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in the past

While I'm tempted to lean into the joke and give a nudge and wink and say something clever and unassuming, the reality is that this map is insane and I am in love with it.

My man somehow managed to dig up a forum account with 17 years of posting history specifically for this map? The google drive is full of goodies and a major plot point is hidden as a QR code on a gravestone! And I haven't even mentioned what actually happens within the wad pk3.

Game of the Year.

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É muito bem feito mas é creepypastoso demais pro meu gosto. Sei lá, vi vários lugares falando sobre como MyHouse é a coisa mais impressionante e assustadora do ano, mas é literalmente um jogo que te faz cair nos Backrooms quando você habilita o noclip e também bota o Shrek como inimigo em um dos mapas. E essas referências extremamente batidas só me tiram da atmosfera que o jogo consegue construir muito bem em certos lugares.

Enfim, gosto muito da música e da forma como o espaço impossível é uma possibilidade pra descobrir segredos e não só um espetáculo barato estilo Bloober Games de "A porta que estava atrás de você? Agora sumiu uuuuuuhhll".

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so now that i have spent many hours with My House I feel really comfortable digging into it. i found this to be a very emotional experience, and that is mostly due to it coming out at a very specific time for me.

my friend passed away earlier this month, and this game really does capture the sorrow of losing someone so close to you in such a tangible way. the place where they were is now empty, it feels haunted, when i found him that night i spent a few days wishing our apartment would burn down and take every last memory with it, i wished it would stand where it was forever as an untouched monument to him. i would find myself mentally there again, opening his bedroom door. The collection of artifacts that relate to him, there is a burning truth to how My House presents grief and how it really is its own non-euclidean nightmare.

Places that once brought you joy now feel flooded, burnt out, grey and lifeless, your ability to keep track of time and place dissolves as you end up somewhere again and again without knowing why you got there. Things that used to not mean much to you like their favorite drink now carry a significance to them. It captures the things that you can't describe to someone else about it, it really felt therapeutic to feel understood by the game.

The fact that this is done in Doom is a testament to how expertly crafted it is, how the blown-up JPEG of a house really sells the narrative that this is just another house map made in Doom. The tragedy, to me, is that my friend would have loved this mod, this was exactly the kind of shit he went crazy for. Now it's a very personal thing to me as I try to understand why he left me.

My House is not going to be for everyone, we are basically counting down until Markiplier is shrieking over it and there are a dozen of Doom wads about scary houses, but until then this is a powerful piece of grieving that makes you walk through its halls and observe the damage it does.

Perhaps there is also something to be said for how damaging it is the deeper we dig into the meanings, the what's and why's. The distortion becomes unbearable the deeper down the rabbit hole we go. Maybe it was best to leave it as it was while we had the chance? But they left us with so few answers we feel we have to dig deeper.

If I have to complain about something that is free that I felt like I should have paid money for, parts do require you be better at Doom than you might expect. So if you aren't used to circle-strafing and dodging, this mod is actually pretty tough in spots. Other than that, I hope to God no more Doom mods illicit this kind of emotion out of me again.

Terrifying. Absolutely chilling. I genuinely felt so much during my short time with MyHouse, a map so liminal and passing that it perfectly mimics the feeling of growing up and the loss of innocence. There are those who complain that the 'story' behind the map is fake, or too manufactured, or even just too weird or played out. But at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter. If we're looking at real loss, MyHouse becomes a touching tribute complete with meditations on grief, moving on, and revisiting the past on a very human level. If it's just how it was written, then I don't think much is lost anyways if the audience is able to connect with the material's ideas and emotional core.

This is the type of map that should get someone hired in games immediately. I feel changed and unsettled from such a deep, immersive, and emotional-yet-short Doom II map/hack.

very cool. weirdly related to a lot of the themes this presents. made me kinda sad.

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Very impressive work technically and visually and auditorily (they have got to tell me who did the ambient songs for this i need to listen to their work because the stuff here is incredible) but it falls to the same exact issues Yume Nikki does. The atmosphere is impressive until you get stuck somewhere for 10 minutes and have to pull up a wiki page (that spoils everything if you move your eyes in the wrong direction) to figure out what obscure thing you have to do to trip the flag that lets you progress to the next part. (Also not huge on the "liminal space" aesthetic that's rampant here, I think it's executed about as well as it can be, but like, empty airports and such are still kind of played out i feel.)

Judging by how much people love Yume Nikki, I'm clearly in the minority opinion as far as my repulsion towards oblique progression goes (honestly, i can barely even get through an old point-and-click adventure game, i'm definitely the weird one), so I'm just gonna chock this one whiffing on me up to personal taste

Aside: while the game itself i can easily see someone appreciating a ton, the metatextual ARG/Creepypasta shit really sucks lol, imagine turning a seemingly earnest depiction of grief into some lame "the computer is haunted and its killing me what da hell" shit

"House of Leaves inspired Doom mod" is one of the most esoteric concepts you could probably ever cook up, but man, it sure is an esoteric concept aimed specifically at me.

There's a lot to process and unpack, but I don't think the constant comparisons to Yume Nikki are off the mark here: Myhouse is one of those things best experienced rather than actively discussed, even if the (adorably obvious in its adoration for Danielewski's writing) actual "plot" and imagery around the house has a plenty to delve into, analyze and chew on.

