads to date, and also one of the most overrated. Watching the Doomworld forum in real time turn from genuine discussion into ARG/creepypasta nonsense, and eventual doxxing is one of the most depressing experiences I had (gaming wise) all year.
If you watched some dork's video essay on this instead of playing it yourself I hate you btw


fun puzzle horror about having gay sex

unrelatable (i live in a flat)

Holy shit... I... I don't even know... but that was something else.

One of the best Doom mod next to Total Chaos, Highly recommended to Play it before looking up anything about it, trust me you're in for 10 minutes of pure fun.

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Straight up an insane level of commitment to create something this good and affecting inside of DOOM II in 2023. My biggest issue with it is my main problem with most horror games: multiple endings. Once I experienced my blind playthrough I realized I only saw half of what the mod had to offer. I went back to experience everything else through a guide. At that point I was just watching a behind the scenes supplemental featurette. This was no longer the personal, affecting experience I had at first, it was just a fun guide through a haunted house with all the lights on. Restricting multiple really cool areas through cryptic hints is kind of a let down, but on the flip side I really appreciate how everyone can get their own personal experience from this. I almost wish the file deleted itself right after I finished my first playthrough.

We booted up the .wad instead of the .pk3 or whatever because we don't know anything about doom. We got all the keys in the house and finished the level. After playing like 7 more levels of regular doom 2 we figured something was up and realized we were doing it wrong.

As someone with no real experience with doom or doom mods I thought it was pretty cool. I was mostly just found the atmosphere, architecture, stange geometry stuff very engaging. Very fun to explore. We did use a guide, I don't think we would have seen much at all if we were trying to figure it out on our own. It was fun though. I didn't really try to follow the narrative at all, and im not interested in the meta fictional stuff surrounding the game. This was cool though. Got me to play some doom, which is actually fun, and I'd be interested seeing what other weird mod stuff exists.

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An extremely vast collection of great ideas in a format that I'd otherwise not be likely to give the time of day but the problem is is that there's just so freaking much crammed in here. Still very worth giving a try and then watching the Power Pak video on youtube to get the explanations for everything.

best backrooms experience, AND doom wad!

If you're gonna make a horror game built on someone else's tech, hard to beat the sheer pleasure that comes out of it being DOOM. The level design here is really amazing - so many incredible recurring details, slightly changed at just the right time. I have no real interest in hyper-arcane puzzles so if I ever go back for the true ending it'll be with a walkthrough open lol.

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of Doom II mods, but it is very rare that one becomes distinguished enough to attract attention outside of the Doom community. MyHouse.wad is a simple map of the house of a childhood friend of the author. There's definitely nothing else here. The less you know about this game going in, the better. I will say that this is not a traditional mod, and even if you don't care for Doom, it's still worth your time, as the normal monster hunting gameplay isn't the focus here, it's the level design. Even if it's very obtuse as to what you're supposed to be doing, casual exploration can be just as rewarding as actually making progress. Good luck.

A technical achievement, a house inside a game inside a game. Dozens of landscapes running on layers of abstractions (trauma inside multiple liminal walls put together on modified software), as a goodbye letter. This gets Doom better than any other Doom after Doom

I wish I had stuck with it longer before looking to guides and stream vods
Love how many questions stay unanswered

My pasta?
My spaces?
My pyro?
My gaming?
My doom?
My house?
My sex?

Haven't really played it but more like watched it via a bunch of streamers, so I feel like I've experienced this game way too much time to rank it, and of course, It's peak !!

playing doom WADs to me is like playing some random browser-based game
i dont expect much of it, i know its not gonna be a huge time sink
but i know i'll probably be entertained by it (at least for a little bit) and if i'm not, i can just drop it and literally forget about it
and honestly
thats exactly what this was
but longer, and more involved (i looked up the originating forum thread and read through it all after i played through it once)
this game has a backstory if you search for it, but it doesn't really "explain" the whole plot of the game, which i think is done on purpose because it very much feels like a personal, private project made public
i dont really have much else to say without spoiling this game (and honestly i'm not even sure there's much to talk about regarding the quality of the story since it plays more like an autobiography than a story)
if you have a few hours free, don't want to commit several days into something, and know how to set up gzdoom (it's not hard at all trust me), give this a try
even if it doesn't intrigue you too much, i don't think it'll leave you with a sour taste in your mouth and you get to tell people you play doom WADs (like me!)

goty 2023 is a fucking doom 2 mod