On the technical side of things Myhouse is probably the single most impressive feat in the Zdoom engine to date, which is all the more impressive considering the community around that source port (and Doom as a whole) has become more and more defined by getting as much mileage as (im)possible out of a thirty-year-old engine. I don't have as many positive things to say about the actual Doom aspects of it - there's enemy spam at work here that would put Plutonia to shame - but that's not really what you're playing Myhouse for.

The best Doom Mod I've ever played

nuff said

Definitely too chicken shit to actually play this, but the video essays and blind playthroughs I watched were absolutely fascinating. The video made by Power Pak is the one that hooked me, and as somebody that knows nothing about the Doom modding scene, his explanations of how cool some of the design elements were made me respect the hell out of this project. I’m also a sucker for this ARG type of storytelling, and boy is this one good.

I'm never financially recovering from this game. One of the most amazing experiences I had playing a game in years, and I cannot stress enough how much you need to play this if you like FPS or horror. Please go as blind as possible as you can.
God I love modding, it's so important for gaming.

While the general consensus seems to be that you should go into this as blind as possible, I'll be the voice of dissent and say that you should do what works for you. If you, like me, tend to shy away from horror games, it might be worth watching a video essay first, and then playing the game afterwards, so that you feel "prepared." But if you feel like you can handle it, then you should definitely go for it blind. Either way, the video essays are definitely worth watching for their deep dives into the supplemental lore. Whatever way you decide to approach this wonderfully unique experience is fine. Just make sure you don't miss it.

Technically impressive, but it just feels like another of those "eerie empty places" horror that all the kids nowadays like

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DOOM meets House of leaves

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I'll be that guy and say that I can't really tell if all these people talking of a strong emotional attachment to it are just another part of the joke. The obviously fake picture that sets things running in the Doomworld thread is so obviously fake - and arguably so deliberately obviously fake - that I found it extremely easy to not only see through the ruse right away (something later confirmed by many other hints both in the map itself and outside of it), but to also immediately dismiss all the weepy story elements as mere vehicles for the admittedly impressive map trickery on display. On a technical level, this is a very accomplished wad, repeatedly twisting upon itself in unpredictable ways without ever falling apart; but I find it hard to connect on a deeper level with something so light on gameplay that I also found to be ultimately empty of meaning. Let's just say I'm not really in a hurry to read House of Leaves right now.

At the end of the day, its best (meta-)narrative riff is still releasing something this wild as a "MyHouse.wad" to the Doomworld forums in 2023 and just trusting it would find its audience... but even that crazy gambit is maybe not as ballsy as it looks, with a few super high profile forum members suspiciously showing up in the thread to nudge people into checking it out after a couple days of inactivity, before it had gained any traction, when it might have been otherwise doomed to obscurity if it didn't outright show its hand. Who is - or should I say, who are this "Veddge" person, anyway?

(May 26 edit: this is the worst thing to happen to Doom since Brutal Doom)

(November 03 edit: lmao wait a minute this guy actually doxxed himself what a moron)

A reminder that Doom is, fundamentally, a creature of the American suburbs: spawned from the childhoods of Carmack and Romero, shot through the not-entirely-unreal spaces of the first game's levels, and sprawling across a modding community of people who grew up in houses and yards they could recreate. The real murderheads will probably get the most out of this, and there's very obviously a ton of Internet ARG Stuff going on, but this is still a hell of a thing. Worth playing if you have even a passing interest in Doom, have ever played and enjoyed the base games. Why not just play custom wads forever?

fantastic, this somehow checks off like every box for me to love it.

solving this blindly was a great experience man

Christ. I didn’t expect a Yume Nikki like open experience that could move me from a doom wad of all things.

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really cool and genuinely nice doom map. my first time seeing a puzzle/story map like this for this game, and it reminds me a lot of some conceptual meta game id see on roblox. id really like to see more of this stuff elsewhere

story and themes youd have to think on and piece together yourself because the blurbs and messages are vague, nonspecific, but still touch something weird inside of you

my god is it convoluted and the "final boss" is a little much but i really, really do like seeing the steps of the puzzles laid out and how people connected them all together

and it is really genuinely scary sometimes. i dont think it ever ever jumpscares you, aside from a hidden little monster going bwooargh at you in the dark but those long hallways, the spaces without music, those were fucking scary. love love love the constantly changing and shifting house, one of my favorite "tropes" ever

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the first 2-3 hours were truly magical, and luckily i experienced most of the game at that point but i had to use a guide after a while when hitting the same ending over and over. i dont mind using guides in games where the story is more interesting than the gameplay (faith, who's lila, moon, siren) but the last enemy encounter is so lazy and unbalanced it kind of ruined the ending for me. i was on the hardest difficulty so maybe thats my fault but even so i can't imagine someone on an easier difficulty enjoying themselves there.


also, i just finished who's lila, and pretty much any meta/arg narrative is just gonna be "not as good as who's lila", wasn't too impressed but i still enjoyed it

Robert Shearman SCP/They Hunger Yume Nikki-fication Surgery
This was/is neat. Played it alongside a livestream doing the same, comparing Thea's playthru with theirs.
Glad that this is how it is and how far it pushed the DOOM engine and can appreciate it as that, don't feel blown away or super entranced, just vibing with the spooks like the ghoul Thea is.

House of Leaves jumpscare


It's got a gay love story and if the video essayists that go crazy on this do not talk about it i am stealing from their onion drawers

this is what happens when you buy more land in the metaverse

Taking a star off because the finale is blatant enemy spam, but really well done otherwise.